Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2176: Rescue

The dead family cannot be let go, and will only be pursued until the death of a family has a super power to protect all ethnic groups, otherwise the result is always being pursued.

This is justified by the weak forces. As long as there are no strong people sitting in the town, they will be exploited all the time. If there is a strong person sitting in the town, not only will not be exploited, but there will be other forces to give.

The death of the family is this truth, but they are more special, that is, guilty. With such a special ability, they have the same treasure, and there is no protection from the strong. The result is that they have been pursued.

A long time ago, the blood of those dragons and phoenixes was always the target of the practitioners. It is almost a truth.

Really go back to the practitioners of these families, the result is impossible to escape, will be drained to death. If there is no value, it will be killed, it is so simple.

This is a cruel world. Without strength, you can only wait for death.

"If that's the case, then give it a try, can you stop us?"

Ding Xiangyue, they clenched their teeth and stormed around. But even if they are dead, their abilities are still limited, and they are all there. It is still difficult to break through. Can be desperate, or have a chance, at least until the big star is over, there is still a chance.


The head of the star is full of disdain, and it is extremely contemptuous for the attack of Ding Xiangyue and others. The death family is not weak, it is limited to the resurrection, although the rest of the skills are good, but the two fists are difficult to defeat the four hands, will always surrender to them.

In order to be able to take them back in a good way, they can only be a little bit, and they will continue to surround the past and kill them a little bit.

Under the many stars, Ding Xiangyue's range of activities has been continuously reduced, and soon he has been reduced to a small scope. If he continues to do so, he must be caught.

Ding Xiangyue is full of unwillingness in their hearts, but no matter how they attack, they still can't resist the encirclement of so many stars.

"If we continue to do this, we will certainly be caught. Is it so caught?"

"Ding sister, I sacrifice myself, so that you can escape." A young man next to his eyes is firm, and the depth of his eyes is full of enthusiasm.

"No," Ding Xiangyue hurriedly shouted, "If you sacrifice, you will be taken away. If the elders come back, they can still save us."

"God knows what is going on in the future. The elders have been missing for so long. They are not allowed to be surrounded. If the two of us are arrested and wait for the elders to come and save us, it is estimated that both of us are dead." Hongyuan shook his head and body. There is a horrible death, and it seems that I am ready to show what I have learned.

"Xiaohong, no" Ding Xiangyue wants to stop Hongyuan, but the optical network that has been enveloped all around, so she can't be distracted to stop.

"Ding sister, you must find the princess." Hongyuan smiled slightly. When he was about to prepare for the attack, suddenly a figure came to them and they smashed the net and gave them a catch.


This figure made everyone not see clearly, and quickly took people away from here.

"It is a big star" Ding Xiangyue, their heart sinks, feels more desperate when they feel the people who seize themselves.

How can I escape this, especially Hongyuan, and this sacrifices myself, and I can’t escape from here. In the face of the power of the big star, there is no way to resist.

The star of "Xing", which is headed by "what", shrinks. Their encircled net is like a piece of paper. It is easily torn off. After reacting, it quickly screams "take a break".

They directly displayed the killings, and originally captured the type of attack, and suddenly became a large array of attacks, turning into a huge arrow, going through the figure.

It is enough to pierce the sharp arrow of the sky, and catch up with that figure in the blink of an eye, but the figure backhand is a shot, and the arrow is taken back. Lee Arrow made a turn in midair, and screamed toward the stars. Without waiting for them to reflect, several stars were directly nailed to the ground and died directly.

"Yes, it is a big star"

When the cultivators around the area sensed that the power was fluctuating, they took a sigh of relief. Although it was only slightly fluctuating, it was definitely the breath of the big star who did not expect to grab people. It was actually a big star.

"Damn, where the big star is coming, it is preempted."

They roared, and their companions died without saying, and they also lost two dead families. They are angry again and they are unwilling. They have been worried that there will be a big star to come and grab people. I didn't expect that as they thought, there is really a big star to come and grab people.

They didn't even know what the looks were, and they watched their opponents fleeing to the side.

When they thought they could only watch the robbed, suddenly there was a thick wall of light in the distant sky, blocking the surrounding area, and intercepting people.

"Elder Erri is here." When they saw this familiar attack, they shouted in surprise and finally gave them the support of the elders.

What happened was the elders of their family, the mid-level of the big star. When they received the message requesting support, they immediately rushed over.

"There is another big star, it looks like it is not your own. This dog bites the dog, and we can't let us run away." Hongyuan has a happy heart. Seeing two rivals, they can't be bothered. They will be organic. Available

"Stay calm, he is the one who saved us, come in along with his strength." The familiar voice came into their ears.

When they saw it, they didn't think much, they were absorbed into the body space along with the power of Yi Tianyun.

After they entered, they immediately saw the empty night staying inside, and suddenly they were so ecstatic that they were "empty sisters."

"Well, let's flee here and say it." Nodded in the night.

"I didn't expect to be my own person. We thought it was a dog biting a dog. But now it is not easy to escape. The other party has a big star, and it is not so good to leave." Ding Xiangyue began to worry about it.

"Don't worry, he can take us out of here." The empty night is full of confidence in Yi Tianyun. She has felt the power of Yi Tianyun and knows his skills.

If you can't kill each other, you can at least run away.

Yi Tianyun is outside, facing the Er Er Da Xing Zun who intercepts himself. His expression is light. "I don't know what you mean."

"What can I mean, either to leave a dead family, or to die, to choose." Er Rui Da Xing is very simple and rude, too lazy to say something more than Yi Tianyun.


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