Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2171: Spike

Yi Tianyun’s words silenced the empty night. After thinking for a while, she began to say: “If that is the case, then you will save me. If you save me, I will repay you!”

"Of course it's ok."

Yi Tianyun’s eyes are bright, waiting for the words of the empty night.

Immediately, he came to the empty night and saw the scars on the empty night, which were all affected by the chain of light attributes. Originally, it was a restraint attribute. When it was **** a little, it was hurt and bruised.

This is not a serious injury for her, just a little recovery.

After careful observation, he began to break the chain. If you want to break this chain, the difficulty is not too big. You only need to force violence to break it.

Because this chain is the way that the big star statue is arranged with the power, the power of entraining a little light attribute is inside, so Yi Tianyun only needs to forcibly break it.

For the empty night, she is too weak, and it takes a long time to get violently broken.

"Almost, when I break it, I will definitely attract the big star of the family. When you get into the world of my body, I will take you out to escape." Yi Tianyun explained.

"Okay." There is not much to say in the empty night, the eyes hidden in the long hair flashed, I don't know what to think about.

Perhaps she did not fully believe in Yi Tianyun, saying that everything is a trap. For example, deliberately sent a person to come over and rescue her, defrauding her trust and the like.

This kind of plan has gone a lot, and if you don't pay attention, you will be deceived.

Yi Tianyun didn't say anything more. Stretching his hand was to pull the chain, and then he pulled it up and tried to force the chain to be forcibly broken!

When forcibly pulled, the chain immediately flashed a dazzling golden light, trying to withstand the attack of Yi Tianyun. But this didn't make much sense. Under the slamming of Yi Tianyun, the chain began to crack, and together with the stone monument behind it, cracks began to appear.

"Big, big star respect..." The empty night was stunned. She didn't expect Yi Tianyun to be a great star, and thought it was a star level.

It seems that she is wrong, to save herself, it is a big star. However, the more she is, the more she doubts, and she is not allowed to be the great star of the family!

She didn't believe anything, anyone before everything was settled.

At the same time, outside the treasure house, a big star respect suddenly opened his eyes: "What is going on, my words and deeds will be destroyed with the blessing? She can destroy my words and deeds, this is impossible! ”

Glory Stars quickly stood up and rushed over to Yi Tianyun, and rushed to check the situation. He did not inform other big stars, and the big star statues were cultivated separately. At the same time, he thought that it would be an empty night, and he did not inform other people.

After all, how to turn the sky into the sky, that is, the star respect, he can still easily deal with. The main reason is that he does not understand how a star can destroy his own words and deeds?

As for the invasion of the enemy, he did not think much about it. The scope of the Treasure Channel is within the scope of many Stars' surveillance. As long as someone approaches, no matter who they are, they are very clear.

So whoever goes into the treasure house, they are clear. This does not prevent them from cultivating, or they can be monitored with a little distraction, and they can be monitored without any effort.

Before the glory of the big star to kill, Yi Tianyun forcibly broke the chain, the difficulty is there, but for him, it can still be easily solved.

If you change to other stars, it is basically impossible to destroy. In the case of being too weak, it is impossible to break.

"Yes, you can escape now." Yi Tianyun looked at the empty night and said: "You can now enter my body space, just stay."

Yi Tianyun reached out and waved, and there was a space passage, so that the empty night would go in.

After a few moments of silence in the empty night, it is to step on the foot. Whether it is doubt or trust, she can only do so now.

Just after the empty night, the outside door "boom" was severely opened, and the shining star was appearing outside the gate.

"Who are you, how come in!!"

When Guangyao Daxing came in, he just saw the empty night in the income space, and also saw Yi Tianyun. After seeing it clearly, he was the first to hold it. Under such monitoring, can anyone slip in?

"Six stars shine!"

Yi Tianyun responded to the other party, which is his strongest killing trick. Before the other party rushed in, he had already erupted the strongest force and slammed it.

It’s just that he didn’t turn into the deity of the seven-color emperor dragon. He directly used the body to smash it. Even if there is no power of the deity, it can still produce a strong power.

Under a heavy punch, countless light groups rushed to the glory of the big star, surrounded by all sides, without any evasion.

Guangyao Daxing is not a soft persimmon, and it quickly reacts to resist. Reaching out one hand, there is a blocking wall around it, forming an indestructible protection.


Numerous light groups continue to blast on the thick light wall, and the defensive power is extremely weak due to the rapid formation. It’s easy to be bombarded with countless cracks and feels like a crash at any time.

Guangyao Daxing is not a very strong star, only the big star is repaired in the early stage. In the face of the previous big star, Yi Tianyun will naturally have no difficulty.

"Too late……"

Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, and the figure disappeared quickly. The next second appeared in front of Guangyao Daxing, with a light group that bombarded the past, and attacked the past with a punch.

"Chaos of Chaos!"

The ultra-close distance punched out and punched the originally fragile protective wall, directly hitting the shining star.


Guangyao Daxing respected his head and saw that he had a fist on his chest. The whole person was stunned. He did not expect his protection to be so fragile. Not to mention the light wall outside, he himself also built a thick protective, but still can not resist this punch!

"Give me a burst!"


Guangyao Daxingzun was directly blasted, the body was bombarded, and even the soul was severely damaged. Without waiting for the other party to escape, Yi Tianyun reached out and grabbed the soul.

With this action, everything is so flowing. A big star, it is so easy to kill. It would not have been so simple, how to say it on the other side of the site, but the glory of the big star is not prepared, and ushered in the storm of the storm like a storm, directly defeated.

"Yes, killing a big star..." Yi Tianyun is satisfied, even if he walks now, he will not feel that he is white.

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