Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1651: End of coronation

The test ended soon, and Yi Tianyun did not know who got the first. His point of concern is not here. Instead, look around the situation and want to see the surrounding, who is hostile to yourself.

Suddenly there is a descendant of a wicked god, and there will definitely be a bad spirit. Therefore, he wants to know who is uncomfortable with himself.

After looking at the past, I found that there were a lot of people who were unhappy about themselves. Especially those who used to be their own opponents, I feel that Yi Tianyun is like a chicken feather and a phoenix. Suddenly it flies up. This kind of treatment makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Even if this is the case, Yi Tianyun does not care about this. It is normal to have such an idea.

What he really cares about is the idea of ​​the elders.

Among them, Gokye God did not say it, even if his identity improved, he was very upset about him. In particular, it also threatens his identity. Can Gokthe God have a good impression on him?

When he looked closely, he found that he really liked himself and could almost omit it. Or, if you have a crush on yourself, you can only enjoy the moon!

This is strange, and the magical moon has a little good feeling for himself?

The one who is most hostile to him is not someone else, but a evil emperor! It was before the Yi Tianyun, who called himself the evil emperor of the evil emperor, was the most hostile to him.

It looks like a charity, has a very good attitude towards him, but has a terrible hostility! The biggest hostility in the game is him. Even if it is compared to Gokthe, it is not so hostile.

As the fantasy moon of his daughter, it is a good feeling for him. It is really strange to the extreme, completely two extremes.

"It's a weird thing..." Yi Tianyun frowned. He couldn't read the mind, and he didn't know what the evil emperor thought.

"What's the strange thing?" Doom Tianshen saw Yi Tianyun's brow tight, and came over and asked.

"The evil emperor has great hostility towards me." Yi Tianyun looked at the fate of the gods and said: "The audience who is the most hostile to me is actually the evil emperor. It seems that I am coming back, and his status is threatened. ?"

"It is very likely that the evil spirits are extremely concerned about their status. The status is to decide everything. You suddenly kill back, can you not let him be hostile?" Doom God Shen Shen said: "No, no matter what day Send someone to solve you!"

"In this way, he is not afraid of the coming of the evil spirits?" Yi Tianyun thought of the evil spirit, it is undoubtedly a contradiction.

"Afraid, of course, afraid, but when the evil spirits are unsealed, who can know?" Doom Tianshen smiled: "Why can you know how to secretly solve you?"

"But if the evil spirits come, his status is not declining." Yi Tianyun still does not understand these emperors' minds.

"Because it is a evil spirit, a supreme being, coming down, at most it is to become their leader, and you have the opportunity to replace his position, the meaning is the same." Doom is very familiar with this aspect, it is worthy of the Tianzhu domain daughter.

"It’s also true, it seems that the **** of obedience, what you know, is really a lot." Yi Tianyun looked at her and smiled: "I thought that you would only study those things like the Tianzhu domain master. ""

The Doomsday **** turned over his eyes and said: "As the daughter of the Scorpio Lord, I must assist him in management. Where can I only study this aspect?"

Yi Tianyun thought about the crazy look of the next day, and it was true.

"That said, your father is crazy about studying the evil gods orbs, I think it is also related to you." Yi Tianyun looked at the fate of God, and smiled: "He estimated that he was ready to study, and then killed and killed Gokye."

"Father..." Doom God nodded, his eyes burned: "After that, when things are over, they will go back and can't let them worry. If you really kill, it will be more troublesome... but my father is very Calm and calm is terrible."

"It's really terrible, I can't see it. He has the pain of losing a woman. The same is true of your sister. It doesn't show any sadness, but it's just superficial."

Yi Tianyun shook his head, and the family was so calm and terrible that they could only do so in order to take care of the overall situation. Can't you feel sad if your sister's big hatred can't be reported?

However, it is pressing this anger and can only choose to continue. If you feel free to expose it, the impact on the Scorpio is very great, so you can only calm down.

For this kind of calm, Yi Tianyun deeply admire. In exchange for his words, it is estimated that they are all alone. They take care of the overall situation, Yi Tianyun will also take care of the overall situation, but he will not provoke the entire domain to help, but he alone killed, slowly consuming them.

"Of course, fortunately, you are not dead. After you go back, I don't know what kind of expression they will be."

Yi Tianyun smiled and followed the situation outside and began to change.

The trial ended, and the coronation ceremony was ready to go to the most critical finishing. This time she is facing not only the elders in front, but all the evil spirits in this area.

The evil emperor waved his hand and the scenes here were projected into the outer area. At the same time, a high platform was built in front of it, and the evil emperor slowly walked up with the emperor, and the momentum continued to spread around.

After wearing the gorgeous dress, the magical moon came to the high platform with the evil emperor and carried out this grand coronation ceremony. After a luxurious crown was worn by her evil man on her head, the entire coronation ceremony was over.

"I will lead the evil spirits to a more brilliant future! I am the daughter of the gods!" The whole person of the magical moon changed in a moment, holding a scepter to the ground, a violent The energy spread around, but the entire palace was covered, and even passed outside.

It seems that the whole world is cold for a few degrees, and it is going to go down very quickly. With its own power, it can make the heavens and the earth discolored, and all the evil spirits are very shocked. Is this the power of the emperor?

When Yi Tianyun felt the impact of this attack, he felt extremely powerful. It didn't feel like the power of the middle god, but the power of the upper god. This is the effect that erupted in an instant, and then it was less horrible when it spread, and it quickly began to weaken and would not cause any harm to them.

"What kind of energy is the strange energy contained in this emperor?" Yi Tianyun touched his chin and guessed the source of this energy.

The power in the phantom moon allows her to have more power. It’s just this energy that doesn’t seem to match her.

Of course, this is seen from the eyes of the investigation, and the usual induction is impossible to sense. The elders who are basically four weeks can't feel anything different.

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