Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1723: Super defense

"There is finally a breakthrough, this is your end day!"

The evil emperor's eyes are cold, the palms are turned into claws, and the dark energy constantly rushes out from the palm of his hand, and it will spew out at any time. The fierce killing, raging in the palm of his hand, is ready for battle.

"The lord is escaping, we are protecting you!" The sword-wing domain lord rushed to Yi Tianyun, indicating that he rushed to escape, they stayed together, they were able to deal with the evil emperor.

Yi Tianyun turned a blind eye and did not care about the sword front domain owner. This made them suddenly anxious, I think Yi Tianyun is going to go to the evil emperor himself hard?

If it is really hard, it is really terrible. Even if you break through to the gods, the gap between the evil kings is still great! It’s true that you are the ally, but you don’t have to give yourself all the pressure.

"No, the evil emperor gave me to solve it!" Yi Tianyun only passed the voice at this time, so that they were all stunned.

Before a little guessing, Yi Tianyun would have a hard time with the evil spirits, but if you think about it carefully, you should not do this. It is so big that the gap is repaired.

Now that the breakthrough has been successful, there is no day under the blessing, it should not be hard. Who knows that this is really the case, so is it not to die?

"The lord is not impulsive, even if you break through to the gods level, there is still a big gap in the face of the evil king!"

"Yeah, the evil emperor has not completely erupted. You have seen it before, the power after the eruption of the evil emperor!"

"The lord is coming over!"

They hurriedly persuaded Yi Tianyun, indicating that he should not be so impulsive, even if it is improved, can not be so reckless?

"Don't worry, we can't say victory in this game, at least we can escape!" Yi Tianyun laughed loudly. Under the eyes, wearing a big witch suit, the body immediately flashed a dazzling green light. .

In an instant, a cloud of green clouds appeared in the void, and then began to release a green light, covering the main domain. Immediately after they immediately felt their own healing power, they produced earth-shaking changes. The original broken limbs were broken, and they recovered in the blink of an eye, far exceeding the previous recovery ability.

One by one, I lost a lot of combat power, and I will recover more than half in an instant. If I continue to stay for a while, I will definitely recover. Such amazing effects made them all shocked.

Before Yi Tianyun was able to give them the power to heal, but far from the current effect. The current effect is a world of difference. Under the powerful healing power, all the domain owners have restored their fighting power.

Perhaps they don't have any increase in combat effectiveness, but at least in the absence of injuries, combat power can be maintained at a high level. In particular, I am not afraid of being injured now. If I am hit, I will take a break for a short while and I will be cured soon.

These conditions made them all shocked, and at the same time, the evil emperor looked silly. The original downturn, all of a sudden recovered, and all the fighting power recovered, the state is very full.

"Why is this healing power so amazing? After breaking through the realm of the gods, it will be able to ascend to this level?" The evil emperor's face is gloomy: "This son really can't stay, it's just such support effect, other people will be difficult to attack!" ”

Under such a powerful healing ability, the wounds of the battle will not care, and the time will be more and more brave. They rely on the final amount of energy to kill them, but the price paid is definitely very high.

Therefore, Yi Tianyun must be eradicated, otherwise they will definitely suffer heavy losses here.

Immediately after the evil emperor's figure flashed, he was killed in front of Yi Tianyun. The black lacquered claws were caught in the void here, and they firmly covered Yi Tianyun.

The shot must be a killing trick, in order to control Yi Tianyun in one fell swoop!

Yi Tianyun knew that the evil emperor would not be able to withstand the attack. He had already prepared for it, his body flashed with dazzling green light, and instantly formed a super defense.


The emptiness of the claws to catch this side, can only fly Yi Tianyun to the bomb, but the body is not suffering from a slight injury, the terrible defense force makes the pupil of the evil king shrink.

I can't say that all my strength, at least I have more than half of the power, let alone subdue the lower god, even if it is a second killing the **** is not a problem.

Who knows that there is no trace of scars on the surface of Lianyung Tianyun, enough to see how horrible this defense is. This can be regarded as an increase of two thousand times of defense in his current state. What kind of concept is that? It is definitely harder than the gods and gods.

Of course, with the improvement of cultivation, it is definitely a rapid decline. At least for now, it is already quite averse. An attack that could have been easily punched in him, and now there is no trace of scars on the body.

"This is your attack? It's really a laugh!" Yi Tianyun sarcastically said that the evil emperor's attack did not hurt him. He was not as shackled as before.

"How come!" The evil emperor's gaze narrowed, and he did not expect his own attack. He even had no effect on Yi Tianyun.

The Scorpio domain owners were shocked when they observed the situation here. They also did not expect that Yi Tianyun would have such terrible effects after breaking through to the gods.

Not only can they greatly enhance the healing power, but they also have extremely terrible defenses. Under the attack of the evil emperor, there is no effect at all, which is really terrible.

"Is this the confidence of the lord, after breaking through to the gods, then against the sky?"

"Even if it is the foundation of the ten refining princes, there should be no such terrible effect..."

"But it is right now, isn't it? The lord is the lord, it's so amazing!"

They were very surprised by this. There was still some pressure. Where is the pressure now? As long as we continue to persist, the curtain of the gods is broken, there is no pressure at all, and it can kill a large number of evil spirits.

Although it is impossible to kill all of them, it seems that at least the pressure will not be so great, at least for a longer period of time. It’s just that they don’t know how long it will last for Yi Tianyun.

As for how long it will last, this really depends on their strength. As long as you kill more evil spirits, the more madness you get, the more you can continue. The consumption of what is almost zero consumption is simply the consumption of crazy value.

Contrast what consumption war, Yi Tianyun is simply invincible!

In this situation, they are wary and morale is blown up instantly. Many domain owners began to kill the evil spirits who are close to them. Even the evil army must retire!

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