Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1840: Sealed!

Lingling thought that he could definitely kill Yi Tianyun, so he was not too cautious. This trick embodies the strongest killings, even if it is the evil spirit of the undead, it is a kill.

Yi Tianyun tore the evil spirits, it is also a heavy blow. If it is bombarded by this attack, it is really being smashed into slag, and there is no chance of cohesion. Therefore, the spirit is that you can successfully kill Yi Tianyun, do not need to pay too much attention.

At the moment when the instrument is relaxed, Yi Tianyun quickly returns to the fire and reinvigorate the special effects of the dragon and phoenix blood. In the blink of an eye, give birth to rebirth, and quickly break the eye.

When the instrumental response came, the eye was once again destroyed, leaving the last eye. Such a large array, with three big eyes, in fact, under normal circumstances is difficult to destroy, after all, the original grade is extremely high, even if the nine products of the gods here, want to break up, it is extremely difficult.

It takes a long time to break the eye. When I lifted a line of eyes, I didn’t know how many times I died, so I was basically determined that it was impossible to break.

Unless you have a strong force, you can resist it. The psionic spirit can mobilize the power of all the world. Even the upper gods can hardly withstand the attack of this attack, let alone slowly destroy the gods.

Unlike Yi Tianyun, he has a crazy mode. In the crazy mode, the speed of breaking up is increased to 256 times, which is comparable to the ordinary nine-character engraver, and neither is a level.

"There is no death, how is this possible!"

There was no wave of spirits, and now it was shocked, from the initial anger to the shock. The strongest move of his own, but there is no half effect, how can you not be shocked?

However, it quickly reacted and quickly stopped Yi Tianyun: "No death, then come again!"

The Spirit can continue to mobilize the power of all the world, and every time it is mobilized, the light on the surface of all the world will become dim. This large-scale power adjustment must have an amazing consumption, so it is not surprising that this situation occurs.

With the spirit of the instrument to mobilize all the forces, once again there is a trick to come over, in the blink of an eye, rushed to another line of Yi Tianyun, once again smashed into slag! What is the Emperor's suit, what is the blood of the powerful, under this trick, completely turned into nothingness.

This is the power that is above all else. Only this kind of power can let the spirit control this place and let it have absolute authority.

"It's impossible to be resurrected this time!" The spirit has never seen such a presence, and there is nothing left in the powder, and it can be resurrected. What is this ability?

In its view, there should be no existence beyond it. After all, so many exercises here, especially the top ones, are given. Even if it is some resource, it is divided.

This is equivalent to giving martial arts that can be cultivated to the emperor. It is impossible to surpass this limit. Cognitively, most people do think that the Emperor is at the top and reaches the invincible state.

The previous state, beyond its cognition, it has never given such enchanting martial arts.

“Did they create stronger martial arts?” The inspiration was incredible, and if it were, it was beyond its prejudice.

At the time of its speculation, a figure once again condensed, and quickly thundered the eyes of the sky with lightning speed! This time, the spirit was shocked again, but it quickly reacted and screamed: "No!!"

Its screaming will not slow down the collapse of the big array, and in a flash, this big burst will collapse. Following a drop of a bead from above, Yi Tianyun’s eyes were fast, and he reached out and grabbed the orb. His eyes were cold: “Give me a crush!”

A powerful force instantly poured into the treasure, and the layers were sealed, and the treasure was firmly sealed. After a while, this seemingly invincible orb was so blocked.

"The upper **** god spirit treasure..." Yi Tianyun looked at the treasured pearl in his hand, his face was a bit strange, and he did not expect the superior **** of the gods in the district. Under this big blessing, he reached the power of the upper god, the body It’s just a superior god’s spiritual treasure, which shows how powerful this big array is.

Under the superposition, the superior gods and spirits reach the level of the gods, and can kill all the gods. It seems that the strong man who laid the battle, has the ability to pass the sky, is definitely not the existence of the **** level.

After all, the existence of the level of the gods is impossible to arrange this level, and can only be arranged a little weaker.

This is the same as the Emperor's level, it is difficult to easily cultivate a god, but the level of the gods is cultivated, but there is no pressure at all. It’s extremely difficult to have a little weakness and no pressure.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun turned to look at the virtual shadow of the instrument, and his eyes were cold and cold: "You serve, or dissatisfied!"

The spirit of the seal is naturally not resistant, but it can still be active.

"Breaching the master's orders, you will be sanctioned!" The instrument shouted: "Don't think that defeating me, you can control this place, if you are discovered by the owner, you will die!"

"It seems that you are disobeying." The strength of Yi Tianyun's hand was slightly tightened, and there was a crack in the upper side.

At the same time, there is also a crack in the spirit. The body is destroyed and the instrument is naturally damaged.

"Absolutely disobey, you are too weak, not worthy of obedience!" The spirit of the face of death, without any fear, looked at Yi Tianyun's eyes, full of contempt.

"Yes, then you will die for me first, your master, after a while, I will go to him!"

Immediately, he crushed the orb, and turned it into countless pieces to dissipate in the void.

"Stupid, not self-sufficient... You are just the master's pawn, a group of ants..." Before the final disappearance, the spirit also laughed loudly, laughing at Yi Tianyun's self-importance and laughing at his arrogance.

"Hey, success kills the spirit, gains a little compression experience, a little compression of the crazy value, a little sinful value. Get control of the chaos!"

The sound from the system made him shine, and he did not expect to have control of it. Ling Ling said that he could not gain control, but he now has control.

After all, he is systematic, and there is no control, but the system is forced! After killing the spirit, you can get the ability of the other party.

"Very good, but killing this spirit, I don't know what the owner is..." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, he doesn't want to be a chess piece.

He didn't know what the consequences were, but he never thought about these things, fearing that it was still a slave to others.

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