Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1656: Retain

Gokye God did not really think about this situation, not only the human race, but also a seemingly special evil spirit. The key is that the magical moon is followed by a shot, which is the most strange place.

Both the Terran and the Evil Spirits are old and dead, and now they are joining hands to deal with themselves? And what is the situation of the evil spirits, so stay on the side?

"This, what's the matter?" Gokye's **** was stupid, and when he returned, everything was already late.

Under so many seals, even if Gokye God can't easily break it, it will take some time to get rid of it. The premise of breaking is that they do not reinforce the seal, but is this possible?

Therefore, Gokye God has been arrested and has no chance to escape.

"You don't need to know what's going on." Yi Tianyun throws him directly into the space of evil spirits, and they quickly enter.

After packing up, Yi Tianyun nodded to the magical moon, and went out with him.

The guards outside saw that they were coming out so quickly, and they could not help but wonder.

"You don't want to go in. Gokye God is reflecting on his own mistakes, unless he is called, or no one will bother to go in."

"Yes, the lady!"

They all bowed down and promised that they would definitely stay here and not let anyone in.

After they were stunned, they quickly left here.

After leaving this distance, Yi Tianyun let the magical moon enter the evil spirits, and then began to fly to the exit here.

Here, it is impossible to use the transmission of the stone, surrounded by dark energy, so that he can not easily penetrate here to leave. Therefore, you can only find the export honestly, and you can use the transmission stone after you go out.

He can safely escape with the magical moon, and the big reason is that there is a **** of transmission. His speed is definitely impossible to surpass the evil emperor, and he can catch up with it casually.

If you use the transmission of the **** stone, it will be different. It will disappear in the same place at once. If you want to go anywhere, you will need to spend time flying over the area where the evil spirits sense the magical moon.

Moreover, the area he fled is not where, but the Three Realms! With an absolute defensive shield, he can keep the magical moon for thousands of years!

The only question is whether you can isolate the gods of evil spirits, and then say it. If the evil spirits manipulate the magical moon outside, that is not a good thing.

"Even if you enter this space, it will still be sensed. If you leave it a little further away, he will be able to sense it immediately." Magic Moon reminded him.

"It seems that the number of times you have been caught back is estimated to be quite a lot?" Yi Tianyun looked at her.

"Yes, I have been arrested many times. As soon as I leave this area, I will immediately feel it. I have escaped from this area as far as I can, but I have not been able to run as far as I can find it." Said: "So if you want to escape, you still have time to repent. Once you leave a certain range, you will be immediately aware of it."

Finally, the magical moon began to persuade, if Yi Tianyun continued, it must be arrested.

"I said to take you away, you will definitely take you away." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "You can rest assured that this point, what you need to consider now is how to get rid of this absolute slave contract."

"Just give me enough time, it is not a problem to break it." The magical moon nodded.

In fact, there is nothing in the world that can't be broken. It depends on what you have to pay. Some of the difficulties that need to be broken are also very high. After all, this kind of contract is equal to the **** seal. As long as you know the method of breaking, you can break it a little bit.

"Enough time?" Yi Tianyun squinted and said: "If you want to break yourself alone, the difficulty is not small, you must hide from Tibet. I think, even if I take you out, you The chance of success avoiding is still very embarrassing."

"No matter how embarrassing, don't try to know?" Fantasy Moon looked at him and said: "At least, if you try, there is still hope, isn't it? Especially if you escape from his control, you will have a little hope."

Having said that, she still knows that the difficulty is too high, and the evil emperor's cultivation is so strong. She stayed in a place for a while and will be found soon.

It's like a game of cats and mice, just watching the mice run faster.

"If I assist you, so that you can stabilize, and do not worry about the chase of the evil emperor, how do you join my power?" Yi Tianyun said so much, in fact, I want to say this sentence.

"Join your power?" The illusion of the moon, she did not expect Yi Tianyun to issue such invitations, "Your power, not afraid to be destroyed? Or, can you accept my blood?"

"My power is not so easy to be destroyed. As for your blood problems, as long as you promise to come down, no matter who you are, you will not dare to move you." Yi Tianyun's tone is powerful and gives her a convincing feel.

"Since you don't mind, then I won't say it. If you want, then I will join your power." The magical moon is laughing at this time, a faint smile, like the melting of snow, more A little bit of sunshine.

She not only bears the dark blood, but also is chased by the evil emperor. Can someone take care of herself, can she choose not to join? Can have this courage, then she is willing to join.

Doom the gods looked dumbfounded, she felt that Yi Tianyun's courage is really too big, if the evil emperor killed, it is the end of the destruction.

Which force can withstand the suppression of such a powerful evil spirit? Especially if the emperor is taken away, it must be more crazy, how crazy.

"Are you crazy? You have to be responsible for your own power!" Doom the gods persuaded.

"Don't worry, they can't destroy my power." Yi Tianyun smiled confidently.

"Do you have a strong power? Is it a five-character domain, and it is a relatively top-notch one?" Doom God frowned: "Even if this is the case, the royal girl is caught, and it is still the key figure in opening the barrier, I I am sure that I will not give up, I will definitely have a deadly battle!"

"No, my power is not the five-character domain, but the four-character domain, or the one that is at the bottom." Yi Tianyun laughed and passed back.

"So you dare to take her in? You are killing yourself, but also killing your own men!" Doom is a little angry, so irresponsible, naturally makes her feel very dissatisfied, a little refreshed before the easy Tianyun’s cognition.

She also thought that Yi Tianyun was very responsible, and she also knew how to take the heavy responsibility. Who knows it is the hero of the hero!

"No, I am already prepared. I wonder if you have heard of the Three Realms?" Yi Tianyun grinned.

"Three, three realm gods, that gods can not break into the gods?" Doom God suddenly dumbfounded.

She will finally know that Yi Tianyun is so confident, she tried to break, but the result is still a failure. In her opinion, there is no power of the invincible **** level, or the power of infinite proximity, fearing that there is no way to break it!

I did not expect the power of Yi Tianyun, this is the three realms!

Suddenly let her be speechless, without a bit of dissuasion.

"It seems that my power reputation, but it is not bad?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

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