Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1960: Variance

For 10,000 years, he thought that it was at most a few hundred years, and he died for thousands of years. I didn't expect to be in the tens of thousands of years. After waiting for 10,000 years, I don't know what happened.

Not to mention that it is 10,000 years, even if it is a few hundred years, he can't wait. After all, God knows the land of the gods and will do something for those underworld forces. Especially after waiting for the Three Realms, after someone successfully breaks into the Emperor, it will surely usher in such disgusting things.

"For ten thousand years, I can't wait for it. It's been too long." Yi Tianyun shook his head. If the **** stone could be used, he would have left it easily.

Unexpectedly, here, it would be a huge pit, and I thought there was something amazing. It seems to be a dead end now.

"No way, we can't find other channels. If you don't want to stay here, I can send you out, the outside is wide, you can look for other channels to exit." Caiyun's attitude is still cold, no A little bit polite.

"Sister, if you send the big brother out, it will not be in danger. There are many Green Devils outside, if they are surrounded, it will be difficult to escape!" The colored snow next to him hurriedly persuaded.

"Don't you say that he killed the Green Devil King, even the Green Devil King has been killed, but also afraid of other Green Devils?"

Caiyun is not convinced that Yi Tianyun can kill the Green Devils. This time, there are many of the crystal spars, and one of them ran in. It is not allowed to be killed by a group of people, instead of being killed by Yi Tianyun alone.

Their colorful Protoss and Green Devils spent so long, and the Green Devil is still not killed, enough to see how difficult it is to kill.

This kind of thing, they are naturally happy to see, the Green Devil is dead, it is a good thing for them.

"The Green Devil King is killed by the big brother, I also saw it with my own eyes! But if you go out at random, it is still very dangerous, and the big brother is still hurt!" Cai Xue is still persuading, the eyes are full of worry.

It seems that Cai Xue is still very concerned about Yi Tianyun, and he refuses to send him out.

"Sister, I am not against your sympathy, but if he wants to find his own channel, do I still want to keep him?" Caiyun touched her little head and looked up at Yi Tianyun. Icy cold: "I am staying here, or I want to leave to find the passage, just look at yourself."

"Well, then I will leave here and look for the passage." Yi Tianyun did not stay here, staying here, there is no good way, and still can't go out, it is better to go out and still find Opportunities for other channels.

"No!" Cai Xue grabbed Yi Tianyun's big hand and said with tears: "Big brother, you can't go, it's dangerous outside!"

Yi Tianyun reached out and licked her little head and smiled. "Nothing, I can even kill the Green Devil King. I am afraid that other Green Devils will not be able to do it. Moreover, I can’t find it here. Channel."

Caiyun shook his head, and even if she cheated the child, she would not believe it. However, she did not poke in person, but stayed by and looked at it. Anyway, as long as Yi Tianyun did not hurt her sister.

"That, then you have to wait until the body is fully recovered and go!" Cai Xue saw that he could not retain, and he could only say this.

"Well, then I will stay until my body is fully recovered. I will be able to recover completely in a month." Yi Tianyun estimated his situation, and in the case of constant recovery, he still needs a Month time.

This injury is really too serious. I don’t know how many years it will take for other practitioners. He is still very fast.

"Great, that big brother, you will rest here comfortably!" Cai Xue smiled happily, even if he could not help Yi Tianyun to leave, at least let him stay here to fully recover.

Caiyun sighed aside, it seems that his sister is so kind, and I don’t know when I was sold.

"Since my sister said this, then you will wait until the body is fully restored. After the body recovers, you will have to leave it immediately!" The color of the cloud is severe, and there is still no good face.

"I will." Yi Tianyun did not pay attention to her, he would choose to stay, completely in the face of the snow, if not to retain the snow, he did not want to stay here.

There is limited mobility here, and naturally I don't want to stay here anymore.

After some explanation, nothing more than just walking around, can only stay in this room. If someone comes, immediately hide the breath, do not act rashly.

This point Yi Tianyun listened one by one, anyway, it only takes a month, he is too lazy to move around.

After the account, Caiyun left with the snow, and did not continue to stay with him.

As time goes by, Cai Xue often comes to Yi Tianyun to chat, often asking about the situation outside. Yi Tianyun was happy to chat, and said the world situation outside, so that the snow was amazing again and again, but the world outside was not so colorful.

When Caiyun knew this, he could only shake his head and sigh, and did not discourage anything. Anyway, Yi Tianyun only waits for a month, let his sister, chat with him for a month.

During the period, Yi Tianyun also learned a lot about the situation and knew the status of the colorful Protoss. They stay here, not being trapped, but simply completing the task!

They received a task to suppress the Green Devils. The Green Devils are not the races of this world, but the races from the underground world. They are responsible for guarding the passage of the Green Devils.

Despite this, there are still a lot of Green Devils rushing up, making them a big headache.

It is a great power to explain to them this task. It seems that the colorful protoss have been saved, and this colorful Protoss is responsible for suppressing the Green Devils. In any case, they are indeed dead.

The appearance of such an open channel is completely distorted by time and space, resulting in a large array of failures, which will allow outside practitioners to come in at will. In exchange for the usual, it is impossible to come in. Therefore, the last situation that occurred was the distortion of the big array and the temporary weakening, so that they could come in with the crystal spar.

As time goes by, it will soon be a month away, and Yi Tianyun’s injury has completely recovered. It is almost time to leave.

"Oh, weird, how come these days, Miss Choi, my sister came over?" Yi Tianyun was a little curious. Before the snow would come to him often, but now it has not come for several days, is it something? ?

When he thought so, a familiar atmosphere came from the outside, and pushed open the door, hurriedly said: "Big brother, not good, the Green Devils attacked, you flee!"

"The Green Devils attacked?" Yi Tianyun brows, the Green Devil is dead, how can there be extra power to attack?

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