Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1917: Fisherman

"Yes, how come I come over, have the ability to come and kill me for revenge!"

Yi Tianyun stood in the same place and smiled. He knew that Tianji Xingjun would not dare to come. The place where he was staying was the best area to snatch. If he leaves the area, he will soon be occupied by other stars.

"Good! You kid waiting for me, waiting for me to **** this golden **** grass, when you will die, no matter where you flee, no matter what power you are, you are dead!" With a roar, follow the reopening.

On the edge of the **** Ding Xingjun face is strange, in fact, the heart is even more open mouth, he did not expect Tianji Xingjun so idiotic, even want to be an enemy with Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun is the young master of the Jade God ancestral land. Who dares to be an enemy of him?

In the heart, Shen Ding Xingjun felt that the celestial star was dead, and he felt that he was too ignorant. Even this point was unimaginable. It was really idiotic.

The rest of the stars are equally eccentric, they also guess that Yi Tianyun is the lesser of the ancestral land of the gods, otherwise how can it be so unscrupulous, or can this power?

They want to break their heads, search for many times, don't know which forces, there will be such a rebellious existence.

As for the jade **** ancestors to verify, even if there are similar ideas, they must go to verify. At present they have to wait for the Golden God, but there is no such idea.

Especially in the case that has nothing to do with them, it is much lazy to say a few words, and I hope that the celestial star will be destroyed.

"Hey, this day, the star has never thought that I am the young master of the ancestral land of Yu." Yi Tianyun has some doubts. It is reasonable to say that Tianji Xingjun will definitely know some news, but Tianji Xingjun does not think that he is jade. Like the lord of the gods, he did not give him a good face.

When he thought about it, the light that was released from the front of the golden **** grass became more and more amazing, and it would burst out at any time. Soon, the last green area of ​​the golden grass was covered in gold.

At the moment of covering, the seemingly inconspicuous Golden God grass suddenly appeared a virtual shadow. When you look closely, it is a huge Jinshan virtual shadow!

Followed by the Golden God grass began to grow wildly, from the height of less than a few inches, began to grow up one by one, in the blink of an eye to grow to a height of hundreds of feet.

Not only did it grow extremely high, but it continued to spread around. At this time, it was like a grass, and it was completely grown to a huge golden **** tree.

"Mature, mature!" Many stars have shaken their spirits, and they are all staring at the golden **** grass, including the celestial star, all clenching their fists, ready to rob.

Here he set up a large array early, his biggest advantage is this, with a large array of blessings, otherwise it is really not too much to grab.

Only God Ding Xingjun stared at the Tianji Xingjun, he always remembered what Yi Tianyun said, that is to kill the Tianji Xingjun, everything belongs to him! Whoever is the last Golden God, isn’t it the best?

Yi Tianyun looked outside and was amazed by this scene. This is the Golden God Grass. There has always been an inconspicuous scene, no one can find that at the last moment of maturity, the most perfect gesture is quickly erupted.

However, it was discovered early. After all, there are still many strong-eyed people, and Tianji Xingjun is one of them.

Soon after the golden **** grass was fully grown, the golden shadow of the golden sky shrank, and it returned to the golden **** tree, and at the same time it began to shrink rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a very mature golden grass - long legs.

After growing his legs, the golden **** grass ran out and ran to the outside, turning into a golden mans. The mature golden **** grass is like a human figure, and naturally it is rushing to escape, so as not to be caught.

But how could it escape? Tianji Xingjun had arranged a large array here early, and once mature, immediately sealed the golden **** grass.

"I want to escape, impossible!"

The eyes of the celestial star are filled with golden awns, and the hand reaches out quickly, and the surrounding arrays are tumbling. Several golden beams of light are inserted straight into the air, and the golden sacred grass is nailed to the air, let alone escape, and is directly fixed. In midair.

In an instant, the golden **** grass was blocked, and the escape could not escape. I don’t know how many years of gestation, I was arrested when I was just mature, and I have to say that this is the end of the **** medicine.

The locked golden **** grass is constantly twisting. If you want to escape from the seal, how can its ability escape? No matter how it twists, there is no point in it.

"You are mine!" The celestial star gaze gaze, and when he reaches out, he grabs it here. As long as the golden **** grass is given to the bag, everything will be over.

He may not be able to fight so many stars, but there is nothing wrong with running away.

But at this time, several gods passed through and shattered the seal. The golden **** grass sensed that the seal was broken and ran to the outside.

"You!" The celestial star is so angry that he has been kept for so long, how could it be wasted.

"Tianji Xingjun, such a good thing, how can you let you enjoy it alone?" On the edge of the 裴成星君 laughed and reached out, a giant net shrouded down, enough to cover a large network of the lower bound of the **** domain, quickly Covered down.

So every day, it seems that they are also ready.

"I have been preparing for so many years, how can I let you destroy it!" The celestial star screamed, and he quickly sacrificed the stars and the five-level stars were released.

The power of Xingjun immediately allowed him to control the power of the five parties! Tianji Xingjun is really powerful, able to master the power of the five parties, and immediately let himself improve the full force of ten times.

Not only that, but there is a big blessing, and the power is suddenly raised to a new height.

"Get out of my way!"

The celestial star junta erupted with vast power, and the huge battle wheel illusion floated up. This war wheel can release the raging power and greatly enhance its own strength.

Immediately, he caught a void, a huge wheel was in his hand, and he waved wildly, and the invincible light cut out, and the touched places were turned into ruins.

In an instant, the star-studded monarchs were shaken apart. There was nothing to hurt, but it was already amazing to have several stars attacked.

However, one of them did not shake off, that is the **** Ding Xingjun!

Behind God Ding Xingjun, there is a **** Ding, which offsets this attack, and also explodes the strongest force, just like a fight out, wants to completely suppress the Tianji Xingjun.

"Who will suppress the Tianji Xingjun with me, and when the golden **** grass arrives, it must divide him half!"

God Ding Xingjun saw that Tianji Xingjun was so overbearing, and he would not be late. I still wanted to sneak attack, but now it seems that it can only be a hard-headed one.

Yi Tianyun on the side smiled, this is a smile of the fisherman's profit...

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