Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1685: Hard 闯

The owner of the cloud domain has never seen it before. The Tianzhu domain master will be so enthusiastic about one person, let alone him, and even the sword front domain owners will see it.

The parties were also stunned, and the Tianzhu domain owner was so enthusiastic that it was really unexpected. It seems that the Doomsday God is so important in his mind that he is still enthusiastic about what he is not afraid of.

"Scorpio domain master, you are not talking about your daughter..." Jianfeng domain owner dumbfounded, and this.

"Yeah, I was desperate at the time. I didn't expect my daughter to die at all, and I still escaped from it. I have been trapped in the evil spirits territory. Fortunately, the Tianyun domain owner sneaked in, otherwise it is really impossible to bring it. My daughter came out." The Tianzhu domain master grabbed Yi Tianyun's shoulder and smiled: "The kid, my two daughters are so high on you, are you interested in being my son-in-law?"

Yi Tianyun was scared and almost swallowed his tongue. This is really scary. He directly started selling two goddesses.

Not to mention him, they are scared by the cloud domain owners. All along, the two daughters are his darlings, where they are willing to marry. Now I still take the initiative to talk to Yi Tianyun about this matter. Can you scare you through the cloud domain master?

The most shocked in his heart, or Yi Tianyun can sneak into the evil spirits and rescue the daughter of the Tianzhu domain. What is this skill? Even if he is, he can't sneak in. The difficulty is too high, the guards in all aspects are very strict, no matter where you can't slip in.

Only by breaking in, can I go in. Yi Tianyun not only went in, but also rescued people, which shocked him.

"Scorpio domain master, this is still not the case." Yi Tianyun hurriedly refused.

"Why, you can't look at my two daughters?" The main eyebrows of Tianzhu domain were vertical and felt a bit uncomfortable.

"This is not the case, your two daughters are very beautiful, very powerful. But I don't think they are worthy of them..." Yi Tianyun smiled and lowered himself.

"How is it possible, you are so strong and capable. I dare say that there is no young man in the whole domain, stronger than you!" The Tianzhu domain owner gave him a high evaluation.

It’s a high evaluation, it’s a complete explosion. Strong ability, strong ability, or the guardian of the evil spirits, plus the ten refining. All add up, who can't afford it? Only who can't match him!

The owner of the cloud domain snorted and licked his mouth. He wanted to say something, but he did not dare to say it. If you say it, don't you give it to the main face of the Tianzhu domain?

"Cough, don't say this, we still discuss how to rescue the people of the heavens. Now this matter is more important. The rest of the matter is temporarily put aside." Yi Tianyun hurriedly shifted the topic and did not want to continue to talk on this topic. It is.

"That is, then talk about it next time, this time you have to rescue the people of the heavens." The Tianzhu domain owner thought of this matter, still feel that this matter will be solved first.

Anyway, this matter of marriage, a lot of time in the future, is still based on the things of the heavens.

Follow them and discuss them, and discuss each other how to act. However, after asking a large circle, the Scorpio owners turned their attention to Yi Tianyun.

"Tianyun domain master, do you have any plans? Compared to this, we would like to hear what your plan is." They are very interested in Yi Tianyun's plan.

When I originally wanted to say something, I was blocked, and my eyes shifted to Yi Tianyun. I also wanted to hear it. How does Yi Tianyun say it?

Yi Tianyun is so highly respected, he wants to see how strong the strength is.

"I don't have any plans. There are strict guards. Besides the evil emperor, whoever is close is a dead end. So it is directly killing. There is no good plan. What is sneaked into is basically meaningless." Yi Tianyun Said.

The plan is so simple and rude, basically the same according to the information given by the Magic Moon. There is no other way to get in, guarding is strict, but only hard.

"I don't think it is necessary. The Scorpio domain owner has all kinds of amazing skills. Maybe you can let the Tianzhu domain help?" The cloud domain master retorted a sentence, not too eager.

They will be surrounded by then, especially if they only have five people, not many. They can't kill a lot in the past, which is undoubtedly equal to the battle of the gods, and it starts early.

Now they are not ready, first of all, the plan to destroy the evil spirits. Nothing is ready, fight directly, then they will lose.

Especially now the situation of the evil spirits is not clear, no one dares to do it at will, and there is no sense of solidarity. So it is impossible to attack with a single force.

The most important thing is to rescue the people of the heavens first. The future things will be discussed again. If the support of the evil spirits is cut off, then everything will be much easier.

"Well, let's just swear." The Tianzhu domain master immediately fixed the statement of Yi Tianyun.

"Since the Tianyun domain owners have said this, I also support it."

"Haha, you all said this, what else can I say? Kill with the Tianyun domain master!" Jianfeng domain owner laughed out.

“Hey?” The main person wearing the cloud domain was stunned by the side, dare to say for a long time, or to Yi Tianyun?

After half a day, why didn’t you listen to your opinion?

He reached out and waved in the air, some messy: "Wait a minute, you have no plans to sneak into it? Tianzhu domain owner, I think you should be able to do it?"

"Well? I can do it, but I have to look at the situation. Especially when the Tianyun domain owner said that it is not working, then I am definitely not going to do it." The Tianzhu domain owner spread his hand and listened to what Yi Tianyun suggested. .

"This..." The cloud domain master must be said to be stupid, which is totally unreasonable?

"It’s so decided to wear the cloud domain master. Needless to say." Jian Feng domain owner came over and put it on his shoulder. He whispered: "I know you don't understand, I don't know when I get there."

"Well..." The cloud domain master is very helpless. Looking at Yi Tianyun's eyes is a bit puzzled. Is this kid so magical?

In the end, he still didn't want to say more, just hope that it is.

Of course, Yi Tianyun will not talk about it. Through the memory given by the Magic Moon, no way can be slipped in that area. The only way, that is hard!

Unless the magical moon gives a false memory, it can only be hard, there is no other way. For this time, we will race against time. The sooner we save people, the better. If we slow down, we will be blocked.

But there is no way to kill it. It is very slippery to run away!

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