Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1711: Open

As soon as he arrived at the headquarters of the evil spirits, the Tianzhu domain master did not go in. He thought that it was only a small branch of the evil spirits, who knew it was the most influential type of headquarters.

There may be other evil spirits divisions that are even more strict than here, but it seems that this is very important. At least the people of the heavens are being held in it, and most of the elders are also here, which can be said to be quite important.

"It's coming." Yi Tianyun suddenly came up with a sentence.

The hearts of the ones are suddenly tight. They all know that the situation of the evil spirits is very strong now. If they are not good, they may die here.

However, Yi Tianyun said, this time they don't need to be desperate, just keep dragging them. Compared to desperately, if you have been swimming, the chances of falling here will be greatly reduced.

Follow them one by one to call out their strongest treasures, no one. If you are embarrassed, you will always carry these treasures down, but the bottom is under the soil, or it is turned into dust.

Soon they arrived at the passage area of ​​the evil spirits. As in normal circumstances, it was completely blocked. From the surface, there is no channel and no area.

This is not a big problem, it is already clear before it comes.

"This is the passage, but we can't use it. Only the evil spirits themselves can use the passage."

Yi Tianyun pointed to the dark mud of the underground. It looked like black soil, not like a transmission.

"This is the channel?" The first time they saw this passage, they didn't even think of the evil spirits headquarters. It was here.

"Yes, now I am forcibly opening the channel with the Scorpio domain master. When I go straight in, I will destroy the evil spirits guards inside and slightly interfere with them. When they are almost the same, they will be introduced immediately." Yi Tianyun told them about the plan.

Many domain owners nodded and said they understood.

Followed by Yi Tianyun and Tianzhu domain owners, they immediately began to force open this channel. Under normal circumstances, it is really difficult to open, but both are super-powered gods, and it is not a big problem to force open a small time here.

Immediately, the two stood side by side, and then began to break the **** of this transmission channel. Yi Tianyun and the Tianzhu domain have all studied, so they will know how to operate, and change to other gods, but I really don't know where to start.

At the time of the break, the transmission array immediately emits dark energy, and the passage is opened a little.

At the same time, the evil guards guarding inside, found that this transmission is not right. After a little exploration, I immediately found out that there were intruders outside, and it was still a large intruder!

"It is an intruder, a large number of strong!" The evil spirit guards exclaimed. They did not expect that there would be practitioners who would kill them so boldly. Isn't they afraid of being angered by evil spirits?

They immediately crushed the emergency token and informed the elders that they came over for emergency relief!

Elder elders felt very confused after receiving the news. I have never encountered this situation before, and this is the first time I have encountered this situation.

"Strange, there are intruders, who is so bold?"

"Hurry and go out and see if you don't have long eyes, grab them and swallow them!"

An elder quickly flew out and wanted to see who was so short.

In the arrangement of various large arrays of evil emperors, when they sensed the news, they frowned and looked out: "What do you do, who invaded? If you forget, give them a solution. Now you can't stop the big array, otherwise you can't stop the big array, or else It’s in vain.”

The evil emperor did not stop, but continued to arrange a large array. This large array is to control the transfer of the big array, he is waiting for the purple evil spirits, bring the successful control of the heavens to the family, and then undergo the transformation.

Simple control, naturally unable to last, must be blessed by a large array of blessings, can be truly consolidated, or will be broken.

Once stopped, the latter will lose its effect. He can only let the invaders come, let other evil spirits solve it.

At the entrance, Yi Tianyun has quickly opened a mouth and forced hard to open. After a little opening, just enough to accommodate the next person, they immediately shouted: "Now you can go in, let's go in with the most explosive power!"

"Then let me come first!" Jianfeng domain is full of war, holding a sword, already hunger and thirst.

Immediately he did not hesitate and rushed in. Just before rushing in, a healing power is blessed on him, maintaining a continuous healing effect.

The leader of the Jianfeng domain gave Yi Tianyun a grateful gaze, and he continued to rush in.

Yi Tianyun not only gave the Jianfeng domain main blessing, but also blessed other domain owners. Other domain owners have not felt it, and they have been shocked by this powerful healing power. Can they still have this special power?

They all gratefully glanced at Yi Tianyun, followed by one and all rushed in, and there could be no faults. If the Lord of the Sword Front is alone in it, then it is dangerous.

"Upgrade, it's up to you!" Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, this time certainly has enough experience to impact the gods level.

They thought that Yi Tianyun was an assistant, but they did not know that this was for experience. Of course, at the same time, it will not be so serious for them to be injured. It is good for them. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Soon after, there was a constant beating of experience, which meant that the main body of the Jianfeng domain had already been killed in the killing, and the blood was splashed everywhere.

He and the Scorpio domain have been expanding their channels so that they can escape quickly and not be blocked.

"We both shot a piece, even if the evil emperor came to close, it was not so easy!" Tianzhu domain chief cold road.

He is extremely dissatisfied with the evil emperor, and hopes that this time he will be defeated by a evil emperor!

Yi Tianyun nodded, and at the same time controlled the purple evil spirits and talked with them.

"I have brought people over, causing conflicts outside, we are ready to make renovations, and then take the opportunity to escape!" Yi Tianyun suddenly said.

The more the gods, the brighter their eyes, the time is finally their turn, and the eyes are full of war, this is a desperate gaze, preferring to die all the way, not willing to be caught again.

"You don't have to be so desperate. I don't dare to say absolutely this time. The chance to take you out is still very big!" Yi Tianyun comforted them next to him, not to be so dead.

"Everything is likely to have an accident, not to be able to escape all, to partially escape, we are the winners." The more the gods, they did not relax, after all, they felt that the fortress of the impregnable, was not compromised.

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