Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1886: The power of Dengfeng

Yi Tianyun followed Dengfeng to the awakening altar. This awakening altar is stronger than the altar of the Lei Ying Palace. In contrast, the Thunder Shadow Palace is much rougher, not so detailed here.

In general, the effects are similar, and they all awaken, but there are still some differences. For example, there is sufficient energy here, and there is a small effect, which enhances the effect of sensing the higher layer of stars.

Just this is already a few streets in the Thunder Shadow Palace. Mainly because they think that the stars in the lower bounds can't have any high-level stars, so the awakening altar will be built a little worse.

"Come on, go and try it." Yi Tianyun gestured to Dengfeng to awaken the stars.

"it is good!"

Dengfeng was a little bit heavy, clenched his fist and lifted his foot to the front, and he was a little nervous and embarrassed in his heart. He has always been eager to get the stars, and now he is ready to get it, but he is beginning to get nervous.

He is worried that he really can't wake up the stars, and he is worried that he will be the first-class star. He always felt that he was very good, but at this moment, he stopped.

He hesitated. It was so urgent before, but now hesitated.

Mainly to sense the surrounding vision, in addition to the slaves, there are other local practitioners walking around. The awakening altar is in the center of the city, so the local practitioners who come and go can still see it.

Although they occupied the Star City, they did not limit too many people's activities, but only restricted them from going out of the city. Therefore, they are a bit resentful, can only endure, walk around and see the situation around.

Now that I saw Dengfeng preparing to go to the awakening of the stars, my eyes were smirking, and I felt that it was impossible to obtain a high-level star law.

Under these eyes, Dengfeng was hesitant.

"Dengfeng, what kind of momentum did you have before the Taigong Holy Palace? Until now, in the Kaiyuan gods, you have been telling your deeds, one by one is your momentum to go forward!" Yi Tianyun is behind the scenes Channel: "If the card stops here, you can only say that it has been a long time, you have forgotten your own!"

Dengfeng did not turn his head to look at the back, but looked up before the eyes, the depths of the eyes shimmered with the fine mans, a domineering gush from the depths of the eyes, washing the forbearance of these years.

I have been for too many years, so that he lacks the momentum of the beginning. Nowadays, it was mentioned by Yi Tianyun, and the domineering buried in his depth was released again.

"Yes, I am the first **** of the Kaiyuan world. Even if I don't count anything here, at least I have never feared it! Even if I didn't wake up the stars, I believe that I can still stand here!" Holding his fist, he is no longer confused, and he goes up to the awakening altar.

As soon as he stepped in, he immediately provoked the power of the awakening altar, and the instant rushed into the sky, into the ocean of stars!

This light is like a sword. It penetrates into it and breaks through two stars in a row. It enters the third-level star area in one breath. The cultivators who stayed around for a while looked at it and gave it to the third-level star area in one breath.

It means that he is poor, and there are three levels of stars.

But all this is not over, just fierce and unparalleled light, once again close to the front, once again broke through the four-level star area. But still haven't stopped, get rid of all the light, continue to go forward!

When I finally rushed to the five-level star area, it became extremely slow, and it was difficult to continue to get closer - the five-level star law!

Dengfeng chose a good star method, and at the same time let him settle in the level of the five-level star law, a very genius level. Not to say that everything is crushed, at least in the ancestral ancestral land, fear that only the celestial star can be compared.

"Five-level stars, these low-lying indigenous people, there will be five levels of stars, this is impossible?"

"This is impossible! Does it mean that he has reached the level of the celestial star?"

"So low-lying life, there will be such a strong star law? It must be a problem!"

They are not willing to admit the facts in front of them. There are still a few in the celestial ancestors of the five-level stars. However, they are all the level of the celestial star, or the level of the elders, they are the level of the five-level stars.

As for the six-level star law, it is too difficult to obtain, at least there is no one here. Otherwise, they will not be like crazy, to pull up Yi Tianyun.

The unique star method is even more amazing than the six-level star method. However, it cannot be said that the gap between the two is extremely alarming. The two are juxtaposed, but there is a gap.

The six-level star method is very strong and amazing. It can't be said that there is no way to compare the two, but there is still a six-level star law, swaying the unique star law.

Everything looks at the fit and looks at its own use. The unique star law has great advantages, such as being unique, which is a great advantage and has no similar ability.

Being unique is very strong and does not mean absolutely invincible.

This is unique to the creation of martial arts. It does not mean that it is much better than the martial arts that have been passed down for thousands of years. Everything depends on its own potential and on the future.

In terms of manufacturability, it is true that the unique star law is much stronger.


Yi Tianyun reached out and waved, and those noisy passers-by were slap in the face to make a meatloaf. He will not let go of this kind of chewing.

There is a saying that it is a curse from the mouth. Since it is said, it must bear the corresponding price.

"Five-level stars, really good!" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, did not expect Dengfeng to get a five-level star law, he initially thought that he could get a three-level star law, and now it seems that he is wrong.

After a while, Dengfeng came out of the awakening altar and was very angry.

"Five-level stars, good!" Dengfeng grinned: "It seems that I am still a bit talented."

"Isn't that sure? You are the first **** of the Kaiyuan world. You can be the first to cultivate into a god, which is enough to prove how strong your skills are." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"Yeah...just this slave mark, still not broken." Dengfeng shook his head, the most sad thing is this.

Yi Tianyun blinked, and if he failed, Dengfeng would not die, and the five-level star law would be used. So how can a strong talent make Dengfeng die?

At this time, the five-color emperor dragon in his body jumped a little and seemed to have reacted.

"Hey, the five-color emperor dragon has a little reaction, can it break the slave mark?" Yi Tianyun's eyes brightened, and he said that he could not!

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