Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1541: Tenjin area

Xiu Xing Tian Shen frowned, seeing Yi Tianyun ignore himself, and his heart raged.

"Kid, do you think that you have a master who is a great elder, you can see everything? Here, we must act according to the rules of the repairing gods, not in accordance with the rules of the vast gods!" Directly reaching for Yi Tianyun's side, a force emerged in the void, and pressed down on his head, "Give me a slap!"

For this kind of situation without elders, it is definitely uncomfortable to repair the stars and gods. No matter what the rules of the outside world are, it is a big mistake to commit crimes in the domain of repairing the gods!

Feeling the pressure of embarrassment, Yi Tianyun has always been the body, and the title of Super Tianzun has been released, which can offset the power of the gods that have been crushed. Plus his strength is not bad, this power for him, there is no sense of pressure.

The star of Shen Xing Tian Shen sank, did not expect his own hand, actually did not have any effect on Yi Tianyun, which made him feel very shameful.

"Bold, even dare to resist!" Xiu Xing Tian Shen was so angry that he waved his hand and stormed over here, wanting to suppress Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold, but I did not expect this star to be able to do it. He took a heavy shot, and if he was photographed, he would definitely not die, but he must be seriously injured. The repairing star is very heavy, obviously it is anger.

"Crazy damage mode, open!"

Yi Tianyun quickly turned on the power, the combat power was hurriedly violent, and the figure disappeared in the same place, and instantly moved to the side of the star of the star, and the foot was suddenly slammed into the past.

"咚", the star of the repairing star was flew out by a kick, directly hitting the wall on the side, causing a sharp impact.

"Oh..." Xiu Xing Tian Shen snorted, suddenly suffered a bit of internal injury, the mouth corners are overflowing with blood.

This foot is not light, but it is not very heavy. If Yi Tianyun really kills the past, he will definitely kill the Stars, but he has not done so.

If you do this, you must be held accountable, and you don't want to make it difficult for the vast gods. Since the opponent does not intend to have his own life, then he will not want the other person's life.

In this case, the people next to them were shocked. They didn't expect the Stars to be beaten, this is Tianzun! Even if some pre-judgment errors, how to predict the error is so big? Even the attack that the gods did not react to, how strong?

"You, you dare to resist, look for death!" Xiu Xing Tian Shen shot the ground angrily, flew up from the ground, the power of the gods broke out completely, and instantly shrouded the temple.

"Why can't I resist? My master is a god-cultivating domain, but I am not a god-cultivating domain. Since I am not a disciple of the Tiantian domain, why should I follow the rules here?" Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, they have no Joining the Tianshen domain, the last time I just came to prove that the method of the vast **** is correct.

It is impossible to let them join the Shutian domain. Moreover, even the vast gods, are not going to let them join the Shutian Shenyu, let them stay in the vast Shenzong.

The star of the repairing star is gloomy and terrible: "Even so, if you come here, you must follow the rules here! It seems that I have to help the elders to teach you a meal!"

He really wants to be blown up by air. He is a **** of heaven, so he was sent out by Tian Zun. Say what his face is. How can he teach Yi Tianyun, or he really has no face.

When he just wanted to teach Yi Tianyun, he uploaded a low voice: "Who is it, will you teach my disciples for me?"

The vast gods will come over and look at the star gods coldly.

Xiu Xing Tian Shen saw the vast gods come over, the momentum quickly received, not dare to let go, but he is still sinking: "The elders, your disciples commit the following, if you do not care, it is easy to attract things outside. I am here to take care of you, so as not to break the reputation of Xiu Tian Shen domain!"

"That's my own thing, it has nothing to do with you. If there is nothing, please quit." The vast gods completely ignored him.

"Oh, the words have come to this point, then don't say more!" The star of the gods turned and took away with him. The status of the vast **** is much higher than that of him. If he does not obey, it is his turn to commit the following.

Originally he was a loser, Yi Tianyun was equal to the visitor, why follow the rules here? Moreover, he did not do anything, just do not say hello, Xiu Xing Tianshen really what character is he?

After the Star of the Stars, the vast **** looked at Yi Tianyun and smiled: "I just walked away for a little while, and I immediately went out."

"No way, the disciple couldn't sit still, and he went out for a lap. Who knows he met him." Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders. "It seems that the master is here, and it is not yet stable."

"That's for sure. I just came in. It didn't take long. If I didn't make any big contribution, who would obey me? I really have been away for too long..." Hao Hao Tianshen smiled and said: "But, don't say this thing." Now we can set off."

Followed by the vast gods, he took him away. Before they left, some people came out from the side, looked a little closer to this side, and turned and left, afraid to tell something.

The vast gods with Yi Tianyun left the Shutian domain directly, and took the spirit ship to fly to other gods. The vast **** on the road explained: "In fact, the place that takes you is quite simple, it is a region of the gods. Because you broke through The level of Tianzun is basically no danger."

"The area of ​​the gods?" Yi Tianyun stunned, it is doubtful: "Is it a gods and monuments?"

"Almost, because the space is not stable, it is too low to be too long to stay there for a long time, so you need to break through to Tianzun. Go there, you will have a stroll around, and you will be able to practice it. There, There are a lot of powers of the gods, you are going to feel this time." The vast **** explained.

"Master is not a god, I feel the power of your god, not on the line?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"This is not the same, it is the power of the ancient gods. For the teacher is often feeling there, a little understanding of what, in order to successfully break through." Hao Hao Tianshen smiled: "Your brothers are like this. I will take them to this area to practice and think about it in advance. To break through the gods, we must start from Tianzun, and then slowly go to the sentiment, and it may have gone the wrong way."

Yi Tianyun nodded, and the road of Tianzun was not easy to go. It seemed to break through to Tianzun, and he had to walk out of his own path.

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