Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2041: the truth

Yi Tianyun slammed a large mouth to the nearby star jun, and swallowed the star power above the two stars. His star law level has been upgraded to three levels, representing his ability to swallow three stars.

Under the swallow, the two of them are star-studded, and they have no ten-star power! What can be added to Yi Tianyun is only the two sides of the star force, which is already the limit effect.

The star power of Xingjun and Xingzun is completely different in concept, especially to the higher level of star power, which is more difficult to upgrade.

After swallowing it, you can upgrade to the 30-square power! The entire 30-square-strength force is almost equal to the effect of dozens of times the strength of the battle. It is absolutely shocking the audience.

"Thirty square stars?"

When everyone saw this scene, there was a chill in the heart. I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to ascend to this extent, far more than their imagination. The Lord of the Stars was frightened. He thought that the power of Yi Tianyun was only dominant in the burning field. He came to himself, but he was a sloppy boy.

Now it seems that he is too naive at all, the real power is not him, but Yi Tianyun!

"The wrath of God of War!"

Yi Tianyun once again released the power of the Starlight Wars, and instantly turned himself into a **** of war, the most important thing is to squat on the body, releasing the dazzling power of light attributes.

Like turning into a sharp arrow, the direction of the Lord of the Stars runs through, and the huge light leader whispers like a huge star.

"The chaotic dragon!"

Yi Tianyun roared, the strongest killings were released, this time it was a huge impact, leading to the engulfing of the star.

When the attack of the Lord of the Stars touched the attack of Yi Tianyun, it suddenly melted into a light spot, and there was no lethality. Under the effect of the wrath of God of War, the enemy's damage is not known to be reduced.

The most crucial thing is the 30-square-strength force, which is almost 70 times more powerful, and the number of stars is not crushed. Even if the owner of the star is the middle of the star, how to face this thirty-square power is enough to make him chill.

The Lord of the Stars is very powerful, but it is more powerful than the Jade Star. Yu Shen Xing is suppressed by him, let alone the owner of the star.

Yi Tianyun has the absolute power, will come alone, what intrigues, all are broken.

"Give me broken!"

The Lord of the Stars roared and smothered with Yi Tianyun, but the hurricane that his King of the Wind blew up was like a cool breeze in front of Yi Tianyun, and there was no effect at all.


The horrible dragon claw trampled, and the Lord of the Stars was trampled on the ground. The King of the Wind was directly trampled off, and the star of the sky, the star of the sky, became bleak and dull.

Everything is under one trick and easily suppressed.

After the explosion disappeared, huge footprints appeared on the ground, and in the center of the footprint, the owner of the star was lying there. Due to his own blood relationship, his strong recovery ability allows him to survive. Just leaving a head, barely able to survive.

If it is not his strong resilience, he is afraid that there will be no more heads left.

No death, no difference from death.

Yi Tianyun restored the deity, and fell to the side of the star of the star, a little surprised: "Hey, this is not dead, it seems that your life is really hard enough. But just right, I can search for you, look See what you think."

Taking advantage of the weakness of the Lord of the Stars, and searching for his memory, you can still find a lot of memories.

Immediately grab the head of the Lord of the Stars and start searching for the soul. Before the soul search, the eyes of the star of the star looked at him with horror: "You, who are you, how can there be such a strong force, I, I have never seen such a powerful move, so powerful ......"

"You don't have to know this."

Yi Tianyun was too lazy to explain to him, began to search for souls, and soon the information was easily searched out. The rest of the soul can not be found out, and then a powerful soul, he was searched into an idiot.

A powerful soul is also a soul. If you repeatedly search for the soul, it will still collapse. Because the soul of the Lord of the Stars is strong enough, he can learn more than a few times and learn more information.

During his soul search, the stars have climbed up and looked at them in horror.

The owner of such a powerful star, but was easily defeated, but now is the soul of the soul, this treatment is really chilling.

Recalling what cages they used before, and trapping Yi Tianyun, I felt that I was too naive. Fortunately, Yi Tianyun did not kill the killer, otherwise they would never be able to live.

The move just now, they think that they can't resist it, they will be smashed into slag. What star Jun is like an ant in front of Yi Tianyun!

"It's too strong, it's too strong, and there is such a strong star in the burning field..."

"It's incredible, how come out. I remember a long time ago, there was a unique star law, would it be him?"

"How is it possible, that is just awakened, how can it be Tianyun Xingzun? In such a short period of time, you can cultivate into a star, I don't believe it."

They discussed it next to each other and looked at Yi Tianyun's eyes more and more respectful, and did not intend to leave.

Yi Tianyun was immersed in meditation after the soul search, and his eyes sparkled with surprise.

"I didn't expect to have this ability, no wonder..."

Yi Tianyun was surprised by the memory of the Lord of Stars. The reason why the owner of the Star Yuan left him a life is actually to want to take away his unique star law!

The star law can be snatched away, although the cost of the flower is relatively high, but for the high-end star law, it is worth spending. For example, the reason why the Lord of the Stars is the King of the Sixth-level Star Law, is that he can win the stars of the other people.

Since there is only one kind of star law, the previous ones have been replaced and cannot be recovered. Unless the Lord of the Stars goes back to others to replace them, it is the current star law.

The Lord of the Stars can hide in this place for so many years, that is, by transforming into other stars, in order to prevent others from perceiving. It is a pity that no matter how the stars and the law change, the bones are still the Green Devils. If even the body is changed, then Yi Tianyun really can't identify it.

Of course, how to change, the soul is still the Green Devils, unless the soul has been replaced. Can you change it, or is he himself?

In the end, there is a series of plans for the owner of the star to want to win his star law. However, this is by the way, the real purpose of the Lord of the Stars, naturally still break the Five Elements Mountain!

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