Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1662: Void explosion

Sudden attacks have scared many evil spirits. This power is not very strong, mainly because it is too sudden, so that they have not responded.

In the usual way, their spiritual knowledge covers a large area, so any attack will be known immediately. It’s different now, with the protection of the shield, they didn’t react at all.

As a result, even the median god, was killed by this next god-level attack. Without any precautions, it will still be killed.

In the usual case, this attack will not cause too much damage to them. In particular, they are useless even for awakening crystallization, and most of the power has not been played out, it has become a real cannon fodder.

"Damn, this attack is too sudden. I didn't expect to have such attacks in it..." The evil emperor's face was even more ugly. In a blink of an eye, he died on his side. They were completely passive.

Not only can't you attack it, but don't storm it now, it's a shame!

"The evil king, this attack does not know how much, do we have to evacuate?" One of the evil spirits proposed.

They can't sense the direction of the attack. If they stay here, it is a live target. Unless you leave a little farther and hide in the corner, you may still be able to escape this attack.

"First find a place to hide, and then make plans!" The evil emperor did not intend to leave, and if he did not leave anything, it would be too shameful.

Many evil spirits nodded and agreed with this proposal. Is it better to stand here alone?

When they just wanted to leave, a horrible white light column penetrated through and covered a wider area, almost all of them could be said to have shrouded them.

The dazzling white light instantly turned this place into a white, and completely illuminate this dark space.

"Light attribute attack..."

They are pale, which is a nemesis for them! If they are attacked, they must be extremely heavy. However, in an instant, they quickly took the awakening crystallization and gave their strength to the whole.

This time they are more vigilant, so they can still react a little, but it just reacts a little bit. You can only passively defend, but you can't counter anything.

The power of awakening broke out instantly, and all kinds of arms and wings broke out. The dark power shrouded the world, and it collided with the shrouded white light and resisted each other.


The white light is still covered, and all the evil spirits are filled with white light, and nothing can be seen. When the white light gradually disappeared, the companions around it disappeared a little.

This time, when it was prepared, it was still a small loss, and the evil spirits of the Tianzun class were killed. There is only a small part left in the lower god, and the loss is equally heavy.

The median **** also lost a few, and the upper **** could be able to kneel down. Mainly this is the ultimate attack of the median god, even if there is some suppression, but the other side burst out, it can still resist a lot.

Especially when attacking so many strong people at the same time, the effect is definitely scattered.

"Ah, ah, what kind of ghost power is this, how can there be this type of attack!" The evil emperor is going crazy, they can only beat, but they can't kill it. This feeling is really wrong.

In the past, he was all over the way, and there was no force to resist their offensive. Now, instead of being hung up and not hiding quickly, the next attack will definitely come.

They don't know about this kind of attack, but there are times. Although they can resist, but dare not continue to bear this kind of attack, who knows whether it will continue to enhance its power.

At least this attack is much stronger than the first one.

In the internal situation, the Doomsday Gods were shocked by this effect. This kind of divergent attack, after being sprayed out, can have such amazing effects, which really surprised them.

"Good strength, this is the hand of the gods, only the gods, can be so accomplished in this respect!" Doomsday God they sighed again and again, even if it is the gods of the gods, this is not like the gods.

The Scorpio Theo is only a rumor for some novel things, but the gods are always the strongest! The sacredness of the gods on the seal of God is a well-deserved power.

Now they have finally seen the power of the gods, and the super-sharp effect, after blessing, has unrivalled power.

"Yes, this is the creed of the gods, this is the area that belongs to the gods, but I became the master of the gods." Yi Tianyun smiled and did not hide anything.

It should be said that they have already guessed a bit, and only the gods can get the head of the evil spirit. Therefore, these do not need to be concealed. Anyway, they have already guessed it. What is the meaning of concealment?

"Sure enough..." Although they have already guessed it, it is still a shock.

The gods of the gods have placed such a large array in this planet. From the outside, it is really impossible to see a little problem.

"Looking at them has not slowed down, continue to pursue!" Yi Tianyun blinked, the throne in his hand, continued to emit light, but this time the conversion turned into a dark attribute power.

After the core of the five elements is used, it is the turn of the light core. Now that the optical core is used up, it is natural that the dark core has broken out.

Under the madness of the operation, the dark core began to be motivated by the strongest power, and it was possible to superimpose the evil **** orb, but he did not want to do so.

If you superimpose the evil **** orb, it will be exposed. Although the other party will definitely stare at them, but some things are still not exposed as good, the hidden still has to be hidden.

Moreover, using the attack of the evil spirits orbs, the power will not be able to kill the strong emperors of the evil spirits, and simply hide them.

Outside the shield, the evil emperor quickly fled with his men to the distance and wanted to avoid the Three Realms. Although it is very humiliating, but staying there, it is not as humiliating as it is, but the whole army has been wiped out.

When they wanted to quickly escape to the side of the planet to escape, suddenly in the void in front of them, a darkness swept out and wrapped them in the inside.

The darkness is so mysterious and mysterious that they are caught off guard!

And this is the power of the third cannon - the void explosion!

The darker power than them, swept over here, touched the place, the layers of annihilation, including the asteroids on the side, when touched, it turned into fly ash.

The first heavenly **** who rushed to the front, even if the screams were not shouted out, quickly turned into flying ash, and was swallowed up by this darkness.

This is really black and black!

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