Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2160: Do whatever you want?

"Let's think about it. If you join us, you will definitely have more resources for you. It's much better than you are now. How many stars are you in the whole power?"

"According to my investigation, only Tianyun Xing is one of them? A star in the district, it is not enough to see in the Red Moon Star!"

"Just join us, let alone be a star, and soon there will be a second star! Our resources, you can't imagine it!"

In front of Shi Xueyun, stood five strong men, three of them are Xing Zun, and the other two are Xing Jun. I have to say that the lineup of the party is still not small, at least a lot stronger than the Tianyun ancestral land.

Although Yi Tianyun has drawn a lot of power, most of them are mainly stars, and there is no such thing as a star. This is a bit shabby, but in this area, it is indeed a stalwart.

It is precisely because of the good situation of Tianyun’s ancestral land that it will be targeted by the family. They see that there is potential to dig here, so they come over and look for a force as a beggar, which can help them do a lot of things.

"No, we intend to control ourselves, do not want to join any family, please come back." Shi Xueyun indicated that they can leave, let them join these forces, it is just a joke.

They don't like to join any forces, it will make them passive. Especially when these families come to draw them, it is definitely what they are going to do, such as some dangerous things, otherwise they will never do so.

Suddenly, I came to give such a good condition. In this world of interests, who would believe that they can easily get it without paying the price?

Poetry Xueyun, they don’t want to take their freedom as a bet, and it’s not necessary. Everything has developed very smoothly. There will be many stars in the future. What is needed now is time.

They now have a large number of stars, and when they slowly break through to the stars, the number will increase.

"We are so good, we discuss this with you, but are we simply rejecting it?" Liu Zhixing, headed by the eyebrows, is locked. They have tasks in their bodies. It is a must-have to win over people. There must be no failure.

Now I just failed to talk a few words, and they feel very uncomfortable.

"Thank you for your kindness. If you can, you can go to find other ancestral homes. They should join you." Shi Xueyun apologized: "We have our own plans and we do not intend to join other forces."

Shi Xueyun does not want to make things big, and the relaxation should be moderated.

"We Liu Jia, now I am watching you!" Liu Zhixing said coldly: "Don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, simply do it, don't join us Liu. Don't join, then don't blame us!"

Negotiations failed, and attitudes were changed immediately. This is indeed amazing, but it is not surprising. They bring so many people, don't they just want to come strong?

"Several adults, are you interested in doing this? Even if you force us to win us, can we count on our loyalty to work for you?" Shi Xueyun is also too big, if you want to see them in the Stars, they want to talk to them. Hit it up.

"We don't need your loyalty. We just need to do something for us. If we do it well, we will have a lot of rewards. It is so simple." Liu Zhixing explained.

"This thing, it must not be simple?" Shi Xueyun Liu Mei wrinkled, as long as it is not a fool, they know that the situation is not simple.

"You don't need to know this point. When the time comes, you will give instructions. You can do it." Liu Zhixing was impatient: "Don't worry, sign the contract now!"

"It seems that you are strong in your own strength, you want to do whatever you want!" Shi Xueyun, their momentum is not weak, a famous star Jun is standing out, the number is still considerable.

Really have to fight together, they are not necessarily falling behind. Here is their place, there are more things to arrange, really fight together, even if it is dead, the other party is also not good.

"It is true that the strength is strong and you can do whatever you want." Liu Zhixing swept them with a cold eye and sneered: "There is a skill to do it. See what moves you have. The difference between the wild dragon star and the red moon star is not a little bit. It’s something, it’s not what you can imagine... Hey, your star’s law level is still so junior, and this power, want to fight with us?”

A huge dragon and lion came out behind Liu Zhixing. The star power in the sky quickly covered a large circle. Whether it was on the level or strength, it was really necessary to crush them.

At the level of the stars and the phase of the stars, the degree of perfection is much higher than here. There is basically no record here. For the Red Moon Star, it is almost equal to the indigenous planet.

Their power, immediately pressured, let Shi Xueyun their face white, had to say that the light is imposing, it was pressed several heads.

Shi Xueyun, they clenched their teeth and wanted to resist.

"How, still not convinced? Have the ability, you also have a few more stars, the stars are honored?" Liu Zhixing laughed: "But this is impossible, how can you have so many strong?"

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

A familiar figure appeared in their sight, and Shi Xueyun, when they saw this figure, suddenly felt happy.

"Tianyun, are you coming back?" Shi Xueyun saw Yi Tianyun come back, his heart suddenly loose, as long as Yi Tianyun came back, she felt very at ease, no matter what she faced, she had full confidence.

"Well, I am back, don't worry." Yi Tianyun came over and grabbed her little hand, gently patted the back of her hand, comforting her not to worry.

"You are Tianyun Xing Zun?" Liu Zhixing looked at him up and down: "Not so good, can't hear what I said? We are doing what we want, have the ability, and you use such strong force to put pressure on us?" If you don't have the skills, just give me a slap in the face, don't talk nonsense!"

"No, no, I don't have the strength that you are so weak." Yi Tianyun reached out and patted, and said: "Let them see, what is power."

"Yes, adults!"

At this time, the outside began to enter a group of strong people, first the Ghana patriarch, then the Chiwo patriarch, etc., a series of patriarchs and elders came in, the accumulated star respects at least a dozen, as for the star Jun not to say more There are dozens of them, they look more bully.

After experiencing the baptism of the behemoths, they are all a bit murderous, far stronger than ordinary practitioners. They survived in danger, how can the practitioners here compare?

Seeing so many stars, Liu Zhixing was dumbfounded, followed by his companion, so dumbfounded, how so many stars! ?

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