Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2113: Shallow moon tribe

Yi Tianyun followed Mu Caibo back to the tribe. They walked cautiously along the way. They all explored the situation and made sure that they proceeded without any problems.

Yi Tianyun's cultivation is powerful, but in their view it is still very limited. After all, the power he showed is only part of it, which is to create an illusion for them. That is Yi Tianyun's powerful, but not the invincible one, at most it is better than them.

The estimated repairs should be made at the peak level of the Master of Stars, or in the early stage of Xingjun. Star Jun was repaired in the early stage, and he dared not come here casually. He was slightly attracted to a powerful behemoth. It really didn't have a chance to run.

Yi Tianyun is not worried at all, anyway, they are allowed to come by their way, just that he can look at their methods.

Under their exploration, all the way is safe. Sometimes when they pass by the giant beast site, they will choose a safe road to leave. Everything is very familiar, and the road is familiar, obviously it is usually too much.

Walking all the way, they soon passed through the forest and came to another area.

"The front is the shallow moon tribe we are in. Although I know that Yigongzi will not make trouble, I still hope that Yigongzi can behave a little. Every tribe has its own rules. Don't break the rules at will!" Mu Caibo reminded Road.

Everything is not afraid of 10,000, but it’s just a matter of trouble. It’s not just easy to get things done, even they will have something. After all, Yi Tianyun brought them back, and the problem must be related to them.

"I understand this truth. I just came over and took a map." Although Yi Tianyun said that he is not the owner of any security, it is not the kind of person who makes trouble.

Mu Caibo nodded and immediately came to the front of a giant tree and reached out and tapped on the giant tree. After a while, the giant tree shone with a ray of light, followed by a light door.

"Come in." Mu Caibo walked with Yi Tianyun into the light door. Soon everyone disappeared in front of him. After entering, the light door quickly disappeared.

This is a small transmission array. The real shallow moon tribe will naturally not be in this area, but a safer area.

If this area is truly safe, there is only one place under the ground.

With a flash in front of them, they arrived at their destination. The first thing that caught your eye was the rugged walls and the thick stone walls on the top of the head.

It has only been processed now and it seems to be relatively flat. This is even more proof that his guess is correct, they are indeed living under the ground.

In this area, only the safe area is under the ground, and the rest of the place is the most dangerous no matter how it is arranged. Here is the paradise of the behemoth, wherever it may appear, so if you want to hide safely, you can only hide in the ground.

If you gather to form a city to withstand the behemoths, this is even more dead. No matter how thick the wall, you can be blasted! The strong walls are meaningless. In particular, expose yourself to many behemoths, and when the giant beasts send powerful behemoths, they can be wiped out.

Therefore, in order to survive, they can only be wronged to hide under the ground.

This is no way, unless they don't want to live.

"Who is he?"

They just came in, and the guards next to them looked at Yi Tianyun with a stern look. Mu Caibo, they all know each other, but Yi Tianyun has not seen it. When they see strangers, they immediately become vigilant.

"He saved us, thank you very much for coming back." Mu Caibo explained.

"Saved you?" A guard, Mu Caibo this team is still very famous, but now it is saved, it is incredible.

"Yes, the identity is innocent, it will not be the Tianhu tribe." Mu Caibo said.

"Is it a Tianhu tribe, not what you said." The guard said seriously: "Please come here with us and explore the detailed identity."

"Yi Gongzi, I am very sorry, trouble you to cooperate with a little..." Mu Caibo apologized.

Such a strict investigation, Yi Tianyun did not feel surprised, if it is a deadly enemy, it is indeed a lot of defense. Sometimes it is a mistake to come in, it is possible to harm the entire tribe.

Yi Tianyun nodded, did not resist anything, followed the guard to the side.

"This is the stone monument to test the blood, you can drop a drop of blood on it." The guard gestured.

Yi Tianyun made it, dripping a drop of blood on the stone tablet, and soon the stone tablet burst into a dazzling light. When everyone was shocked by this dazzling light, the stone was broken into a pile of powder in the next second.

"Broken, broken?" They were all shocked, how the test stone was broken.

"How?" Yi Tianyun saw this scene feel funny, how can this test stone can accommodate his own blood, his blood is the blood of the six-color emperor dragon, but it is not the general test stone can bear.

"Through, through... certainly not the Tianhu tribe." The guards squatted and reacted.

They don't know what's going on, but they are definitely not the Tianhu tribe. If it is the Tianhu tribe, there will be a giant tiger. Yi Tianyun did not appear anything, directly the stone monument was broken.

When this happens, there is only one possibility, that is, the stone monument cannot bear the blood power of Yi Tianyun. If you are a Tianhu tribe, you can afford it.

"Slow, who said he can pass?" The discordant voice rang from the side, and several figures came from the side.

"What do you mean by Zhuo Yu?" Mu Caibo's face was cold, and when he saw a few people coming, his face suddenly sank.

"It doesn't mean anything. If you can't measure it, you don't have to test it. It's not a stone monument. Why don't you change a stone monument?" Zhuo Yu said: "Don't think that you are the first team, you can bring people in." Everything has to be checked clearly before it can be released. This is the rule!"

"Zhuo Yu, you are clearly facing me, isn't it the last time we dealt with the giant beast? We finally grab it. Are you irritating too much? We are all the same tribe, it is necessary to fight for this. What is the point?" Mu Caibo sighed.

"Oh, that's one thing, this is another thing!" Zhuo Yu did not admit that he was a man, but he lost to a woman, how can he be willing.

Now I can see that Mu Caibo is coming in at will, and it is definitely very uncomfortable. I can’t help but block a few points.

Yi Tianyun, who was next to him, shook his head. The first name, no matter when it was, was so attractive. They will happen this way, not in the expectation of Yi Tianyun.

"Okay, I can't go in, can I?" Yi Tianyun shook his head, it was a lot of trouble, he didn't want to get involved.

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