Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1546: Dead space turbulence

After the outbreak of the Stars, the difficulty of dealing with it has risen sharply, far exceeding the previous level. Obviously, through sneak attacks, it is not so easy to recruit.

Killing two gods in a row, if the star **** is still not vigilant, then it is really a fool.

After the eruption of the Stars, the gods quickly attacked Yi Tianyun, and every attack was to death, and the trick was fatal!

Yi Tianyun can only quickly go to the side to hide, where dare to hit hard, he is now no different from the repair star Tianshen, if it is hard, it must be his loss.

"Either it is to delay or to escape..."

He has only two choices now. If he continues to delay the time, the Stars will definitely be exhausted. Nowadays, the Star of the Stars is a full-blown outbreak. According to this situation, it is definitely impossible to last.

I don’t know how long it will last. At least Yi Tianyun now, under continuous attack, can only barely avoid, and occasionally will be affected, the body has a feeling of being torn.

Either you choose to escape, if you run away, you can still escape from the hands of a god.

A little weighed, Yi Tianyun thought, and can only choose to escape. It seems that for a while, the Xiu Xing Tian Shen will not exhaust, if he is forced to the corner, it is really a very troublesome thing.

Immediately, he quickly fled to the side, and the speed rose directly to the fastest, leaving the star of the star to the back.

"I don't want to escape!"

After Xiu Xing Tian Shen saw his intentions, he chased it up at a faster speed. He didn't want Yi Tianyun to escape. If he escaped, he would be really finished.

After all, Yi Tianyun went back and said to the vast god, then he must be finished. Even if there is no evidence, the vast gods must believe in their own disciples, and will not believe in him.

Under an outbreak, the distance was quickly shortened, and it was brought close at once, and three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao were quickly picked up and wrapped around Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun’s heart sinks and he can’t easily escape. He can only choose hard resistance. There are a lot of space turbulent alongside, and I dare not arbitrarily move away with an instant move.

"Give me a drive!"

Yi Tianyun broke out with all his strength and waved his long shots. Three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao flew over and collided with his attack.


A violent impact, direct bombardment, and he flew out in one fell swoop, rolling for several laps in a row, the body's internal organs rolled over and felt like shifting.

He quickly healed himself, reversed his body and fled to other areas. Suddenly the void around me began to twist, followed by a rapid collapse, and a huge space crack!

Followed by the violent turbulence of the space, the two of them were sucked in, and even if they had no chance to struggle, they were sucked in.

Yi Tianyun only felt the power of pulling, coming from below, and was swallowed at once, completely immersed in this space.

He felt that he couldn't break free from here anyway. As for what happened in a moment, there was no reaction at all, and he was completely locked up by this space.

"Space turbulence!" Xiu Tian Tian Shen's heart is cold, no longer continue to attack the past, but turned and fled outside.

The general spatial turbulence may still escape, but there is no way to escape easily. The turmoil in this space is too big. If it is involved, it will be dead! Even if it is not dead, who knows where it will be sent to, if it is a remote corner, or a dangerous area, do not know how to go.

Therefore, the first time, he immediately chose to give up and kill Yi Tianyun, and turned and fled. Moreover, according to this situation, he does not need to be personally shot, Yi Tianyun is dead here, where is he still needed to shoot?

"Come on, don't leave."

Yi Tianyun suddenly took a shot and passed it on. The energy was turned into essence. He rolled over here and then held the person.

"Give me loose!" The star of the Stars is angered by the weapons in his hands, and the energy that has been wounded is broken up.

Yi Tianyun's attack naturally can't intercept him, but it can delay a little time, and it's still no problem. Even if it is only a few seconds, it is enough.

This is the case now, delaying for a full or two seconds, following the turbulent flow of space, and pulling him in. This time, even the repairing star gods were dragged in, and both were trapped inside.

"You, you kid!" Xiu Xing Tianshen wanted to vomit blood, but did not expect that he was dragged in. Just now he almost escaped, but now he was dragged back.

Now, both of them have been involved.

"I didn't want to chase me just now? Now is not giving you a chance, come in, chase each other?" Yi Tianyun laughed, the space around the world was distorted, and there was an extremely dangerous feeling, surrounded by all directions.

But he is not afraid, what can he fear? I have a rebirth!

"You die when you die, but you still drag me in!" Xiu Xing Tian Shen wants to kill, but in this space turbulent flow, they are separated, and have been involved in the bottom.

This is like a whirlpool, and will continue to roll people in until they are dragged into the bottom. When I get there, waiting for their fate, whether it is dead or alive, it is really unknown.

"I don't want to die, I won't die." Yi Tianyun pointed at him and said, "You, you are dead. When you go to hell, remember to say hello to them. Your other companions will soon go down." Accompany you."

"At least until you die, I won't die!" Under the wrath of the star, the gods attacked and went to Yi Tianyun to attack. I wanted to kill Yi Tianyun before letting him die. Before yourself!

Yi Tianyun smiled a little and was too lazy to move. The attack of the star-killing gods was quickly torn by the space on the side. Wherever he could attack him, he could not touch it.

Not to mention that the attack was torn apart, and even their bodies began to collapse. They all clearly felt a horrible tearing force, ready to tear themselves into powder.

There is no doubt that this is a turbulent flow of death, not a time and space that can take people away. Being sent to other areas, there is still a chance to be alive, and now it is tearing them apart, meaning completely different.

"The turbulent flow of this space has just begun. Naturally, it is not the kind of space that can be moved out at will..." When Yi Tianyun came in, he immediately knew the space and directly smashed them.

As for the possibility of wanting to go out alive, it is basically zero! Unless it is a while, otherwise this space is the dead space!

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