Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2083: Count

Yi Tianyun has long heard about it. I heard that Tianxing Pavilion is very arrogant and thinks that no one in the Dragon Star can surpass himself on the star pattern. It seems that this is true, too arrogant, and does not accept all rebuttals.

They accept not to be questioned, which has nothing to do with him. It can be related to whether he can go to the Red Moon Star in advance, which is a very serious matter. He doesn't want to wait a few more years here, and it will take at least a few years to follow this progress.

For a few years, for the practitioners, it is indeed a matter between the fingers, a little meditation and cultivation, it has been a few years. Yi Tianyun didn't want to wait for such a long time. He could have been able to travel quickly. Why wait a few more years?

This is undoubtedly for him, that is a waste.

"You can say that you can't let outsiders intervene to transmit the array, so as not to suffer damage. This can be said. Now it says that the Stars Court is invincible. I think that the current barren dragons, no one can surpass you?" Yi Tianyun shook his head. .

"How is it, at least this transfer array repair work, six yuan domain to find us!" Ren Jian waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't be here, have the ability to go to the six yuan of six yuan domain Star Jun, let him hand over this repair work to you, otherwise it is not a good thing to go wherever you go."

Renjian is like catching a mosquito, indicating that Yi Tianyun hastened to leave, don't mess around here. If not so many people stare, they have long wanted to start.

"Six yuan star?" Yi Tianyun thoughtfully, in the face of this situation, he can be strong, but not necessary.

When he was thinking about whether he wanted to go to the six-star star, a noisy voice came from the front.

"The six-star star is coming!"

With a cheer, the six-star star came from the crowd and looked serious. Just after coming, Renjian immediately stopped the work at hand, and ran away from the fart, respectfully said: "Six yuan star Jun adults, are you coming over to check the progress of the transmission array?"

"Well, the transfer matrix repair work, we must continue to speed up a bit, now the situation is not very good." Six yuan star Jun face is not very good, the transmission array is their lifeline here, has been related to the prosperity of the six-yuan domain, certainly Don't want to make any mistakes.

"That is for sure, we have been working at the fastest speed, and it will take a long time to completely repair it." Courdon nodded and faced the six-star star, he was very respectful and did not dare to have a little arrogance.

"Well, the faster the better, the more practitioners are piled up here. If you continue to do so, it will certainly cause dissatisfaction among many practitioners." Six-star star nodded.

"Six Yuan Xingjun adults, we can certainly do well..."

When Rong Rong’s words were not finished, I saw that the six-yuan star was shrinking. It seemed to be a panic-stricken thing. I hurried through the storage and came to Yi Tianyun.

This move immediately attracted everyone's attention. How did the six-star star suddenly run to Yi Tianyun?

"It's the kid!" Courong was angry and thought that Yi Tianyun must have made any move to attract the six yuan star to the past. "When I am going to teach this kid, I will dare to be here!"

When he just wanted to pass, the six-star star directly shouted: "I have seen Tianyun Xingzun adults!"

This is so wide that it is much larger than the previous one, and it is extremely respectful. It scares the surrounding practitioners. What does it mean?

Tianyun Xingzun! ?

The storage of the foot of the library was soft, and he sat down on the ground directly, including that Renjian was scared. The one who drove himself was actually a star!

Star Zun is the hegemon here, who dares to provoke? But they just provoked it, and it’s not that they have driven people away one or two times.

"Well? Have you seen me?" Yi Tianyun saw that the six yuan star is so respectful, it is a bit strange, he must have never seen the six yuan star.

"I have seen it, but I have seen it on the record roulette. The heroic attitude of the Tianyun Star Respecting adults has been vividly seen so far." Liu Yuanjun took a slap in the face.

"Oh, it turned out to be seen from the record roulette. It's no wonder." Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "But this transmission array has not been repaired yet, and the repair speed is really slow."

"Adult, this is already a very fast repair, but I have come to the Star Pavilion to help repair it. It will take a while to be smooth, please forgive me." Six yuan star nodded, this expression other practitioners where I have seen it, maybe this is to see the strong, in order to have this attitude.

When the rest of the practitioners saw Yi Tianyun, they also said a few words in their hearts.

"Tianyun Xingzun, wasn’t it just been driven away by the Tianxing Pavilion..."

"It’s really, just now, Tianyun Xing said that I want to help repair the transmission array, as if it was driven away by the Tianxing Pavilion..."

In a few words, how can the six-star star not hear the words spoken nearby, and the eyes suddenly become cold, turning to look at the soft legs of the legs to accommodate them.

"You have driven Tianyun Xing away?" Six Yuan Xingjun was full of anger at the bottom of his eyes. Yi Tianyun was so powerful that he had seen it, and he dared to provoke him.

I didn’t expect it to be offended by the Star House now. Didn’t it be a bad thing for him?

"Ah... the adults don't remember the villain, we have eyes without beads, but also ask the adults to forgive!" It is a dog that is lost.

"Yeah, adults, we, we just don't want outsiders to touch the transmission line, so as not to delay the progress..."

They are crying, just like they are really serious about repairing the transmission.

"Oh, how is it different from what I just heard?" Yi Tianyun's expression was indifferent, and he couldn't see the anger. "I just heard it, but I don't think I am self-sufficient. I am not qualified to repair the transmission array?"

"Can this be the case?" The six-star star was cold at the bottom of his heart. He heard that Yi Tianyun was extremely ferocious and slightly angry, that is, the whole force was leveled.

The Star Pavilion has his share. If the Star Pavilion is leveled, it is a big loss.

"This, this..." Cang Rong, they all cried, they did say that, and dare to say no.

"Family!" Six yuan star wrath, reached out and slap a hand to shoot the past, the two of them gave a heavy shot to fly out, died is not dead, that is, the face was drawn high.

"Adult, I am very sorry. It is my responsibility to happen this kind of thing. I hope you can forgive them!" The six-element star is equal to saving them. After all, he has to punish him. Yi Tianyun does not need to shoot. .

Yi Tianyun blinked and was too lazy to pay attention: "I don't have to care about these people."

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