Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1838: Red hand tear

"It seems that you have confidence in yourself?" The evil spirit looked at him coldly.

"Alright, at least for you, there is still no problem. I will wait until you have swallowed up, and then fight with you, let you die convinced." Yi Tianyun's expression is light, not happy, as if everything is In your own control, even if the evil spirits are swallowed up and upgraded their cultivation, they will be destroyed.

The evil spirit did not speak, but remained silent, thus accelerating the energy of engulfing the body. As if I was holding back something, I didn’t say anything more.

After a period of silence, after the evil spirits exhaled, they sneered: "That is really thank you, you will pay for your stupidity! So bright and open, feel that you have the ability? Everything comes here. So far, this emperor is the only **** in this world!"

As soon as the voice fell, the evil spirits re-emerged as a **** of death. This time, the death **** was bigger than before, and the sickle in the hand seemed to have become a small circle. To absorb so many gods, his cultivation has not increased, but in terms of the degree of cohesion of power, it is better than before.

He will not be grateful to Yi Tianyun, he will only let the sickle in his hand tear the Yi Tianyun into countless pieces, and then completely swallow it and become part of his body.

He only thinks that Yi Tianyun is stupid, obviously has a great opportunity, but it is let him slowly absorb it, it is simply stupid. He has been silent, that is, he does not want to anger Yi Tianyun, he will not do this stupid thing.

Although he can also fight a battle, but it has always been a little influential and can be completely absorbed, that would be great. If it is really to fight, he will continue to swim and avoid, and then take a fight after the absorption.

Now where you need to avoid the grievances, Yi Tianyun directly let him swallow up and absorb it, which is stupid in his opinion!

Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, and the chaotic core of the body was suddenly released. A chaotic force from the beginning of the world shrouded the whole body, and there was a star shadow behind it. If you look closely, this is not an ordinary star. It is a huge planet that rotates behind him.

At this moment, he seems to be transformed into a **** of the universe, controlling countless planets, and controlling numerous cores. At this time, this energy burst out and turned into this magnificent power.

"Crazy mode, outbreak!"

"Dragon and Phoenix, burst!"


All the same abilities broke out, and the power was pulled up one after another. Without unlocking one layer, the power was pulled up one level. Yi Tianyun, who did not seem to be burly, released the power and made him rise like a giant.

The energy that was released soon, overshadowed the evil spirits that had been thrown up.

However, this is not over. Yi Tianyun has a double eye and said: "Give me an upgrade!"

“Congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully broke through the middle of the next Emperor!”

After killing several emperors, let him easily earn the next level of experience and immediately let him successfully upgrade. Under the upgrade, the basic value is slammed up and raised to a new height.

The evil spirits who rushed up, the body was stiff, and in an instant he felt that he was facing, no longer the weak human race, but a huge giant. Even though it still looks like it hasn't changed, the feeling of giving him is so invincible that he feels very weak.

"The illusion, everything is an illusion!"

The evil spirits feel that Yi Tianyun is making a mystery, wielding the sickle in his hand, and slashing and slashing the void.

The sickle was torn through layers of void, and smashed down to Yi Tianyun’s head. He rolled up a black awn like a sharp blade and first rolled it toward him. However, he did not have anything at all, as if he had been swayed by a layer of breeze, at most, the corner of his clothes was broken, and the rest of the things were not.

At the moment when the sickle fell, Yi Tianyun reached out and squeezed it. He pinched the sickle between the two, and relaxed it in midair. If you let the evil spirits force how hard, they can't make a half-point.

"I am not too stupid, but you are really too weak." Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "No matter how you improve, there is no point in meaning."

"Go to the emperor to die!"

The evil spirit screamed, and the sickle in his hand pressed down again, but no matter how he broke out, it was not moving.

"You are going to die for me!"

Yi Tianyun pulled it over, and the evil spirits were dragged over easily, and there was not even a little resistance. At the same time as being pulled over, he quickly reached out and walked through the body of the evil spirits, and then tore to the side, tearing the evil spirits into two halves!

Tore the gods with bare hands, and if other gods are still alive, they must be shocked. Breaking through the cultivation of the Emperor, how to say it is very hard, like a **** of the gods, and is also the top of the gods, very hard.

It is now like a paper-like, easy to tear open.

Only after the evil spirits were torn, they quickly merged back in the void, like the body of immortality. It seems that he has not died yet. In fact, he is seriously hurt. His soul has been torn apart by a large piece. The pale face is the best proof.

"You, you just broke through the Emperor, how can the power be so strong!" The evil spirits smashed up, he really couldn't believe it, a **** who had just broken through, and achieved a repair that far exceeded him.

"Life is quite tenacious. It seems that practicing the undead body magic power will make you a few more lives." Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "However, I would like to see how many times can you resurrect?"

When he emptied into the air, he instantly succumbed to the evil spirits, and reached out again and again through the body of the evil spirits. The other side did not even have the opportunity to escape. It was easily penetrated, then smashed and twisted again into two halves, dissipating in In the air.

After a while, the evil spirits once again gathered back and turned into the original appearance. It seems to be unscathed, but in reality the soul is torn, the face is pale, the condensed figure is crumbling, and the sight is to be unable to stand.

The undead body, not really not dead, can only be resurrected a few times at most, and continue to do so, the evil spirits will die.

"The Emperor, the Emperor is the strongest Emperor, is the Emperor who can rule here!" The evil spirits mad, burned their souls and blood power, flew up to Yi Tianyun, broke out all Power to suppress Yi Tianyun.

But this doesn't make any sense, everything is easily penetrated by one hand and then easily torn.

With the tearing of the sound, the body of the evil spirits was completely torn into countless pieces, and at the same time it never condensed back - the evil spirits, died!

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