Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1670: Narrative old

After the outbreak of Yi Tianyun, there was no nonsense. Without hesitation, he slammed his guns and attacked it. Under the attack of more than two hundred times, the combat power was terrible!

At the foot of the Wulong Gods boots, the same is the outbreak of all the power, three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao connected together, as if the whole person has turned into a dragon.

The Wulong Gun is the faucet, the wristband is the dragon body, and the boots are the dragon tail! After connecting together, the speed of the sprint increased sharply, and it was killed in front of Duan Ruitian.

"Five dragons scream!"

Yi Tianyun immediately displayed the strongest extermination, and the five dragons roared and went to Duan Ruitian.

"This momentum, how is it?" Duan Ruitian God felt a chill in his heart. He had seen Yi Tianyun kill his companion scene before, but the momentum is definitely not so strong.

Therefore, he felt that even if Yi Tianyun broke out with all his strength, he was sure to take it down! Who knows the power of Yi Tianyun, and can also take it to the next level, a strong and unmatched atmosphere, which makes him feel pressure multiplier.

"Damn, is it hidden before the strength, is it really real?"

At this time, Rui Tian Shen knew that he was really being played, and he was played very thoroughly. He thought that Yi Tianyun was frightened and fled back. It turned out to be deliberately attracted to choose to kill himself.

In this way, their companions will not be able to support them.

This idea Duan Tiantian thought more, the real situation is naturally coming in, Yi Tianyun can use the power of faith. If you are outside, you can't use the power of faith.

If you can use the power of faith outside, it is really directly outside the spike, there is no need to run back and attack. After all, this power, the first sneak attack has been able to kill Duan Rui Tian Shen, why bother to lure back?

Now, Duan Ruitian knows that he has no choice but to summon the gods and spirits, ready to fight!

Yi Tianyun also showed his strongest strength to fight against Duan Ruitian. Even with the superposition of faith, it is not easy to fight.


The horror explosion spread in the three realms of the realm, and the violent fluctuations immediately spread inside, which many practitioners perceive. However, before the battle, Yi Tianyun has kept them away from here, don't rely too close.

After the explosion, Duan Ruitian went to the side to hide, and the heart was shocked: "The power is really stronger than before, not a level, which is equal to the upper **** level!"

When he was cold-eyed and planned to continue fighting with Yi Tianyun, suddenly a cold light flashed from behind. I have to know that he has just escaped to the side, and the front line of sight is temporarily unclear due to the explosion.

He believes that Yi Tianyun also can't know where he is, but when he senses a sense of crisis, he knows where he is in the position!


Everything is so fast, even if he perceives a sense of crisis, it is too late. Amazing speed, easily penetrate his head and let him be nailed in the void.

"You, your strength, how can it become so strong..." Duan Rui Tianshen's head has been penetrated, but still maintain a little consciousness.

"You don't need to know." Yi Tianyun didn't yell at him. The five dragons in his hand twisted and instantly blasted his head. A **** was fallen.

He knew in advance the position that Duan Ruitian God avoided, and naturally it was the **** of heaven!

Before the attack, I used a little fan of the **** of heaven to immediately calculate the battle situation of Duan Ruitian. Although it is impossible to deduce all the conditions, there are still few problems in the previous steps.

After the show, everything is much easier. By taking advantage of his here, he can move to the position where Duan Rui Tian Shen is in the moment, and carry out the strongest sneak attack!

After all, he is in the Three Realms, where he wants to go, is a matter of thought. Such an advantage, not to use it, is he not a fool?

Therefore, in the Three Realms, no one can compare with him. It is a teleportation that can escape, or a familiar, can appear behind them, or in front.

This terrible power, fearing that the evil emperor is coming, will feel very tricky.

However, it is only a tricky thing. If the evil emperor vents his anger to his people, that is not a good thing. Therefore, Yi Tianyun still has to be careful. If there are no people here, I really want to put them all in, and kill them one by one!

"I can finally kill a superior god. If it is not here, it is really difficult to kill..."

Yi Tianyun shook his head. If he was outside, it would only be able to turn around and escape. At present, this strength is still too far apart.

After he killed Duan Ruitian, he felt a full of murderous eyes and stared at it.

He turned his head and saw that a familiar figure appeared in front of him. This person is not someone else, but an old acquaintance!

Yi Tianyun remembered that there was no battle before Jinyun Tianshen, but now he did not expect it to appear in front of him, but it made him somewhat surprised, but it was reasonable.

He guessed that the **** of the sky should know that he appeared in the realm of the Three Realms, and he took the initiative to ask for it.

In fact, this is true. After knowing that Yi Tianyun is here, Jinyun Tianshen took the initiative to stare. Yi Tianyun let him suffer so much humiliation, how can he tolerate his face in the evil spirits.

So immediately request to kill Yi Tianyun, so that a snow shame!

Who knows that when he rushed over, he found that everything was too late, and his companion actually died in the hands of Yi Tianyun, which made his heart tremble. I have to know that Yi Tianyun was hanged by him before, and if it wasn’t for the ancestors, he would really kill Yi Tianyun.

Now completely subverting his cognition, how Yi Tianyun has become so strong. Although Duan Rui Tian Shen said that he was not strong, but how is the upper god, but was killed by Yi Tianyun.

The process just now was seen by him. Some did not see clearly, after all, the spiritual knowledge could not be easily explored. However, the result is that it is enough for Yi Tianyun to kill his companion.

Without any helper, you can kill your companion, far beyond expectations.

"Oh, Jinyun Tianshen, we met again." Yi Tianyun flew to the side of the shield and said with a smile.

Jinyun Tianshen looked at him gloomyly, and now wants to kill Yi Tianyun, it is not that simple. In particular, Yi Tianyun will not give him in, it is another matter.

"Yes, I met again. Can you let me go in and tell you about the old?"

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