Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2128: Knife

The long moon blue dragon knife is restored to its original state, which means it can be reused. The most important thing is to remove the rust on it, that is, the blood of those giant beasts. After all are removed, it is difficult for the behemoth to find them through these bloodstains, thus directly avoiding a series of dangerous problems.

"Is it solved?"

Yi Tianyun clasped the long moon blue dragon knife and shook it gently. The emitted light disappeared and restored to its original appearance. How can the giant beast look after no induction?

"It really is solved like this..."

They are all stunned. Any plans, all kinds of tragic, or various self-sacrificing words are now omitted, and basically nothing is used.

"I don't need any battles now?" Yi Tianyun turned and smiled at them.

"Yes, they completely cut off the information. They naturally couldn't find the whereabouts of the Long Moon Green Dragon Knife." They all breathed a sigh of relief and finally solved a dangerous thing.

Yi Tianyun nodded and should be able to solve things easily.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole world shook, like something madly hit.

"It is a giant beast!"

The Tianhu patriarchs changed their faces and thought that things had been solved. I didn’t expect the behemoths to have been killed outside!

Under the simple induction, Yi Tianyun immediately felt the horror outside. On the ground, there are piles of giant beasts slamming outside, and the ground has already been loaded with a huge pit, killing them outside the small world.

The outer world of the small world has a strong array of protection, otherwise it will have been knocked open. But now the situation is also very pessimistic, a group of behemoths madly hit here, there will be signs of collapse at any time.

Yi Tianyun simply probed and could perceive the situation of the giant beast outside. Roughly estimate, there are at least five star-level monsters, as many as dozens of star-level monsters! As for other repairs, it is even more dense and almost occupied this area.

"Very good, hand it over to us, you move quickly!"

Yi Tianyun is holding a long moon blue dragon knife and his eyes are cold and cold, and the depth of his eyes is full of killing. "I would like to see how strong these giant beasts are. I have hardly killed the behemoths there!"

"Adults, don't you evacuate? Now the effect of the Long Moon Green Dragon Knife has been collected. They are difficult to search. As long as we evacuate quickly, they will not catch up with us." Tianhu Patriarchs are somewhat puzzled, though Give up here, but it's better to be desperate with them.

"According to the current situation, do you think that the small world will insist that you completely withdraw?" Yi Tianyun glanced at them faintly, they were all a glimpse, but this is not wrong.

They still have a lot of things to evacuate, and they can move directly away from the small world. Not now, the behemoths are killed outside, and many things can only be given up, but there are still many things that need to be evacuated.

According to the current situation, it is impossible to persist for too long. Under the impact of so many behemoths, it will soon collapse.

"You have to evacuate, I am going outside to guard." Yi Tianyun blinked, this for him, not only the star value, but also try the power of the long moon blue dragon knife in his hand.

"Adult, we will accompany you!" The Ghana patriarchs got up and wanted to go with Yi Tianyun.

"No, you can help with the evacuation, the sooner the better!" Yi Tianyun signaled them to stop, and then no longer said more, turned and flew outside.

The Ghanaian patriarchs paused and bite their teeth: "First help evacuate, wait for us to go out and have a look!"

"Good!" The Tianhu patriarchs are no longer embarrassed. At the moment of the crisis, they are able to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Followed by them quickly began to evacuate things, as well as transfer people. Although they have extra transmission arrays, a large number of transfer people are very likely to attract giant beasts, so they need strong guards.

When transferring here, Yi Tianyun flew outside the small world. At this time, outside the small world, there are already huge beasts, and at a glance, what level of behemoths are there, and what types are there.

The powerful behemoth race and huge body are like hills.

When Yi Tianyun just appeared, the behemoth immediately found him.


A giant tiger beast swooped up, and the power of the stars was suppressed. They would not use any star power, but their huge body was enough to hit everything. Even if there is no blessing of Starpower, their combat power is a type of explosive watch.


Yi Tianyun turned his hand in the long moon green dragon knife and slammed it forward. Without much effort, the extremely sharp long moon blue dragon knife smashed the giant tiger beast into two halves and easily killed it. This giant tiger beast!

"Good sharp!"

Yi Tianyun’s eyes are bright, and it’s the weapon of the gods who followed the Qinghu God. It’s too easy to kill the behemoth. Under the knife, a giant beast is easily killed.

What a hard shell, a huge body, can't resist his knife!

"Kill him!! Grab the long moon blue dragon knife..." In front of a few star-level monsters, they began to spit out words and directed their men to rush to Yi Tianyun.

"I still want to kill me? It’s too naive..." Yi Tianyun’s long moon Qinglong knife creaked, let him laugh and laugh: "Want to drink blood, then today you reappear in the world, Then let you drink their blood!"

Immediately, Yi Tianyun burst out of full force, and the 30-square-strand force layer was superimposed and bloomed on the top of the head. The figure of the five-color emperor dragon was rising.


Yi Tianyun double-handed knives, a heavy knife squatting forward, the huge six-color knives swayed down to the front, suddenly a large number of giant beasts were smashed into two paragraphs!

The long moon blue dragon knife is matched with the power of the six-color emperor dragon in his body. It is a perfect match, and the most powerful effect is exerted. Under one knife, he immediately died a large piece. Once again, it is the death of a giant beast!

The power of terror has scared away the front of the star-level monsters, and they are all scared by this force. They did not think of the human beings in front of them, and the power they mastered would be so strong.

"Kill!!" They did not evacuate, but continued to direct their men to rush to Yi Tianyun, want to consume him!


Yi Tianyun laughed loudly, and the long moon blue dragon knife in his hand flashed with dazzling six-color light. Every time he cut his knife, there will be a large number of behemoths being killed.

At the same time, the sound of the sound is constantly coming from the ear, and the star value that comes from the source constantly makes him scream! Continuing this way, the accumulated star energy value will be enough for him to break through to the big star.

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