Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1919: Devouring the stars

When the words of the celestial star were out, everyone was stunned, and the star princes, including the onlookers, were shocked by this.

Yi Tianyun's identity is still fake! ?

"Fake? How is this possible! Unique star law, and the ability to destroy your celestial ancestral land, there is no strong backing, how can you do it?" God Ding Xingjun can not believe in the side of the celestial star.

"I still be an idiot, are you a real idiot?" Tianji Xingjun sneered: "For the ancestral land of Yu, all of you are not as familiar to me! I have seen the lord of the ancestral land of Yu, even... ...I am the one who works for the ancestral land of Jade God. It seems that you think too much."

"The celestial ancestors have become famous for a long time. Why haven’t they been destroyed by those forces that seem to be apparent? Because they are ten courageous, they dare not touch my celestial ancestral land!" Tianji Xingjun Shen Sheng: "No I thought that after a long period of time, I was halfway to kill an unknown boy and killed my celestial ancestral land. I don’t know which force you are, and can destroy my power!"

"But no matter what power, dare to provoke me, and provoke the jade **** ancestral land, that is a dead end!"

"Shen Ding Xingjun, I wonder why you are so behaving. It turned out to be taught. It seems to be too low-key, it is a mistake. I have always tried to rely on my own strength to control everything, not to rely on the power of the Jade God. I can become stronger with my own ability, how can I let the jade **** ancestor look at me and look at me."

"I didn't expect the end, but it was the misfortune of others to use the ancestral land of the Jade God to deal with me. It is really a mistake..."

Tianji Xingjun looked cold and looked at Yi Tianyun and said: "Jiaozi, I really can't see you really have a set, let us all play a good group... God Dingxingjun, this time you still plan to deal with me first?"

"Wang Ba Gu, I dare to lie to me!" God Ding Xing screamed, immediately turned the attack to Yi Tianyun, the invincible Shen Ding swelled up and turned into a giant Ding!

Tianji Xingjun did not make an oath, and God Dingxingjun immediately believed. The main thing is that he thinks a little, it is true. So many forces, only the celestial ancestors made a very inhumane thing, that is, the practitioners of the lower bounds have always been slaves.

In general, some of the powers of the roads are definitely not eye-catching. The ancestral ancestors have been peace of mind, no forces to provoke, prove that they know that the ancestral ancestral land is backed!

After thinking about this, Shen Ding Xingjun immediately broke out and stormed here. He wanted to vent all the anger on Yi Tianyun.

This time he didn't even want the Golden God grass, just wanted to kill Yi Tianyun to vent his anger.

"Kid, see what you do this time!" Tianji Xingjun snorted, no need to personally take revenge, someone helped solve it.

Qing Xue’s face was white, and I didn’t expect this kind of flipping. Tianji Xingjun was really effective for the jade **** ancestral land. In this way, isn’t it equal to provoke the jade **** ancestral land?

Not to mention Qing Xue, even Han Long is worried, for the time being, regardless of the ancestral land of the gods. It’s just a few stars in front of him, enough for him to drink a pot.

Doesn't this mean that the plan has failed, and it is still a complete failure, and it has also attracted two forces!

"Kid, you are a liar, grab him!"

God Ding Xingjun did not kill, and the elders who had watched together on the side were angry. In the event of such an oolong incident, a large part of the responsibilities were related to them. Now I can only grasp Yi Tianyun’s work.

Several star masters rushed up, and each of them broke out with the strongest force because of anger, and wanted to seize Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun did not despair, but did not show his unwilling expression. Everything did not exceed his expectations. From the beginning, he planned to kill the Tianji Xingjun himself. There is no relationship with the help of God Dingxingjun.

It’s just a sacred place, and it’s not a good thing. If you provoke yourself, it will be dragged down.

Therefore, if it is seen, there is nothing. For him, it is not a plan failure, but the plan has not changed, what is the failure? Everything is just adding a wave of stars to him!

"Old slaves..." Han Long has always been physically active and wants to break out with full force.

Yi Tianyun reached out and stopped. The shadow of the five-color emperor dragon emerged behind the moment. The deity did not change. As soon as the sky was empty, the violent force spattered around.

Several elders who rushed up were directly shocked and turned into pieces of blood fog!

In the blink of an eye, several elders are easily killed, as easy as cutting vegetables. However, the enemy is God Ding Xingjun, that is the most terrible existence.

"The kid is a bit of a skill, but everything is here, and under the stars, they are all ants!"

Shen Ding Xingjun quickly suppressed down, and the huge **** Ding was pressed against the face and escaped. Invincible giant tripod, like the invincible mountain, is enough to turn everything into meat.

Although the unique star law is very powerful, in the eyes of these big people, before they grow up, everything is rubbish. If he was not afraid of the identity of the Yushen ancestor behind Yi Tianyun, he would have already started.

Now that I know that I am being played, I don’t have to worry about Yi Tianyun’s life and death.

Faced with such pressure, Qingxue and Hanlong’s pressure doubled, and even the station could not stand up. They fell to the ground directly and even squatted on the ground.

The power of the star is really too strong, especially the **** Ding Xingjun also uses the Quartet, and strengthens his own strength. It is reasonable to say that such a gap does not require the use of the above star power.

God Ding Xingjun is really mad, and to kill, it will be completely killed, leaving no room for a little.

"Is everything finished?" Qing Xue tried to look up at Yi Tianyun and saw that he still stood straight, as if everything could not be overwhelmed. "Adult, run away, ignore us..."

Qing Xue felt that Yi Tianyun did not leave, just to protect them, so he did not escape.

"Escape? That doesn't exist..."

Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Let you see that Star Jun is not invincible, especially this crazy star..."

In the next second, Yi Tianyun stepped forward, and his body immediately turned into a huge five-color emperor dragon. At the same time, the stars above it shone, and the five-party star power shrouded, directly strengthening his power.

"Five, five-party star power? And it is still mastered by the star master??"

Jianfeng Xingjun, they all look at it, Star Master can use Starpower, they are not looking at it?

However, everything is not over. The huge five-color emperor dragon and stars are in the same field. In the field of stars, suddenly they open their mouths and smashed the star power of the **** Ding Xingjun. By swallowing up the two sides of the star power, immediately let your own star power rise from the five parties to the seven-square power!

At the same time, the power of the **** Ding Xingjun was immediately weakened!

This trick is the culmination of the five-color emperor dragon - devour the stars!

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