Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2174: Death family

At the end of the night, she never thought that Yi Tianyun would say this. After all, Yi Tianyun is a single star, even if he is alone, even if the other party can not recognize him, but the degree of danger is not low. If you don’t pay attention, you will be killed.

When it is time to die and expose your identity, the situation behind it becomes very serious. This will drag down your own forces to be besieged. It can be said that the impact is very bad.

Now Yi Tianyun said so, feeling like the whole picture.

"Yi Gongzi, thank you for your kindness, but this will bring you and your forces with extremely serious consequences. Now I only ask you to help you find the people who are going back. The rest of us will come." I am grateful to Yi Tianyun, even if Yi Tianyun indicated that it is directed at her ability, she expressed her gratitude.

After all, ability is ability. Many forces do not want to take their own hands because of this ability. They are looking for them and want to resurrect their men. For their ability, but to die more people, how is not worthwhile.

"Empty girl, thank you for your reminder, the consequences, I am very clear. In short, if the situation is not right, I will opt out, how" Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, in fact he did not want to quit, he thought Do a big job.

However, the empty night is quite kind, not to say that possessing the power of dark attributes means that the other party is extremely evil. It is considered and will be considered.

From the news he knows, the nature of the dead is not bad, and the details are not very clear. It was originally a very hidden family. If you go deeper into the news, it is not very clear.

"That's okay." The noon nodded in the empty night and continued to fly forward. At the same time, he said, "Now go to the rest of the companion distribution points, I can sense their area."

Yi Tianyun was a little surprised. I didn't expect them to have this ability to sense the area where the companion is.

The empty night moon seems to know what Yi Tianyun is thinking, which explains that "this is the unique ability of our death family to perceive each other's position. If it is too far away, or is banned, it is impossible to perceive. Basically, what I can now feel is that some safe people, some of the people who are caught, have to look for it slowly."

The empty night is not worried about the secret being exposed. For her, this is not a secret thing. Moreover, Yi Tianyun has helped, and if I find a companion casually, there is no explanation for what to do.

"It turned out to be like this." Yi Tianyun suddenly nodded.

"Someone came near, Yi Gongzi let me hide," said the empty night.

Yi Tianyun did not say much, and when he reached out and took it, he pulled the empty night into his own body space. Sure enough, this has just been in the body space, and I saw a group of people coming over here. The repairs are all at the level of the star, and the highest level is the level of the star, like searching for something.

When they saw Yi Tianyun, they only took a look at it. They went around and were too lazy to pay attention to him.

The practitioners who can be seen along the way go more, they can never see anyone looking for trouble. After leaving, the empty night was released again. The purpose of her help for Yi Tianyun was to hide and not be discovered by others.

"Call, these guys should be searching for our dead family. The whole red moon star is estimated to be looking for our death family. We can catch one person. If the attitude is better, the treatment can be better, if it is almost "The empty night shook his head, she is relatively poorly treated.

"These guys are all interested in your ability. Your ability is too tempting, you can save your own people, you can only choose to do this." Yi Tianyun shrugged, not to mention them, even Yi Tian The cloud is all about this.

He is not so kind, no matter how to save people. Unless the forces do what they do, it really makes him feel very uncomfortable, otherwise they are too lazy to pay attention.

"Yes, but our ability is not invincible, and it is not without paying the price. The key is that their claims are endless. There are too many people who want to resurrect. Our ability is not weak, but we can't do it. Going to this step." The empty night is cold and cold, recalling the previous things. "There was a force that took our people and forced them to come back until our people were completely drained, and they did not continue to force them."

"I don't know Yi Gongzi, how much do you know about our ability?"

On the side of the empty night, Yi Tianyun flew forward and asked.

"Understanding is not too much, just like most people know, just know that you can help resurrection." Yi Tianyun tells the truth.

"Yes, our ability is basically the same, but who knows how high the price we pay is the more people who resurrect, and it has a great impact on our cultivation and soul. The most important thing is to attract too many souls. After we die, we will never reincarnate and disappear from this world forever."

"This is why we are dead, why are fewer and fewer people. This is the impact of excessive resurrection."

"The most ironic thing is that we can't recall the souls of our own people. That is, we can resurrect other races, but we can't resurrect our own races."

The empty night is a bitter smile, and this is the most embarrassing thing. Ordinary people still think that they can be resurrected endlessly, and their companions are even more likely to die.

It seems that this is not the case at all. My own people can't be resurrected, they can only watch their peers die, but they can't do anything about it.

Yi Tianyun was silent. He knew that the price was definitely not low. He did not expect that the price would not be too low. After the excessive resurrection, he could never reincarnate.

No matter what life, born in this world, it will still die, but only in the long-term problem of time. After death, they will enter the cycle.

The family of death is different. After the excessive resurrection, they have not returned, representing that they will disappear forever.

"You have become so few people, don't know the results before," Yi Tianyun asked.

"We knew it early, but the battle of a long time ago, we also paid a lot of death." The empty night looked up at the dark starry sky, faintly said, "That is the battle of the emperor, we as the five-color emperor dragon The gods will continue to resurrect the dead gods in order to win the battle. The result is that our death family is constantly disappearing."

Yi Tianyun’s glimpse, the death family is also related to the five-color emperor dragon, is it not related to himself?


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