Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2115: Just like this

Jia Feilong’s eyes can see a lot of things. He also saw the unknown energy fluctuations from Yi Tianyun, so he didn’t even discuss the meeting, and he went straight to Yi Tianyun.

If it is outside, he can ignore it. Can appear in his own tribe, then he must come out to check it out, especially this unclear energy fluctuation, which gives him a sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is like facing a powerful giant animal, and it seems to be a bit weak.

"I don't belong to any tribe." Yi Tianyun looked at Jia Feilong and stared at the eyes on his forehead. It was interesting.

Jia Feilong’s race is the blood of a Cyclops, so there will be an extra eye. This eye can see through everything and can see each other's cultivation.

But no matter how he looks, he can't see how strong it is to repair it, even the stars and the law can't see it.

"Does not belong to any tribe, are you a mess?" Jia Feilong squinted and continued to look at Yi Tianyun.

Scattering is not a tribe, it is a practitioner who often travels in the field of giant beasts. This is the practitioner of the real beast. Those who can survive are extraordinary existence.

"No, this time I came to ask the map. I heard that Mu’s patriarch is very familiar with the giant animal field, and I want to come over and ask for a way to understand the general field of giant animals. "Yi Tianyun explained his intentions. Originally he came over and asked the map."

"Xiao Mu, is he brought back by you?" Next to the Ghanaian patriarch of the Asakusa tribe, it is the strongest existence here, with the mid-term revision of the star.

In front of them, these are the strongest tribes, and they are all above the stars. As for whether there are other stars, this is not very clear.

"Ghana patriarch, he is the savior of our team. If it weren't for him, we would have died in the mouth of the sword and lion." Mu Caibo hurriedly explained it and described the general process.

"It turns out that this is the case. The little brother seems to have a good strength, but do you know how valuable the map is here?" The Ghanaian patriarch looked at him with a smile and heard that he saved Mu Caibo, he immediately told Yi Tianyun. I feel a little bit good.

Jia Feilong looked at Yi Tianyun's gaze and changed everything, but still holding a few vigilance. He will be vigilant when he does not wear it.

"Is it more important than the life of the girl?" Yi Tianyun said.

"It's really hard to say something, it's more precious than Xiaomu's life. It's equal to a few pieces of Xinghe-class treasures! And it's still a regional area. I sell a piece of land to go out, at least equal to a few pieces of Xinghe-level treasures. If all sell Go out, that is equal to a dozen pieces of Xinghe-level treasures!"

The Ghanaian patriarch looked at Yi Tianyun and smiled. "You said, is this map precious and precious?"

The Ghanaian patriarch is not talking about it. Every inch of the giant beast is full of danger. If you provide a detailed and accurate map, then this price is indeed equal to a few Star River treasures.

This is not an exaggeration. There are so many **** medicines here, and it is natural to equal the treasures of the Galaxy. The most important thing is safety! With a detailed distribution, you can avoid many behemoths and will not fall into danger.

It can be said that the map is the most precious here, and you can ask it casually, naturally it will not give.

The words of the Ghanaian patriarch did not make Mu Caibo feel sad. She knows that the value of the map is much more precious than her own, so she is holding a glimmer of hope and asking Yi Tianyun to ask.

If it is not enough, then find another way.

"Precious, but it can be said that it is not precious." Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: "This thing is dead. In my opinion, it is not as precious as Mu girl."

Mu Caibo glanced at it and looked at Yi Tianyun’s beautiful glimmering light. She did not expect Yi Tianyun to say so.

"How do you say this?" The Ghanaian patriarch did not feel unhappy, but wanted to hear what Yi Tianyun said.

"People are alive, the map is dead, it is so simple. The map can be said to be very valuable, or it can be said to be worthless. It is for different practitioners." Yi Tianyun said simply.

"A good one is worthless, you are not worth the money to find a map?" Zhuo Yu appeared on the side, sneer and sarcasm: "Ghana patriarch, his identity is unknown, when testing the stone, does not show the stars, I doubt if it is a day The tiger tribe."

This Zhuo Yu really refused to let Yi Tianyun, originally he only had opinions on Mu Caibo, but his heart was to transfer the target to Yi Tianyun.

After all, Mu Caibo has no problems right now. He can't find any loopholes. He can only start from Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun gave him a glance, and his hand was a slap in the face. "Oh," Zhuo Yu was directly drawn out. After rolling a few laps on the ground, his face was swollen and his teeth were broken.

"Senior, don't come over and interject, don't you know how to respect the teacher?" Yi Tianyun could ignore him before, and now it is different. He talked to the Ghanaian patriarch, but now he ran over.

This made him a bit unhappy, a junior dared to interject, and also made troubles three times and four times.

Mu Caibo was shocked, she did not expect Yi Tianyun to do it directly! Although she hates Zhuo Yu, but it does not seem to be very good at random?

"You, dare to do it to me!" Zhuo Yu bounced up and said with anger: "Hey, he is doing it to me! I am just asking questions, but he is doing it to me! This is obviously afraid of being exposed, shy." Annoyed into anger!"

The face of an elder on the side is also not very good-looking. He is the father of Zhuo Yu, Zhuo Liang. The same is a star-level powerhouse, it is no wonder that Zhuo Yu is so arrogant, has an elder father, can you not be arrogant?

"This friend, you have helped Xiaomu, this is to thank you. But you can shoot at will, what does that mean?" Zhuo Liang stood up, his eyes cold.

"I said that the elders speak, the juniors are free to interject, this is to see their own upbringing problems." Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Elders, are you still elders?" Zhuo Liang said with anger: "We don't think there is anything, why are you?"

"Just like this."

Yi Tianyun stepped forward, and the power of Xing Zun was put around. In an instant, Zhuo Yu gave them shocked legs and trembled. I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to be a star!

"I don't know, can you?" Yi Tianyun's expression was indifferent. He wanted to be polite. Now it seems that he can't be polite. If he comes out, he will continue to do so. It is a waste of time here.

Zhuo Liang was shocked, his legs trembled, and he was sitting on the ground. He was provoked to a star!

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