Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2094: Spiritual blood

After thinking of it, Yi Tianyun is ready to start a lottery.

"You talk first, I am a little cultivation." After Yi Tianyun finished speaking, he turned and flew to the side to meditate. It seemed that it was really a bit of cultivation.

Their brothers and sisters looked at each other and wondered why Yi Tianyun suddenly wanted to practice. Before discussing the method, he went to practice in the next moment. This made them feel in the fog, but without asking, they chatted on the side.

They haven't seen each other for too long, and there are still a lot of things to talk about. So on the side, I found a place to chat, and the atmosphere immediately became pleasant.

This kind of scene should have appeared long ago, but Tianyouyuan has been hiding. Mainly do not want to bring trouble to the Star Ring, who knows that the Star Ring has rebelled the family, then what else can he say?

After Yi Tianyun came to the side, he quickly opened the lucky halo. Under the blessing of the lucky halo, he opened the good and evil exchange system.

"Be sure to give me the skills to deal with the soul..." Yi Tianyun prayed in his heart, he does not need to be as bad as before, just need to be able to deal with the soul, even if it can weaken.

Soon after the opening of the good and evil exchange system, the above began to flash, and smashed on the major options. Under his prayers, he finally stopped on the blood!

"Blood veins?" Yi Tianyun frowned, thinking that this is finished, basically missed the soul.

If it is a magical skill, or a martial arts, there may be opportunities. Now it is directly blood. What is the point?

"But, anyway, what to use." Yi Tianyun sighed, and then spread the blood effect, just spread, he immediately jumped up, "What!?"

"What is the situation?" Stars ring they all look over here, far away, I saw Yi Tianyun jumped up, like what happened.

"Brother, what is he doing, cultivation is like this?"

"This is not clear. Some people practice the method more specially. The Yi Brothers may be more special."

The two of them chatted casually and did not ask about the situation in the past. Yi Tianyun said that he practiced there, and they naturally would not disturb half a minute.

The reason why Yi Tianyun was so scared was very simple. The blood was very strong and it was very suitable for his needs.

The soul of the soul: the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul, can restrain the power of the soul, while at the same time can control the soul, and the deprivation of consciousness, and finally can be made into a use for degeneration. The current level is one level, which can restrain the cultivation within the star.

"The soul of the soul, good!" Yi Tianyun shines, this is the soul of the nemesis, the key can be upgraded.

Continue to upgrade, the power is definitely more and more amazing, when the power of the blood is strong, can maintain absolute restraint effect.

"I thought it was finished. It seems that there is still hope. Even if the repair is relatively low, under the effect of restraint, it will definitely be able to suppress it for a while!" Yi Tianyun couldn't help but laugh. "Give me an upgrade, slamming Rise!"

“Hey, successfully deducting the star energy value and upgrading the blood of the spirit to the second level.”

"Hey, successfully deducting the star value, upgrade the soul to the third level!"

Continuously upgrade the spirit of the soul to the third level, the effect is to absolutely suppress all the repairs within the big star.

"Very good, this time against the soul, there will be a strong effect." Yi Tianyun blinked, turned and flew to Tianyouyuan.

"Yi brother, what's wrong?" Tianyouyuan saw Yi Tianyun flying over his face with excitement.

"Slightly prepared, we will start to deal with Yin Hao Da Xing!" Yi Tianyun's smile is full of confidence.

"Well? We are dealing with Yin Hao Da Xing?" Tianyouyuan, they all stunned, and did not know what it meant.

"Yes, that is, we are dealing with Yin Hao Da Xing Zun." Yi Tianyun confirmed again.

"Easy brother, you wait a little, you mean that we are dealing with Yin Hao Da Xing Zun, is I dealing with you?" Tianyou Yuan repeated again.

"Yes, I am going with you to deal with Yin Hao Da Xing Zun, and the strength of both of us, to suppress him!" Yi Tianyun said.

"This difficulty is a bit too big. Your cultivation is not just a star. It is not that the star is worse, but it is against the sinister star. How do you need a big star to be honored?" Tianyouyuan does not want to hurt Yi Tianyun's self-respect, and he is more euphemistic.

Explain the white point, that is, repair is too low, easy to fail, but also become cumbersome.

Star Zun is very strong outside, but the difficulty is more high in dealing with Yin Hao Da Xing.

"No, I have a way to deal with Yin Hao Da Xing Zun, not to say it is very easy, at least not so difficult. As long as you can suppress the Yin Hao Da Xing, I can deal with him!" Yi Tianyun is full of eyes Confidence, he knows the effect of the blood of the soul.

If it is facing the normal Yin Hao Da Xing Zun, his soul and blood is definitely useless. After all, he is facing the real big star. It’s different now, facing the soul, and still being suppressed, the success rate is different.

Although the blood of the soul can restrain the soul, it is also based on the situation where the gap is not large, so that restraint can be exercised. Especially if you control the soul attack, you have excellent restraint effect.

"This..." Tianyouyuan was a little hesitant. When he thought about it, he said: "In fact, it is indifferent to try it. But for you, it is particularly dangerous. If you are not careful, it is easy to cause the soul to break. That is quite dangerous."

"Don't worry, this way I have my own way, as long as my brother can help me, I can kill him!" Yi Tianyun is quite confident. If he is not the blood of the gods, he really can't do this.

"Brother, I believe him. I don't know what he has, but there should be no problem." The star of the ring looked at Yi Tianyun's eyes flashing, but it was a bit to look forward to.

Nothing else, if it wasn’t Yi Tianyun, she couldn’t escape the arrest of Tian Mang, so she also believed Yi Tianyun this time.

"Well? How long have you known him? Just believe him like this?" Tianyouyuan was a little bit smirking, but he did not expect his sister to be so optimistic about Yi Tianyun.

"It's not like this. I just can feel the son of Yigong. There is a strange magic in my body. It seems that everything can be done." The star-shaped ring smiles like a big star.

"This can't afford it, can't afford it... Where can the seniors call a son?" Yi Tianyun quickly waved his hand and couldn't bear it.

"You have brothers and brothers with your brother, I still let you call your predecessors, my brother is not a big loss?" Stars laughed.

Yi Tianyun touched his nose and seemed to be...

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