Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1911: Shocking audience

They did not say the end, Yi Tianyun stood up and ended up, let them suddenly stunned, and immediately burst into laughter.

"This kid is crazy, really thought that he is the master of the celestial ancestors? Tell me, what level is your cultivation, is it the late star master, or the star level?" Shen Yun law enforcement ridicule, I feel Yi Tianyun is really crazy.

Inspired by the breath, Yi Tianyun does not seem to have a strong breath, but it feels like a star teacher! Can a star master repair and fight against them?

In this situation, let other people shake their heads and feel that Yi Tianyun is really crazy, and dare to speak to Shen Yun law enforcement. The key is still so stupid, so that Qingyue, they all think that the choice of Qingxue is really sad enough.

I thought it would be an opportunity, it would be a big creation. Now it seems that it is the most stupid choice, enough to remember in the history of the family, so that the younger generation remembers, do not make this stupid behavior - nosy.

Qing Xue is not only a nosy, but also blames the upper body, hoping not to lead the family here, otherwise it can not be easily handled.

"The little sister is a pity. If the security is stable, I can't say that I can get the key training in the day. Now I am afraid I can't do it..."

"Yes, this is the end of the nosy, I stopped her, she is still so obsessed."

"Look at this battle, it is impossible to let everyone go through the law enforcement..."

They shook their heads, and some of the disciples had more gloating in their hearts. When the same family died, there was a bit of gloating. After all, in their view, people are too stupid to die, and die, don't even get tired of the family.

Qing Xue stood behind Yi Tianyun and his face was white, but he could only stand here and there was no other choice. As for what she regrets, she did not regret it, her choice, and what regrets.

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" Yi Tianyun looked at them faintly: "To fight, fight together, don't waste my time, I have to go in and find the celestial star."

"Haha, it’s really a fool. Don’t worry, you don’t need to find the celestial star to die. Today you will die in our hands!” Shen Yun’s law enforcement came over here, and the power of the star master shrouded here. Come over, I want to lock Yi Tianyun. Before killing Yi Tianyun, he still wants to search for the soul. What memory is there in Yi Tianyun’s head.

At the same time, he was wary of Han Long next to him. He said that Han Long’s cultivation was done by the master of the star. One pair of four is not playing, but if you are alone, the level is still not bad, especially the sturdy, more like It is desperate.

But Han Long, who is next to him, didn't move at all. Just standing behind Yi Tianyun, staring at him with the eyes of the dead, and even showing a strange smile.

At this moment, suddenly there was a five-color emperor dragon in the back of Yi Tianyun. The emperor dragon who had been flying for nine days rushed to the sky and immediately suppressed the star law of the Shen Yun law enforcement.

Without waiting for the other party to react, Yi Tianyun stepped forward and stepped down the magical law enforcement from the air. Under the pressure, the Shen Yun law enforcement was directly smashed!

A trick to kill, no drag and no water. The district star master was repaired in the early stage, and it is not enough for him to feel the teeth.

"I said it, don't waste time. Come and come together, don't delay!"

Yi Tianyun stepped forward step by step, and the fierce spirit of the emperor swept away. The strong impact made everyone feel a shock, the heartbeat was stagnant, and some were back a few steps. As for the dragon's blood, directly fell to the ground, the body shivered.

The atmosphere of the top star masters, a roll around, the impact on them is incomprehensible. Especially the high-hanging unique star law, the impact on them is even more amazing!

"Independence, unique star law?" Peiyun law enforcement and other people behind him were shocked. They immediately saw that they were unique stars, and they could not see it. They were really blind.

Not to mention them, all the practitioners present have seen it, so who will not see the dazzling power?

"God, this is the unique star law, very similar to the vision that appeared last time. Is it the last time that the unique star law is the mysterious power, is he?" Qingyue, they were all shocked, thought it was easy. The cloud is a scorpion, and it is a mess with a little power.

Now they are all wrong, not taking advantage of the family background, but taking advantage of their own skills! A master of stars, instant spikes, like drinking water.

Standing in the blue snow behind Yi Tianyun, the impact is even greater, and it was desperate. Suddenly, Yi Tianyun broke out with amazing power, especially the unique star law that is superior to all the stars and the law is even more dazzling. . Like a fiery sun, it hangs high and shines on everything.

"You, what kind of power are you?" Peiyun’s law enforcement trembled as if it had been poured out by a basin of cold water, so that he was completely awake.


Yi Tianyun did not want to explain too much to the dead. One attacked the past, and Peiyun’s law enforcement directly annihilated. The remaining two law enforcements were directly under the impact. The ground was plowed out of a large depression, and I don’t know how long it will take to repair it.

Four star masters, do their best!

After killing the four star masters, Yi Tianyun put away the unique star law and turned and said: "Let's go, it's a waste of time."

"Yes, adults!" Han Long bent down deeply, and his eyes were full of respectfulness. At the same time, he looked at Qing Xue and said: "This girl can sit back."

"Oh, oh, yes..." Qing Xue responded for a while and then sat back in the carriage.

At this time, I looked at Yi Tianyun’s eyes completely differently. Even sitting, I dare not sit too stable. The mood is completely different from before. I didn’t know that Yi Tianyun’s strength was so strong. I thought it was someone who was protected, and I didn’t have much skill.

Who knows that it is really capable, and it is still very strong and terrifying. It is the breath, the top star master. In particular, there is also a unique star law, it seems that in the future into the star level, the problem is not big!

"How, a little nervous, afraid that I ate you?" Yi Tianyun smiled and looked at her.

"No, no... The adults are so powerful, I have never thought of it." Qing Xue was more restrained, and the voices were weaker.

"If I don't even have this ability, how can I make it for you?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "I said that giving you a make-up is a creation for you, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

He doesn't need to make any promises, and what he says is an absolute promise!

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