Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1653: Run away?

After they entered, the Magic Moon did not have any precautions, as if they had never thought that Yi Tianyun would attack himself. As a royal girl, her status is high, and the repair of Yi Tianyun is so much worse than her. Naturally, it is impossible to think that Yi Tianyun will attack himself.

At the moment when the magical moon enters the room, the doomsday gods and Yi Tianyun immediately rushed out of the evil spirits, and the doom gods took out a rope. This is not an ordinary rope, but her special **** spirit!

As the daughter of the Scorpio domain, the resources are certainly not bad. It is not a little accidental to be able to consolidate the gods. It is only her gods and spirits, it is a special type of rope type, with control effects.

Instantly turned into countless ropes, surrounded here into circles and circles, but it is not a bit of discussion with the magic moon.

In the blink of an eye, the rope tied her for several laps and everything went so smoothly. It can be said that there is no obstacle, and the moon is tied up.

"Okay, she is tied! As long as I am caught by my bundle of gods, I can't break free in a short time!" It is a good thing that the **** of good luck shines so smoothly.

When they continue to want to strengthen the seal, the magical moon is not a little bit of struggle, still keeps a light expression, let them mess.

When they saw that there was no struggle in the magical moon, they all gave it up. I thought she would be a little struggling, who knows that they are not struggling, let them seal at will.

They just slammed it, and the speed of the hand of the **** of good luck slowed down without a bit. Quickly put a seal on the bundle of gods, and even pulled out a piece of jade, constantly nailed to the bundle of gods, to strengthen the effect of the ban on the ropes.

"Wait a minute!" Yi Tianyun gestured for the fate of God to stop.

When the **** of obedience obeyed his words, he quickly stopped and looked at him doubtfully: "What?"

"She doesn't struggle..." Yi Tianyun frowned. He didn't know why the moon was not struggling. If he didn't react at first, then he wouldn't say anything. Now he hasn't struggled for a long time. It's obviously a bit strange. .

"Do not struggle..." Doom the gods also found the problem, turned to look at the magic moon, found that she did not panic, still the light expression.

At this time, the magical moon slowly began: "I don't need to continue to seal me, I won't run away. I came here this time, but I really want to escape with you."

"What?" They looked at each other and it was very strange.

If they came out, they felt very confused and even said that they would run away with them! If you are deaf, then it is normal. Now it is said that they are running away with them. This is very strange, beyond their expectations.

"You mean, run away with us, are you not the emperor here?" Yi Tianyun came to the front of the magical moon, looked up and down her, wondering if she was crazy.

"You really are not evil spirits. It seems that the moment I saw was not an illusion."

She is very calm, and she can say that nothing can pick up the waves in her heart, no matter when it is, keep this expression.

"It seems that at that moment, you still read a trace of memory."

Yi Tianyun will cut off very quickly, but it is still a bit too late, and a trace of memory has been read. But not many, just a trace, such as a picture, or a scene, such as the scene inside the evil spirits space.

Basically the most superficial memory, that is, the memory just acquired, not the deep memory. For example, the crazy mode system, it is impossible to read. Unless I keep staring at her, it is impossible to see.

"I just saw a momentary picture. I even wondered if I was wrong. Now, I don't see it wrong." The magical moon looked at them and said: "The two are not evil spirits. Even if you have the smell of evil spirits, it is perfect, but it is still seen by me."

Doomsday God does not refute, facing these powerful existences, it is not difficult to see through them at a glance.

"Now, no matter what the situation, you can take me away now, the sooner the better. Of course, I can't escape too far. It is better for you to give me a stronger seal and completely stabilize me." The content that was said in the month is getting more and more different, and I don’t know what to say.

"What do you mean by this?" Yi Tianyun frowned. "Are you not an emperor, you want to escape?"

"Indeed, I am a royal girl, but I don't want to be an emperor, but I don't want to be a bad-skinned person. It's so disgusting!" The magical moon sipped, and said coldly: "But my words, I really want to put all of them." The blood is removed, I don’t want to leave the blood of the evil spirits, I just want to keep my mother’s blood!”

The blood of her mother is undoubtedly the blood of the heavenly family. I did not expect that she would say such words, it is obviously disgusting to the evil spirits to the extreme.

In this way, there is a big contradiction. As an emperor, there is such a sense of disgust.

"This... you are so sick of evil spirits, how to say evil kings, are your father..."

"I don't have such a father. It's so disgusting! He doesn't know how many women who make up the heavens. My mother is one of them. If the blood is too thin or worthless, it will kill." "Do you think this kind of person is worthy of being my father? If I am not a strong blood, I will climb out of the dead, I am afraid that I can't live now."

"Then you still can't escape?" After Yi Tianyun asked, he immediately felt that he had asked a bunch of stupid things. If she could escape, she would have escaped. Why should she use her hands to escape?

"Escape? Can't escape, too many eyeliners, plus he forced me to sign an absolute slave contract, no matter where I fled, I can feel something. As long as he is within his sensory range, he can command me, you think me Can you escape?" The magical moon said coldly.


They took a sigh of relief, it was too embarrassing, where is the daughter, it is a slave! No wonder she has been expressionless, and where will these things make her happy?

The most tragic thing is that if you are desperate, you will have a little bit of joy when you are completely desperate. Everything has nothing to do with her, even if it is dead, it is extravagant.

"I thought about suicide, but it is impossible. Under his control, I can't even commit suicide. If I escape a distance, I can still commit suicide. But I will not do this, I want to Get rid of control, then destroy the evil spirits!" Her eyes are full of firmness, that is the heart of murder!

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