Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1922: World vibration

After Yi Tianyun broke through to Xingjun, he became more violent. This allows the rest of the stars to have to measure their own abilities and is not qualified enough to compete with Yi Tianyun.

Moreover, without this necessity, Yi Tianyun has suppressed the Tianji Xingjun, and will surely be chased by the Jade Gods afterwards! This is impossible to escape, and the ancestral land of Jade God will surely pursue this matter.

How to say that the Tianji Xingjun is a person of the ancestral land of the gods, the dog must look at the owner. If Yi Tianyun kills the Tianji Xingjun, he will certainly be retaliated.

But do not kill the celestial star, will be chased after the celestial star!

"It seems that Jinshencao, we have no hope, even if we grab it, I am afraid that it will be returned by the jade **** ancestors..."

"Scattered, scattered, it is better to go inside the Five Elements Mountain and find out if it is better to find a better one."

A famous star chose to leave, and did not intend to rob the golden **** grass, and gave up directly. For them, this is no hope.

Han Long, they stared at this side, not only killing the **** Ding Xingjun, but also easily suppressing the Tianji Xingjun. In particular, the breakthrough in front of the star, is not to say that it is extremely difficult to break through the star king, how easy Yi Tianyun is like drinking water, easy to break through.

This really surprised them, but more surprises!

Originally thought that Yi Tianyun would lose, and now it is completely won. Just after the surprise, the ensuing is the deep worry.

No matter whether you kill or kill the Tianji Xingjun, you can be considered as a bridge with the jade **** ancestral land, and things will not be solved so well. The ancestral land of the Jade God is famous. Any force that hears it feels terrible. Where can I dare to have a little resistance?

That is the existence of a Samsung Jun, and the essence of the star level, not as simple as imagined. It is said that the ancestral land of Jade God has the existence of a six-level star law. Although it is not so special compared with the unique star law, the six-level star law is also an invincible existence.

The unique stars of the past dynasties are not absolutely invincible, and they are often invincible in the six-level stars.

"Now I have begun to make a good account. The slave imprints of the ancestral ancestors are all arranged by the people of the Jade Gods." Yi Tianyun did not kill him. It is this.

Originally, the two were not related, but when Tianji Xingjun said that he was working for the Yushen ancestral land, he would associate with the Jade God ancestral land. It is very likely that the slave seals of the ancestral ancestral lands are all arranged by the ancestral land of the gods!

"It seems that you are not stupid, the slave imprint of the celestial ancestral land is indeed arranged by the ancestral land of the gods." Tianji Xingjun sneered: "Why, do you know now? Are you still in control of the ancestral ancestral land and also destroy the slave imprint?" I really have the ability. I believe that this matter will soon be introduced into the ears of the ancestral land of Yu, and you will not know how to die!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold, and he held his neck and lifted it up. The force continued to exert pressure on the body of the celestial star. Since the power of the celestial star is sealed, the overall situation is no different from ordinary people.

When this power was suppressed, the face of Tianji Xingjun immediately became red, and it seemed to be drowned.

"I really thought I didn't dare to kill you?" Yi Tianyun sneered: "I thought that the slave imprint was set by you. As long as you kill you, the slave imprint will disappear. It seems that the real master culprits are actually the jade gods. The land of Jade God is really a good cover. There is no news in this regard outside. Do you think you are a righteous person?"

"Ha ha ha... I want to completely destroy all the imprints of the celestial ancestral lands. It is useless to kill me. I have the ability to destroy the ancestral land of the gods!" Tianji Xingjun dumbly laughed, no matter what his life and death, "you If you really go, I believe that it will take a long time to be completely garbage!"

Tianji Xingjun is naturally not afraid of death. As a superior, dignity is always more important than his own life.

"Well, you can die." Yi Tianyun reached out and pinched, and the power poured into the body of the celestial star, eventually leading to a complete explosion.

A star-studded monarch is so completely dead.

The annihilation of the celestial star is that the ancestral ancestors have completely lost control, and he has become the true master. But everything is not over, I want to really liberate the ancestral ancestral land, and there is no trouble, only to eliminate the ancestral land of Yu Shen!

The spearhead suddenly moved from the celestial star to the top of the jade **** ancestral land, a force that many forces did not dare to provoke. In this area, the ancestral land of the Jade God is the existence of the boss level. Who can resist?

"Adult, this is to provoke the jade **** ancestral land." Han Long flew with Qing Xue, and fell in love with Yi Tianyun.

"If you are provoked, you will be provoked. Since the real murderer is the ancestral land of the jade god, then it is destroyed..." Yi Tianyun bounced the bomber and said indifferently: "Let's go, let's go inside the Five Elements Mountain and explore what I want. s things."

"Yes, adults!" Han Long did not say much, but in addition to worry, more excited.

He is also a **** generation, and he will not be afraid of death. In terms of meaning, he has been dead once. Since there was no freedom and no control over himself as the massacre of the gods, it was basically equal to death.

Now it is saved by Yi Tianyun. If it is not Yi Tianyun, he will naturally not "live". For the ancestral land of Yu Shen, the horror is terrible, but he will still follow Yi Tianyun to kill it.

Thinking of making this situation, it is the ghost of the jade **** ancestor, and his inner anger is more prosperous.

Immediately, they continued to ride in the carriage and drive into the Wuxing Mountain. The snow was complicated. She thinks that Yi Tianyun is strong, but in the face of the ancestral land of the gods, it seems so small.

The ancestral land of Jade God is a very large force. Samsung Jun is one thing, and there are still many strong people. As a master of the stars, I don’t know how many hundred. As for the level of the star division, it is more like a dog... especially the essence of the star. If you release a treasure of a star, it is really equal to a star. Respect blessing.

At that time, Yi Tianyun, can you still deal with it?

The things here quickly spread to the outside and exploded in many forces. They were all shocked by the news, especially when they knew that the ancestral ancestors had a leg with the ancestral land of Yu, they knew that Yi Tianyun would be completely finished.

Qing Yue and others who wanted to make a good relationship with Yi Tianyun through Qing Xue, when they heard the news, they were pale. Among them, the elders’ level immediately throws a sentence to inform all the tribes that they will never be able to meet with Yi Tianyun. Qingxue is no longer a person in the family. What is done outside has nothing to do with the family!

So announced, just to save yourself!

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