Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2077: Jie Nu Xingjun

The door of the thief was firmly in control along the way. There are many guards arranged here. They are all at the master level. It seems that the other party’s power is still quite strong.

"Adult, this is what we have stolen, and the people who have been brought by the traitor are firmly in control. Basically, there is no freedom." Yu Qiu Mo walked with Yi Tianyun to the front. Explain it.

"It is true that your thief door has been monitored in all directions, and the other party is obviously prepared." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "This is what makes me want to see what the real thoughts of your traitor are."

Under the leadership of Yu Qiu Mo, they are unimpeded all the way. They were able to move at will. After all, they have tasks in their bodies, so it is very normal to come back and report things.

Soon they came to the hall inside the door of the Thief. There were already many disciples disciples here, obeying orders here.

"Well, what is the harvest at Fengyu domain?"

In the chair in front of the main hall, a middle-aged man was sitting with a huge dragon leopard on his hand, where he was allowed to touch him. And he is the traitor of the sneak door, Jie Nu Xingjun, repaired to reach the late stage of the Star Jun, compared to other stars, it is indeed more powerful.

The dragon leopard at his hand, also repaired as a master of the star, is a very powerful pet.

"There is nothing to gain, Feng Yuyu is not so good to steal things, and it is quite dangerous! You are equal to, put our thief door in a dangerous place!" The disciples who were sent out of the mission sternly retorted.

"Roll!" Jie Nu Xingjun slaps the palm of the hand and gives the disciple a slap in the air. He sighs: "I am giving an absolute order, not letting you think about the consequences! What are you afraid of?" There is a sky cloud star behind us behind us!"

"Tianyun Xingzun knows who it is? Whoever disagrees with him will be annihilated! What is the ancestral land of the gods, the master of the stars, and the enemy of him, all are destroyed! Not to mention that he is absolutely invincible, at least In the top three in the wild dragons! With the help of such a strong presence, we are still afraid of other forces?"

Jie Nu Xingjun sneered and looked at them and said: "Besides, you are still in my control, let you do what, do what, don't talk to me. They are in my hands, if they are in my hands, if I am not happy, I am afraid that I will suffer another meal."

Many disciples under the stage showed angry expressions, but they dared not to speak. They are now threatened and can only choose to compromise.

"If there is nothing to say, I will quickly complete my task. Finished, I can still return the door to you. If it is not done well, don't blame me for not reading the old feelings!" Jie angry star cold channel.

"Tianyun Xing Zun is behind your back?"

At this time, a discordant voice came from the gate.

"Yes, that is, Tianyun Xing Zun is behind me, is there a problem?" Jie Nu Xingjun did not want to answer, then looked at the area where the sound came, and when I saw Yi Tianyun, they frowned. : "You are back, how is the mission done?"

Yi Tianyun came in with Yu Qiu Mo, and when Jay Star Jun looked over, he did not stop at Yi Tianyun's face. In his view, the task is the focus.

"The transmission array has been destroyed again, and now it is rushing to fix it..." Yu Qiu Mo reported truthfully, while observing Yi Tianyun's situation.

Yi Tianyun did not rush to shoot, but stayed by and watched.

"Very good, this is right. When the next repair is almost the same, destroy it again and destroy it all the time!" Jie Nu Xingjun is very satisfied, and it is rare to show a smile: "Right, how to steal things, there are Didn't steal something good?"

It seems that Yu Qiu Mo’s stealing things is also an order issued by Jie Nu Xingjun.

Under normal circumstances, although the stolen door is stolen, it is not a random steal. It can be said that stealing things must have a little meaning, so that they can flaunt the power of the sneak door. It is not really going out to steal things. It is really too low.

At least the star of the general practitioners, they will not steal. It was an insult to them to give them orders to steal the stars.

But they can only choose to promise, otherwise the door of the thief will be finished.

"I don't know why it has been destroying the transmission array. Does this mean anything?" Yi Tianyun asked again.

As soon as this was said, the disciples on the side looked at it with horror. Although they don't know Yi Tianyun, they came in with Yu Qiu Mo, which is definitely related to the stealing of the door. Before the disciple asked why, he was killed half-hearted, Yi Tianyun asked, isn’t it equal to finding death?

Sure enough, Jie Nu Xingjun immediately felt uncomfortable, glaring at Yi Tianyun: "I don't mean to let you do anything, do you do it, why do you want to die, do you want to die!"

"I don't want to die, I just want to know why you ordered the order to destroy the transmission array." Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Give me shut up!" Jie Nu Xingjun slaps the palm of his hand, the powerful energy condenses into a palm, and draws on Yi Tianyun's face.

Other disciples closed their eyes, and they all foresaw that Yi Tianyun was shot and flew out, and he was seriously injured.

Who knows that under this palm shot, Yi Tianyun stretched his hand and flicked it, and he relaxed the palm into a piece.

"I am asking you something, haven't you heard it clearly?" Yi Tianyun stepped forward to the side of Jie Nu Xingjun.

Jie Nu Xingjun was extremely angry. He did not expect his own attack and was stopped by the other side. When he wants to expel a stronger force and give him a punishment, when he sees the face of Yi Tianyun coming over, his legs suddenly soften and squat directly on the ground.

"Heaven, Tianyun Xing Zun?" Jie Nu Xingjun was scared, and his feet were too soft to stand up.

It is very obvious that Jie Nu Xingjun has seen the appearance of Yi Tianyun, otherwise it will not be seen at a glance.

"Tianyun Xingzun?" Many disciples were shocked. They looked at Yi Tianyun and looked at them carefully. They found that they seemed familiar.

"I heard that you are using my banner to make trouble here? I remember not knowing you at all, I have never seen you, but you told me how familiar I are?" Yi Tianyun walked over with a smile. "That now we Let's talk, how did we know?"

Immediately, Yi Tianyun reached out and grabbed it on the side of Jie Nu Xingjun. Jie Nu Xingjun suddenly rose up and turned and fled. The other party is a star, if he still can't escape, then he is a fool.

"Do you think you can escape?" Yi Tianyun took control of his hand and took control of Jie Nu Xingjun. He had already prepared for it. How could he let Jie Nu Xingjun escape?

During the fingertips, Jie Nu Xingjun was controlled, and there was no resistance at all.

Yu Qiu Mo, they are all stupid, have been suppressing their Jie Nu Xing Jun, was suppressed in the blink of an eye, which is so strong to what extent?

(End of this chapter)

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