Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2103: trouble

After saying goodbye to the stars, Yi Tianyun rushed back to his ancestral home with colorful protoss. The number of colorful protoss is small, but the overall quality is quite high, which is also the place that Yi Tianyun is looking at.

The number is not the focus, the focus is on the quality issue.

"It’s coming to my power. When I arrange it for you, I will definitely satisfy you..." Yi Tianyun and the patriarchs, they are talking and laughing, they are on the side of the snow, they are both eyes Surprise again and again.

They never thought that they could leave from that place and come to the outside world. Not only that, but also join the forces of Yi Tianyun, so that they are very happy.

Yi Tianyun has always been their worshipper, can join the camp of their benefactors, how can they not feel happy? In this way, they can still repay, why not?

When they are ready to arrive, Yi Tianyun feels an uneasy feeling, coming up from the heart. His power is extremely quiet. Under normal circumstances, the border is guarded by patrols to protect the safety of the entire ancestral land.

I haven't seen any guards now. How can he not be surprised?

"You are waiting here!" Yi Tianyun indicated that they would stay here first. The clerics of the princes had a glimpse of them. Although they did not know what to do, they still obeyed the order and stopped by.

Yi Tianyun's powerful spiritual knowledge quickly expanded to the surrounding area, shrouded his own power, and wanted to explore all the conditions. Who knows that just swept inside, you will encounter a very familiar energy statement!

In this power of his own, he was actually followed by the great star. Basically, this area has been shrouded in. This is not a ban on what is said, but an all-round imprisonment that restricts the actions of others.

"Da Xing Zun!" Yi Tianyun's heart sinks, he does not know how he will provoke the big star respect, there will be a big star to personally come.

Immediately, he quickly flew inside, and explored the situation around him. When he probed the past, he did not change anything. He was imprisoned in this area and could not leave.

Generally speaking, such a strong person does not feel free to do ordinary people. It is not that they have compassion for ordinary people, but they are not interested. Once they are provoked, these ordinary people will become funeral objects.

"I don't feel a little bit of urgent news. It seems that I was controlled by this big star at the beginning, and I didn't even have the opportunity to send a message..." Yi Tianyun couldn't be so rash, and he ran away without leaving anything.

He gave a lot of people a token, and if he had a problem, he would call him back. It seems to be foolproof, and when faced with the big star, it seems so powerless. It seems that it is controlled, otherwise it will not become this appearance.

Of course, it is also possible that they are not willing to let Yi Tianyun come back, facing the powerful power of the big star, they choose to keep Yi Tianyun!

Thinking of this, Yi Tianyun was angry inside: "No matter who, dare to hurt my family, you must die!!"

He killed the past as quickly as possible, and soon the spirit discovered a horrible force that appeared in the palace area where he was originally. After he quickly sneaked in, an ethereal voice came from inside: "Oh, are you the master here, and finally willing to come back?"

When Yi Tianyun landed in the main hall, he found that a group of people here were kneeling in front of the big star, not because they were willing to kneel down, but by powerful forces to force them to be here. Among them are Shi Xueyun and his own daughter!

Not only his own daughter, but also some friends and family around him, they are forced to kneel here. At a glance, he found that a group of people had disappeared, giving him a bad feeling.

"Tianyun, you are going!" Shi Xueyun quickly yelled when he saw Yi Tianyun returning, but she could not get up.

"Hey, you are going!" Yi Sixue also shouted loudly, their eyes full of worry, but also full of anxiety.

Everyone here is to let him go faster, not to save them.

Yi Tianyun saw the blood oozing from the legs they were lying on the ground, and knew how much pressure the big star had given. If you continue to do this, even if they are not low, they will be crushed into meat.

This kind of compulsion is nothing more than trying to force them something.

"They are people!" Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold and cold, and the depth of his eyes is full of killing.

He stared straight at the front of the big star, looked very young, lying on his face in a lazy way, looking down high, everything.

"Oh, they? You mean those rebels, let them tell you where you are, don't say them one by one, then I will punish them a little, who knows that they are so fragile, a little punishment, they die. "Mu Yang's face looks indifferent, as if he killed himself, but it is just a few ants."

"You, **** it!" Yi Tianyun said in a sigh of relief, step by step toward Muyangyu. The power went a step further, and it became a little bigger. It swiftly expanded to the surrounding area, covering the entire hall, and a little bit at the same time. Push the power of Mu Yang’s pressure on it.

In this way, Shi Xueyun can restore their freedom.

When they sensed that their pressure had disappeared, they all quickly got up and the injuries at their feet were completely ignored.

"Come on, his cultivation is very strong!" Shi Xueyun ran over and dragged him, indicating that he was rushing.

"Walk? Do you think it is possible? For the time being, no matter if he gives me away, just because he kills so many people, I can't go!" Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold and cold, like entering an ice cave: "Whatever the reason, just kill someone, then be prepared to be killed!"

No matter who he is, even if it is a big star, how can he really fight together, he can also suppress each other! Even if he can't fight, he still fights!

The anger almost swallowed him away, and now he only has revenge in his eyes!

"It's interesting. For years, no one dared to talk to me like this." Mu Yangyi sat down and smiled: "I admire your courage, but in my opinion, more is still stupid. The famous star, I dare to talk to me like this. The small place is a small place, a star respect, and dare to be so arrogant, it seems too invincible here, I thought I was the best in the world?"

"You are right to come back, tell me about it. Before you stepped on the jade **** ancestral land, did you find the same thing, that is, the energy Yuan Ying, the same thing like a doll. You can see it?" Mu Yangxi explained his intentions.

After Yi Tianyun listened, his heart sank, and he finally knew why the other person came, for the energy Yuan Ying! The person who attracted the jade star is now looking for trouble!

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