Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1836: Boxing world

Yi Tianyun can't lose, not only has his own family behind, but also the entire Kaiyuan world!

Especially in the face of evil spirits, he is even more impossible to lose. Once he loses, the Kaiyuan world will surely perish.

He knows that the Vulcan Emperor also has his own family, otherwise it is impossible to say such words. However, although there is no innocence, but in the face of the spirit of the stare, he can not resist.

Once you resist, it is not only your own death, but also the possibility that even the entire Kaiyuan world will be affected.

"Although I feel that my chances of winning are not high, I will still strive to win... How to say, I am a god, step by step from the bottom to the peak! Even if you die, you must stand dead! ”

The Vulcan Emperor emptied his hand and the whole person turned into a flaming spirit. No body was materialized, which means that it can be quickly recovered.

"Bear bear..."

The flame burned through the sky, and the flames around the center of the **** of fire were burned through this flame, and they continued to extend around. The seemingly ordinary void is a flame that can burn everything.

It means that the empty blood, even if it is useless to hide into the void, the flame is easily burned, and there is no dead angle attack.

"Incinerate the sky!"

The Vulcan Emperor came up to display the strongest move, and turned him into the body of Vulcan. He whistled and burned through a piece of empty space, like countless fire dragons, and killed it to Yi Tianyun.

The void that was burned through, rolled up pieces of debris, forming an endless stream of space. No matter what half-step God Emperor, what level of God, as long as it is a little closer, will be caught in, burned to ashes!

This is the power of the Emperor, and the release of a little power is far from what ordinary gods can compare. Now that the Vulcan Emperor is doing his best, the power of the explosion can easily burn the existence of a **** domain.

If these attacks spread to the Divine Realm, it is really a matter of billions of lives, so it is burned to ashes.

Yi Tianyun's eyes flickered, like the eyes of chaos, and burst out of his eyes.

Reaching out of the empty hand and turning it into a gray light gathered on the fist, facing the Vulcan Emperor who burned the void, there is not much target, and the front is a punch.

"Boxing the world!"

A plain punch, so it turned into a faint ray of light, all the fists that looked so dull, so hit the flames that rushed up.

The next second, the seemingly invincible flame, like a huge cold water, was poured from the air and quickly extinguished. The flames around him disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Finally, a figure was shot from the flame, and after tumbling for several turns in the void, he lay down on the ground.

This person is the Emperor of Fire, the original body of Vulcan is not materialized, but it is hard to be smashed out of the body. It seems that there is no materialization, but it is ultimately dominated by the soul.

This punch annihilates all flames and blows out the most essential souls. It seems that the bare, flame of the Vulcan body is so ruined.

Under the punch, he was directly injured and almost died.

This is the end of Yi Tianyun's hand. If he doesn't keep his hand, he can blow the Vulcan emperor with a punch. To keep his life, I want to let the Vulcan emperor explain a few words.

"Cough and cough... It's too strong, my world will please you..." The **** of fire smiled, but his eyes were still unwilling, and then went to the ground, a little bit free: " I surrender!"

When the voice just fell, the spirit appeared in the void, and when the void reached out, the Vulcan emperor was destroyed and disappeared without a trace. The deity of a god, it turned into a myriad of powders disappeared behind the void, even the body did not stay, even the treasures did not stay, nothing with this trick completely died.

"Hey, successfully killing the **** of fire, gaining a trillions of points of compression experience, 100 million points of compression, and 100 million points of sin. Get the blood of Vulcan, the core of Vulcan, the soul of Vulcan!"

The Vulcan Emperor was not killed by Yi Tianyun, but most of them were hit by him, so the reward is still his. Get a lot of rewards, it is the most experienced experience and the most crazy value in history, so Yi Tianyun feels very excited.

"More than a few gods, I don’t know how many elixir I take..."

Yi Tianyun shook his head. It is really this way. It is the fastest way to upgrade. The rest absorbs more and the speed is extremely slow.

"Congratulations on your successful promotion, after the end of the battle, you can return to the cultivation site to restore the state." After the sentence, the instrument disappeared in place, did not continue to communicate with him.

After the disappearance of the spirit, Yi Tianyun sat down on the side and watched the remaining battles. Among them, the evil spirits had the fastest battle. When he won the Vulcan Emperor, the evil spirits had already won, and stayed on the side to watch the situation.

The rest of the emperors are still fighting constantly, playing hard to resolve, even if there is no resentment, but at this critical moment, even if there is no resentment, there will be resentment.

Want to live, can only win each other!

Following Yi Tianyun's gaze of the evil spirits, the two looked at each other and Yi Tianyun saw the contemptuous gaze from his eyes. Even Yi Tianyun can kill the **** of fire, it is nothing to him.

Because of the Vulcan Emperor, he can still punch it! It is not difficult to repair the gap between the two. It is not difficult to kill the **** of fire.

This battle lasted for a long time and finally ended. Originally, Yi Tianyun, a total of eight gods, now only four. In a short period of time, the four emperors fell.

I don’t know how many years of hard work, and when I die, everything turns into dust. Such a cruel situation must have been staged many years ago, but they are not aware of it.

The seemingly invincible existence, but also the time of corruption.

"The gods who are said to be invincible by the outside world are completely deceiving. The rumors are too powerful..." Yi Tianyun looked at the gods who had been destroyed and sighed deeply.

Some said that after becoming a **** emperor, they were able to resurrect their arbitrarily. This is simply the idiot who talks about dreams and is edited by those who do not understand. After breaking through to become a god, it is indeed terrible, but it is far from being able to revive people at will.

Yi Tianyun is able to resurrect people, completely the effect brought by the title, rather than breaking through the ability to become a god, the two do not match. But saving people, there is indeed a strong ability, as long as there is still a breath, you can save back.

But the invincibility that the world says is here is nothing but a dust.

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