Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1658: Return

"I am finished, I have to be caught up..."

The fate of the goddess of doom sinks and sees the evil emperor who is quickly approaching, she knows it is over. Even if it is to escape from this passage, can it escape from the outside?

She originally felt that she could not escape, but Yi Tianyun insisted on trying, she could only go crazy together. In her heart, there is still a bit of luck.

Now it seems that there is no chance of being lucky. It doesn't take long, they will end it all.

"Ha ha ha ... you are dead, you are dead!" Gokye God can also see the situation of the evil emperor catching up from the picture, in his view, Yi Tianyun died.

Yi Tianyun did not shake it at all, continued to control the evil spirits and rushed to the front, and there was still a short way to go out. Just go out here, outside is his world!

"What are you doing, with the emperor wanting to go!" The evil emperor behind him was so angry that Yi Tianyun would not say it. How could he escape with the magical moon? This is the key.

Yi Tianyun did not answer, followed the foot and stepped out of the exit, rushing out of this narrow passage. At the moment of rushing out, he was already holding the **** stone in his hand and used it quickly.

Less than a breathing time, his figure flashed and disappeared completely.

At the moment when he disappeared, the evil emperor rushed at the same time, but he rushed to the air and did not rush to Yi Tianyun.

"What's the situation?!" The evil emperor stunned and turned around and looked around. He found that there was no trace of Yi Tianyun. "How did you disappear? How did you do it?"

There is no sense at all, which is what makes him feel the most incredible.

Immediately, he quickly sensed the illusion of the moon, perhaps not able to perceive the position of Yi Tianyun, but the orientation of the magical moon is still no problem.

"This, what is going on, even so far away..." The evil emperor can only perceive a rough perception, and the more blurred the perception, the farther the distance is.

It can be said that this distance is quite far away! It can be said that it is the one that is far to the extreme.

Is it not far from so many gods? From the five-character domain to the four-character domain, I don’t know how many gods I have crossed.

"Damn, no matter where you fled, it's useless!" The evil emperor quickly turned back and began to summon the strongman to chase it up.

Although he is sensitive, he still needs to help him find out, especially the area he wants to travel to, or the territory of other races. If you don’t call the team, it’s not good to deal with some miscellaneous.

When the evil emperor returned to convene his men, Yi Tianyun had taken them back to the Three Realms. When I came back, the struggle of the magical moon disappeared.

Because the distance is quite far, the command naturally disappears. After the magical moon stopped releasing energy, he suddenly sat on the ground and sweated.

"What is this situation?" Doom God is dumbfounded, and Gokye is also dumbfounded.

Everything changed in a flash, they seemed to come to a strange area.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, they took them out, and when the **** of good luck saw the situation outside, they were suddenly shocked.

"This, this is your power... Three Realms?" When the Doomsday God saw the surrounding environment, he immediately thought of the Three Realms.

The Three Realms are generally low, and there are still shields outside! She is not low, and when she feels it, she knows the situation here.

"Yes, this is my power." Yi Tianyun laughed.

"This, this is incredible, come back directly? That is the five-character domain, I don't know how many gods I cross. Now I am coming back?" Doom is so stunned that she has never seen such a strange thing in her life. .

If you say that you are using a large transmission array, then don’t say it. There is such a thing. But she didn't see anything in a big burst, and she came back in a blink of an eye. It was incredible.

"Don't care about this detail." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "I said, let you escape, let you really escape. Now it is basically safe, you can also bring this guy back to the gods, remember when Tell your sister, don't forget your promise."

"Sister's promise?" Doom God is a bit confused, but she did not ask more, anyway, when I go back, I will know.

Gokye God is equally dumbfounded, and the evil emperor who was desperately chasing after him? Completely gone!

"Idiot, go back and enjoy it. When they are two sisters, make sure that you can make you happy." Yi Tianyun flew past his face.

Gokye looked at him with a dull look, and looked at the beggar **** next to him. He knew he was finished.

"Then I will go back first, her words... you will look at it." Doom the gods thought about it, or said: "I still go back and explain the situation, after the account is finished, we will come over to you!"

She thought about it, but still felt uneasy. After all, Yi Tianyun is much lower than the repair of the magical moon. If the evil emperor catches up, it is not a trivial matter.

"Cheng, when you come back, you will come in directly." Yi Tianyun laughed.

Doom God nodded, followed by a dragging of Gokthe, and flew outside. She is eager to go back to the report, otherwise the lucky **** can not open, and suddenly it is bad to kill the evil spirits.

After the **** of doomsday God left Gode God, the magical moon was still in a sly expression, staring at the surrounding environment, and suddenly tears poured out.

"I really escaped?" The magical moon came to this side, but still did not slow down.

She really can't believe that she really escaped from the magic. Although it is only temporary, it will at least not be controlled, and it is not necessary to look at that face all the time!

"Yes, you escaped." Yi Tianyun came over and said seriously: "But this is just the beginning. I will take you to a place, arrange the array around, and then you will immediately begin to break the real contract! After all, after all, The evil emperor can still sense the situation here, so you have to hurry."

Everything is to race against time, and it is a matter of time before the evil emperor attacks it. The outer shield is not afraid of playing, but the evil emperor's **** is afraid to penetrate.

Although it seems to him that it is difficult to penetrate, but it is better to be prepared, it is better than the real outbreak, it is impossible to control easily.

The tears in the eyes of the magical moon were quickly evaporated, and then stood up and nodded: "No problem, just give me enough time. This time, at least a hundred years or so, I will be able to break this seal." !"

"You broke this contract, relying on the strength in your body?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Can you sense that there is a special power in my body?" Fantasy Moon was surprised.

"Yes, a little touched, it is incompatible with the power of the evil spirits." Yi Tianyun said truthfully.

After a moment of silence, the magical moon said: "That is the energy that my mother has in my body, and the memory..."

"It turned out to be like this..." Yi Tianyun did not ask much, immediately took her to the core secret room below.

In his opinion, the evil emperor will soon be killed, and he must be prepared as well.

"The evil king... I hope to send more powerful people, just let me try the power of the three worlds!" Yi Tianyun looked at the planet of the Three Realms, he has been the master of this place for so long, has not tried its power !

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