Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1698: leader

There is something going on in the evil king's side. They are really not very clear. Unless they sneak into it, they really can't know.

Originally, Yi Tianyun had the opportunity to explore it in depth, but it has already been seen, and this evil spirit is afraid that it can't be used. As for what makes a face-lift, this is a good idea.

As a wicked, you can change what you want to change, and don't worry about any problems. Just change it, it is necessary to start from scratch, before it is easy to climb to a certain position, but it has to give up.

I can only say that there is no way to do it. At that time, I will either give up the magical moon, or choose the evil spirits. Yi Tianyun thought about it, no doubt it is more important to choose Magic Moon.

This is similar to the current generation of the Tianzu people, rescued the heavens and the family, and snatched the magical moon, their support was basically broken. Only after waiting for the crack to appear, it is possible to continue to receive strong support.

However, there is no creation of a heavenly family, or a magical moon to help, the evil spirits of the strong can not come. Those who can easily come over are some weaker evil spirits, so there will be no more powerful evil spirits coming over.

In this way, no matter how strong the evil spirits are destroyed, there is no strong person who can fill it up.

"No one knows the evil king's move. But we seem to be very necessary to gather and form an alliance!" Yi Tianyun suggested next: "I have always been allied with many gods. So far, Most of the forces in the domain of the gods are scattered."

"The main thing is mutual distrust, plus the infiltration of evil spirits, which leads to some hostility between each other. But this point, I can help solve it. If you have any evil spirits inside, I can find out. I only hope that everyone can Form an alliance and form the biggest force!"

"Only by uniting can we resist the attack of the evil emperor!"

Yi Tianyun's tone is ambiguous. He feels that only by forming an alliance can he deal with evil spirits. When I saw the two teams of evil spirits this time, I knew how weak the single forces were against the evil spirits.

If the evil emperor is plotting something, or is jealous of something, fear that all forces will be destroyed, and it is still very easy.

On the surface, there are thirty gods in the two groups of evil gods, and they do not contain those that are not exposed inside. In the previous feast, there was no their existence.

Yi Tianyun does not know how many similar strong people cultivated by the evil emperor, but they do not unite to confront each other, and they will die! Once the evil emperor is no longer jealous of something, it is the day of their demise.

"The momentum of Xiaoyou really reminds me of the gods who were a long time ago. The gods have this kind of discouragement, but the powerful leader has called us together to unite." The elders of the sky are twinkling, and the memory seems to be like Going back to the battlefield a long time ago, I saw the leaders of the gods and directed them to fight.

"This point I agree with the Tianyun domain master. My dragon **** domain has already formed an alliance with the Three Realms. The Tianyun domain master can also help to identify the potential traitors of the evil spirits! It is impossible to deal with the evil emperor without joining forces." The main character of the dragon field is serious.

"Our celestial gods have already formed an alliance with the Tianyun domain master before."

"I just formed an alliance before the Jianfeng Godland..."

The three major gods have already formed an alliance with Yi Tianyun, which makes the owner of the cloud domain somewhat accidental, but it is reasonable.

"Then I also choose to form an alliance, and I can form an alliance with the Tianyun domain master. I want to be sure that there are many benefits." The cloud domain master smiled and saw the strength of Yi Tianyun, and he decided to form an alliance.

"Everyone can form an alliance with my forces and let them feel very honored. It is just a few of our forces. I am afraid that it is far from enough..." Yi Tianyun looked at them with a serious expression: "After all, the power of the evil emperor is too strong. We are only a few of these forces. There are more than a dozen powers in the domain of God, and each is not weak. If we can join hands, we may have hope of winning!"

"The main meaning of Tianyun domain is to say, come to a collective big league?" Tianzhu domain chief asked.

"Yes, as the elders of the heavens said, like the leaders of the original spiritual family, they led all the forces to resist. Otherwise, in the face of the terrible power of the evil emperor, we will still be defeated!" Yi Tianyun said seriously: "I know that it is not difficult to unite together, but we still have to try it. As for the fear of traitors, I will go check it one by one and give all the evil spirits out! In this regard, I am sure there is no Who can exceed my eyesight."

"I can testify at this point that the Tianyun domain master can feel the evil spirits, no matter how subtle, can be detected, very powerful. I have a lot of traitors in the dragon **** domain, if not the Tianyun domain owner, I really can't figure it out." The dragon dragon master testified next to him.

They wore the cloud domain and they nodded to each other. For the dragon domain owner, it is still very credible. Of course, they have all seen the strength of Yi Tianyun, naturally they will not feel lying.

"This is still feasible. The difficulty is a bit bigger, but now, if you don't do this, it's really weak and easy to be broken." Tianzhu domain chief smiled: "I still strongly agree with this. I have thought about it before, but I have never had a corresponding leader, so it is not easy to operate."

"Now the corresponding leader has it, so it will be much better."

“Leader?” Yi Tianyun turned to look at them and wondered: “Who is the leader?”

Several domain owners looked at each other and watched him one by one. The meaning is self-evident.

"I am a leader?" Yi Tianyun stunned and immediately said: "This is not a joke. I am much weaker than everyone else. The forces are also weak. It can be a leader, not a joke. Or? It’s not convinced at all!”

"It is true that from the power, and from the cultivation, it is not as good as us. But the site you have, and the conditions you have, can make you a leader!" Tianzhu domain owner pointed at him and said: " The descendants of the gods, this is one of them; in addition, saving the people of the heavens is basically your merits; the guardian of the evil gods and pearls is another point; our support is another point, so many points, who can From?"

The Scorpio Lord did not evade the presence of them, saying that Yi Tianyun was the guardian of the evil gods. It is possible that they already know that the Scorpio domain owner is the Guardian of the Evil God, and that is the extremely credible person. Naturally, he can tell the truth.

"The words are like this, but it is too bad to be repaired. I think it is still difficult to do it. It may be better to let the Tianzhu domain owner do it." Yi Tianyun recommended that the Tianzhu domain owner come to this position.

He still consciously can't be a leader, becoming a leader means becoming a ally! This difficulty is not too big, and many forces are hard to agree.

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