Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2154: Evacuate

The dragon ant beast is still squatting, so that they can put the elixir in the corresponding area. There are still many behemoths that are very stupid. They still have poor control and put the elixir in a far corner, which makes him feel very angry.

"It’s really stupid, and it’s said again and again, one by one, it’s not changed!” The dragon ant beast hates iron and glares at them, no matter how it is taught.

The behemoth is a behemoth, and its power is not well controlled, and its intelligence is too low.

Soon it was the turn of Yi Tianyun, and then the elixir on the top of the head, to the side of the scorpion, the elixir was thrown into the heap of the former medicine. Because the throw is good, the dragon ant beast is very satisfied, but also look at Yi Tianyun: "It looks ugly, the power control is not bad, you give me a try."

Yi Tianyun stunned, and immediately did it, and the other elixir was dropped to the side, and it landed on the open space, which was quite smooth.

"Hey, the control is really very good, give me another one." Long Ant Beast then gestured.

Yi Tianyun continued to do the same, and easily dropped the elixir over the open space over there, stacked neatly. This is naturally not a bit difficult for him.

The body of the behemoth, his control, naturally controlled very accurately.

"Not bad!" The dragon ant beast shines and smiles: "You are in so many stupid behemoths, the control is quite flexible, you will stay here to help me do things, just need to help organize things."

Yi Tianyun’s eyes brightened. He was trying to say how to sneak in. Who knows that this guy immediately recruited himself, and it’s really easy.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun came to the side of the dragon ant beast and gently nodded, indicating that he was willing.

The rest of the behemoths are snarling, indicating that they also want to join.

"You guys still want to join in these idiots? Your level, like him, I will leave you down!" The dragon ant beast squirted two breaths, indicating that they performed.

The rest of the behemoths have been done the same, but the effect is not as accurate as that of Yi Tianyun, but it is still relatively biased. As long as I didn't lose it, I laughed and opened my mouth. Most of it was thrown to another site.

"It's so stupid!! I still want to add it in? I really let you join, it just gives me trouble!" The dragon ant savagely smashed his hand, he thought he could recruit more, who knows A pile of idiots.

After trying a few more, the level is the same, no one is as accurate as Yi Tianyun.

"You go to help me to put those spar into it, don't break it, don't you understand it? If it breaks, be careful that I slaughtered you to eat!" Long Ant Beast began to give orders to Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun immediately did it, and moved a pile of spar, and the huge body could hold a lot of it at one time. Since the behemoth has no body in the world, things are basically relying on it.

The behemoths that have undergone transformation have no body in the world, but they can use treasures and the like, so moving things is more casual.

But they are too lazy to move, just let the hand down to help. The dragon ant beast originally did not want to do it here, but there is no way, no one will take care of it, it will definitely make a mess.

Yi Tianyun controlled the giant beasts and began to move the spar, and then went directly to the cave. There is a corresponding storage place in the cave, just a little pile outside, not really stacked here.

This time he can easily go inside, but the situation inside is not without guards. There are also many giant beasts as guards, and they are strictly guarded here.

They are not afraid of enemies, they are completely against their own chaos. There were some giant beasts before, that is, they couldn’t resist their own animal nature, and they rushed in and rushed into the cockroaches and the spars, causing great losses.

They don't think that the practitioners will break into here, and if they are not close, they will be easily solved by them.

Soon, Yi Tianyun found the area of ​​the other spar, and there was a giant beast guarding the outside. When I saw Yi Tianyun moving in a pile of spar, they didn't intercept it. After all, it was not a minority to move the spar like it.

There are still many behemoths, mainly to do the job.

After Yi Tianyun moved in and went in, it was a pile of spar like a mountain. It was so numerous that it was really arrogant.

"Not bad!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, and he controlled the giant beast to pry the spar to the ground a little bit. At the same time, he quickly rushed out of the giant beast, hiding the breath, and madly scraping the spar here.

Less than a little effort, many of the spar here have been scraped away by a large part, leaving a small part left here. Basically, it is seen from the gate, or a spar mountain. The actual situation is that the mountain is hollowed out mostly, leaving a layer of skin outside, which is visually lacking.

After the scraping was completed, Yi Tianyun quickly drilled back into the giant beast, and everything was silent. This will cause the giant beast to pour the spar and continue to carry it out.

He needs to carry a lot of things, not only spar, but also the elixir to move. The dragon ant beast has no doubts at all. Although the behemoth is very rigid and mentally weak, it is absolutely obedient to the superior, and what order is ordered.

This is also the dragon ant beast, why do you find some better savvy behemoths, as porters do.

As everyone knows, this dragon ant beast is equal to the wolf into the room, and a big fierce wolf, do not know to give things away.

"It's really good, this time the harvest is amazing, even the Wanhuanghua has..."

Yi Tianyun still felt that there was no Wanhuanghua. Now he can find Wanhuanghua, and even other good rare elixir have been found.

I have to say that this time it is really right, even if I turn around now, he is making a big profit. Although he did not seriously hurt the giant beast, at least he took a fortune and said that, after not having so much resources, the speed of the behemoths to improve their cultivation will be much slower.

He can foresee how angry the monsters are when they see the expression of everything being evacuated.

After the evacuation, Yi Tianyun did not continue to go out waiting to move things, but went directly inside. This time he was not worried about being discovered. Even if he was discovered, he immediately ran away. It makes no sense to stay here.

After moving so many things, he is not white, so he can go in and explore the situation.

"It is time to go in..." Yi Tianyun blinked. He knew what kind of things were there, and the memories of the charm beasts were kept in their minds.

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