Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1660: onslaught

Yi Tianyun has seen other guards destroying his own shields, but he has never seen so many gods destroying their shields. This scene is very situational.

Under their mammoth, the recruits are like the hearts of everyone in the Three Realms. If it really breaks in, it is really desperate.

So many gods and strong people seem to feel terrible. After all, they are not a **** of the three realms, the highest is only the upper level of heaven, there is no one.

"This shield should be able to hold on..." The **** of fate has come back. After she went back, she told me that they were all happy.

I thought that the **** of doom died, I did not expect to die, but was also rescued by Yi Tianyun, and even the Gokye gods were arrested.

After the report, the Doomsday God sorted it out and immediately rushed over with the lucky gods. Lucky God said that to do it, he immediately chose to join the Three Realms, as the elders of the Three Realms!

Not only is the lucky god, but the **** of fate also joins here to become an elder, not only wanting to repay Yi Tianyun's life-saving grace, but mainly want to study the situation of the Three Realms.

The arrival of their two sisters, not only joined here, but also brought a lot of treasures, as a thank you. Basically, it can be said that the mammoth resources come over, and the treasures of all kinds of Tianzhuo gods are brought to the town, and it can be said that the promotion is a big one.

In the three realms of the realm, build a heavenly camp! It is a doorway that is specialized in cultivating machinery, just like the Scorpio domain, there is research in this area.

Although not all things can be taught, they can still be taught.

Yi Tianyun is very satisfied with this point. If you continue to do so, the Three Realms will definitely grow up. It’s just that it’s not growing up now, the evil spirits have already been killed, and they are still holding on to this shield.

The two sisters were shocked and worried that the shield was suddenly broken.

"I think it's okay, now it's mainly the situation on the side of the magical moon. As long as the magic moon is not affected, then everything is fine." Yi Tianyun looked at the **** outside and said: "Just. Such a big squad, I wonder if I will be alarmed by some old people?"

"I will definitely not come out. Those who are not dead will hide. If they don't go to the most critical period, they will definitely not appear!" Lucky God shook his head and said: "For example, when the battle of the Emperor is repeated, it is possible to appear. Otherwise, some forces If it is destroyed, there will be no movement."

"After all, it’s really going to be put together, and it’s even more likely that they will be countered by the evil emperors. So everything is at the most critical moment, they are likely to appear, at least when your forces are destroyed, they It won't happen."

Lucky God said very reasonably, Yi Tianyun also believes that those who do not die will not come out, just think about it. If those old people don’t die, it’s really lively.

Soon, many evil spirits were shaken out under the mad mammoth, not to mention that the shield was broken, but they were shocked by internal injuries.

"How is this possible? So many evil spirits attacked the gods, and there was no trace at all..." The evil emperor's face was ugly, and the gods who had just stormed the storm had less than seven or eight. Now there is no crack at all.

These horrible defenses make the evil emperor feel incredible. Even if it is the nine-pronged gods, what can be carved out is impossible to go against the sky? With so many powerful attacks, there is no crack.

Immediately, the evil emperor came to the front of the shield, followed by a swift punch, basically using his eight or nine points.


The power of terror slammed on the shield, and this force quickly bounced back and flew him out. The force that had been blasted out quickly poured into him, but before the injury, his body trembled and he spread the power out, and he was unscathed.

"Not only is the defense strong, but it can also rebound more than 50% of the power. This is incredible..." The evil emperor was shocked. He has been here for so long, and he has never seen this type of shield.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at his own hand. He said coldly: "Which power is this, have you received any news before!"

"Yes, some..." followed a wicked **** and flew over, simply explaining this power.

"It turned out to be the case, it broke our good deeds!" The evil emperor's face was gloomy. He never looked down on these low-level things. He didn't expect it to be regardless of these things, but he was still met.

"The evil king, do you want to use the joint array to try?" one of the evil spirits proposed.

"Okay, just give it a try!" The evil emperor looked at the shield and said coldly: "I don't believe it. Is this really the protection given by God? Even if it is the protection given by God, it will still smash it!" ”

Followed by all the evil spirits, they joined forces to form a spirited spirit, gathered together a horrible force, and madly bombarded the shield.


With a burst of bombardment, the entire shield oscillated, but in the next moment, a force of power quickly rebounded back, directly rushing their formation!

Such a violent force, even if it is the strongman of the top level of the gods, can't easily get down. But the shield can be smashed down and there are no cracks.

"Come back!" The evil emperor waved his hand and motioned them to come again. "I am here as the main heart, try again!"

This time he is the main heart, that is, the direction of the main attack. After being the main attack, the cohesive force was stronger, and all the evil spirits of the gods quickly rushed to the evil emperor, clapping with the evil emperor and bombarding them in front.

"Give me broken!"


The huge black light column seems to be able to swallow this **** domain, and the surrounding voids are swallowed up quickly and become more inky, as if they are slightly close, they will be swallowed up by this endless darkness.

Eventually the black light column bombarded the shield, and the fate of the gods in the eyes of the gods in the eyes of the blind, I felt a trembling.

"Can't you break it?" They all felt terrified.

In contrast, Yi Tianyun's face is calm, this is the protection given by the system, saying that absolute defense is absolute defense, no one can break! Unless he unlocks himself, it cannot be broken.


The power of horror, the shield was slightly sunken down, and then bounced back again. How strong is the power of the attack, how strong is the strength of the rebound!

The horrible attack quickly bounced back to their evil spirits, scaring them away, and if they came over, they would die if they died!

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