Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2101: Auxiliary

Yi Tianyun was madly helping to treat him, as if all the vitality of the world had been gathered by him, and then poured into the body of Tianyouyuan, and he began to frantically restore his body.

At the same time, Tianyouyuan felt his strength and began to recover from it. The stars and the ring felt their injuries, and the flight resumed. These speeds are something they have never felt before, and they have never recovered so quickly.

After a little effort, Tianyouyuan felt his situation and recovered a little. Although it is only a small and a half, but let him feel the power of strength, I feel that I have a feeling of returning to the peak state.

In view of the current recovery effect, as long as you give more time, you will be able to return to the peak state! Even if you can't recover to the peak state, with the support of Yi Tianyun, you can be invincible!

Has anyone been treating himself, and still is such a ferocious treatment, how can it not be invincible?

"Yi Gongzi is so powerful, what is this move?" The Star Ring was stunned by the power of Yi Tianyun. She did not expect Yi Tianyun to have such an amazing move.

"This move seems to be the means of the Green Devils?" Tianyou Yuanyi, this familiar feeling is undoubtedly the means of the Green Devils.

He has always been with the yin **** star, how can he not feel it. This is obviously the means of the Green Devils, an amazing treatment, the vitality of this area is gathered, and then poured into the target body to achieve amazing therapeutic effects.

"But the easy brothers, not the Green Devils... but they can use the Green Devil's moves. It's really strange." Tianyou Yuan does not think that Yi Tianyun is a Green Devil, whether it is from the breath, or from the power. On the list, it is certainly not the Green Devils.

If it is the Green Devils, also help to deal with Yin Hao Da Xing? That is impossible.

He is only curious, why does Yi Tianyun understand the moves of the Green Devils, and it is still the kind of top green demons that can go to practice.

The fact is very simple, that is, Yi Tianyun learned this super strong move after the soul search. At this time, it can be used, it is used.

"The glory of the great stars is a lot of school, and many of them can be used well. Unfortunately, they don't take the right path, otherwise such a strong race will surely thrive!" Yi Tianyun, who has become a **** tree, has a few The sighs, the Green Devils will not be disguised, but the Green Devils naturally feel that they have to do this, they can only be disgusted by many practitioners.

He did not intend to fight with the sky, but he can support Tianyouyuan, and it is also a full-scale support for Tianyouyuan.

"What kind of moves is this vast vitality?" The sky was mad at the moon. He had never seen such a move. Under this move, the power of Tianyouyuan quickly increased and continued to do so. He really It is not worthy to become a shoe.

Immediately, his eyes were cold and full of killing: "If this is the case, then destroy you first!"

The target of the sky madness was immediately replaced by Yi Tianyun, who wanted to kill him. He knew that if he didn't do this, he was afraid that he couldn't arrest them.


A dazzling white light passed, and quickly hit him in a piece, and flew out the sky madness.

"Your opponent is me, not him! You are not saying that my strength is very weak, then I will play with me now!" Tianyou Yuan is cold and cold, holding a sword, prestige, "not with I am a war, you are a coward! What is your time, it is a shit!"

With constant recovery, the former forces were quickly recovered. This sense of control is the feeling of the past.

"War battle!" The sky screamed and the anger vented, and it began to fight with Tianyouyuan.

The Star Ring did not intervene, just watching it. As long as Yi Tianyun energy source continues to treat Tianyouyuan, there is nothing to worry about in her opinion.

As long as Tianyou Yuan restores strength, what is the day of madness?

Following them, they began to fight wildly. At the beginning of the game, Tianyouyuan was at a disadvantage, and he could not recover so quickly. However, as time went by, Tianyouyuan gradually caught up and was no longer in a very passive state.

"Slow, come again!" Tianyou Yuan has not been so fast for a long time, and fights with the sky madness.

What is madman, this is!

Tianyou Yuan was originally a militant, playing with the sky madness, very much. Gradually, Tianyouyuan began to occupy the upper hand and began to suppress the sky madness.

The sky madness began to feel that the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a feeling that it can't resist.

"Get me down!"


The sky madness was suppressed by the power of Tianyouyuan, falling from the sky, accompanied by a loud noise, the earth shook.

The sky madness was shackled on the ground and suffered a minor injury.

"This is your strength?" Tianyouyuan looked down and lay down on the ground and said coldly.

"You, you rely on the power of others, not your own strength!" Tian Manju refuted a sentence.

"Haha, if you lose, you think that the opponent is using the power of others. It is really ridiculous. I am only a pure treatment. There is no such thing as a blessing effect, that is, it only serves as a therapeutic effect, and it restores the strength to the former brother." Yi Tianyun laughed at the side: "You are just deceiving yourself. When you get the upper hand, you say that the brother is weak. Now when the brothers prevail, you say that you are not using your own strength. You are right, ridiculous!"

Yi Tianyun inserted a sentence in the side, and really felt that the sky was very funny, and everything was finished.

The sky is mad, and this is indeed true, but he does not admit it.

"Come back!"

The sky madly roared, bouncing from the deep pit, and continued to fight with Tianyouyuan. But this doesn't make sense. From the moment he was shot, he was doomed to failure.

Soon the sky madness was broken by Tianyou Yuan, and even the soul was slashed by him and suffered serious injuries.

At this time, the sky was mad and fell to the ground. His face was pale and bloodless, and his arm was broken. However, the arm can recover. This is not a big problem. It seems to be very embarrassing. It is not a level on the level of arrogance.

"When you are the same family, I will not hold you anything. Let me roll it! If there is another insult to my mother next time, then I will kill you!" Tianyouyuan was not Anger stunned, or stayed in the sky and madness, after all, how to say is a disciple of the same family.

What is truly sad is not the sky madness, but the family! Let the sky madness become like this, it is a family error, not a mistake of the sky madness.

In the end, he chose to go to the sky and mad.

(End of this chapter)

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