Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1627: select

"This is the one!"

Lucky God clasped his long sword in his hand, and with a slight wave, a bright silver sword glimmered out, and it looked a bit bland, without too many highlights.

The whole long sword is just a touch of silver, and the rest looks nothing special. No matter from the decoration or the material, there is no special highlight.

"This is the silver moon sword!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, apparently very impressed with this sword. After shouting out, other practitioners were screaming, and it was obvious that they also remembered the silver moon sword.

"It's really a silver moon sword. It seems to be a battle artifact of the battle of the gods a long time ago. I don't know how many evil spirits have been dyed on the blood, killing countless. That will seriously damage the silver moon sword. Now it seems that Looks like it has recovered a lot... If you look at the grade, it is the next **** of the gods!"

"Yes, this is not the general lower **** of the gods, it is estimated that compared to the median gods Lingbao, it is not appropriate to let!"

"Lucky elders are lucky elders. I didn't expect to find such amazing treasures from this celestial pool!"

This day, the **** pool is actually equal to the waste **** pool. Although it can repair the treasure, the repair speed is very slow. Most practitioners feel that the repair cost is too high, or they are too lazy to fix it, and they are discarded here. If you like it very much, or if it's very good, fix it early, how can I discard it here?

Therefore, it is hard to hear that it is the waste pool. Most of the things here are unowned, and whoever wants them someday, get them from here.

However, it is not always possible to get it. With the consent of the elders, I can come and fish. You can't take more, you can only take one!

How to say, the discards here are countless treasures in the past, the grade is not low, and the blood is not weak. It’s still very good to fight.

Lucky God can get the Silver Moon Sword, which is already a very good level. For other practitioners, it is not bad to touch Tianzun Lingbao.

Some of the key points are still murderous, but it is not so free to recognize the Lord. If you come here to pick up treasures, you must have enough strength. Otherwise, even if you have nothing to do with the Lord, you can't easily fall.

"Silver Moon Sword, which is repaired in seven seven eight eight, the overall situation is good, the grade is equal to the lower **** of the gods!" Lucky God is very satisfied with this silver moon sword, immediately watching Yi Tianyun said: "This is the treasure I have chosen, but if you want to downgrade these high-quality treasures, you still need a higher level of cultivation."

"Your cultivation is slightly lower, even if you have the gods and spirits, you can't fall. So, as long as you can succumb to the superiority of the gods, the quality is not low, then you win!"

Yi Tianyun's cultivation is only the late stage of the median Tianzun. If it can surpass the lucky god, it will be too bad. Originally, Tianshen Lingbao was difficult to obtain. In this garbage dump, if you want to find it intact, the grade is not low, and the difficulty is even higher.

After all, looking down, the following is just a black lacquered group. If you just grab it, you can't find anything good. These are really made by luck, unless they are free to take it out and probe.

However, this is equivalent to a violation of the rules, that is, in the case of not exploring, it is a good check.

Some may be able to see that the grade is not low, and the internal rotten is not the same, it can only be judged as waste, even the treasure is not counted.

This silver moon sword has been restored 7 7 8 8 , in theory, is a good treasure, naturally it is a success.

Lucky God is so understanding, immediately let the practitioners around to admire a few points.

Yi Tianyun smiled and said nothing. Following the place where the lucky gods stood before, the empty space raised his hand and the lucky halo of the body broke out instantly.


An invisible force, one of them poured into the pool of heavenly gods, and quickly flew up with countless treasures, like a squid jumping dragon gate, and rushing over here.

Such a big battle is simply more exaggerated than the lucky god! These treasures rushed over and flew over, and they all wanted to invest in the arms of Yi Tianyun!

However, he can only pick one, so when he flies over, he is also easy to escape, without letting these treasures fall into his arms.

Everyone was shocked after seeing it. How is this battle more intense than the lucky god?

Generally, this kind of situation is often compared with the strength of the sky, in order to attract these treasures to fly over and automatically recognize the Lord. Followed by the luck, that is, the luck of picking good treasures.

After all, these treasures are spiritual. When you encounter a potential owner, you will definitely want to rush to recognize the Lord.

"This, the momentum of this outsider is even more exaggerated than the lucky elders!"

"Is this still a meditation? I stood here before, only a small part of the reaction, most of the reactions are not."

"What is the situation, oh, I don't understand!"

They have to go crazy, even the lucky gods are looking dumbfounded, she also lowered the standard, let Yi Tianyun get the superior Tianling Lingbao, and the quality is not bad, you can win her.

But nowadays, according to this situation, let alone the upper-level gods, and fear that it will come to the next gods and spirits, nothing to say!

Yi Tianyun ignored the gaze around him, his eyes constantly scanning around and seeing what treasures were right for him. But no matter how he looks, I feel that in general, how do I get a **** spirit?

He does not lack Tianzun Lingbao now, and there is really no one. Can have a **** spirit Lingbao self-defense, still very good.

After waiting for a while, suddenly there was a white light in the depths of the Shenchi Shenchi, followed by a fan and flew over, directly to Yi Tianyun's face.

Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, quickly grabbed the fan that flew over, and at the same time, the momentum of the fluttering, the treasures flying around quickly fell back into the water, and everything was calm.

At this time, the hand he held in his hand was a fan. The fan looks a bit broken, the calligraphy and painting on it is not very clear, but in a confused way, you can still see a special handwriting.

"I chose this fan." Yi Tianyun did not pay attention to its damage. This fan gave him a very good feeling. He felt very mysterious and had a special energy around him.

Therefore, even if it is damaged, he intends to choose this fan. According to the grade, this fan is equal to the median **** spirit.

But if the internal damage is serious and it is almost unusable, it is equal to the waste. At that time, he lost.

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