Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2399: Glass **** ring

The star-rated treasure is indeed daunting. Especially in this type of treasure, most people still don't understand what type of treasure is, it is even more frightening.

Before the Jiuyun Supreme desperately resisted, he did not give his attack to the moment. After offering this day's star treasure, it was able to block the attack, enough to see how powerful this treasure was.

“Is it finished?” Yi Tianyun said that he was very disdainful. He knew that the other party had this card, and he could easily obtain it from the memory of Shenyin’s supreme.

It can be said that unless it is something very private, he is clear. Jiuyun Supreme has a star-rated treasure, and successfully upgraded the stars, which have long been within his knowledge.

In this case, he weighed a little and felt that there was no problem. This is a bit more difficult for him, and does not mean that he can't beat.

The star-rated treasure is very strong and does not mean that it is absolutely invincible. This depends on people to use, but also to see who is going to use!

"It seems that you are really not ignorant." Jiuyun Supreme has a halo in his hand. This is the starry **** of the heavenly star treasure. Not only can it be defended, but it can also attack. He looks at Yi Tian with cold expression. The cloud is filled with sad eyes: "When you expose this treasure, you are destined to lose. Do you think that you can overcome me by your own strength?"

"I admit that your star law is very powerful and your ability is very strong. But with me, the overall strength is flat. In the case of a flat, I have a glass ring, how much do you think you have?"

The Jiuyun Supreme is extremely indifferent, and it is extremely calm. In his opinion, the glazed **** ring is in hand and will not worry about any results. Because the result is a win, there is no need to worry.

"The odds? It must be a win." Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders, while restoring the body to ease it. He attacked twice in a row, and the consumption was equally amazing.

"Ha ha ha, I win?" Nine Cloud Extreme laughed, as if laughing like an idiot.

"Yes, it must win, is there any problem?" Yi Tianyun looked at the glass ring in his hand and smiled lightly: "I admit that this treasure is not simple, but what about it? In my opinion, it is still Not worth mentioning."

"Good strength, it is really easy to let people lose their minds. It seems that you have not seen, the power of the star-rated treasure, unless you also have a star-rated treasure!" Jiuyun supreme look at Yi Tianyun, he I felt that I couldn’t see through Yi Tianyun. Every time I thought that Yi Tianyun would lose, it was a slap in the face.

He does not know if Yi Tianyun will have a star-rated treasure. If there is a star-rated treasure, his odds will become lower. However, he believes there should be no easy day cloud day-star treasure, of course, easy days very sudden cloud coming out, but based on prior knowledge of the message should be no day-star treasure.

"Tianxing treasures? I will have this soon." Yi Tianyun looked at him with a strange smile: "Kill you, I don't have a star treasure?"

After everyone heard it, he stumbled and took a sigh of relief. He had to say that Yi Tianyun was really arrogant. Jiuyun Supreme has even sacrificed these treasures, and is it so calm?

Yi Tianyun said this, obviously it is to inform the other party that there is no star-studded treasure. In this case, the odds are really not high. It is possible that Yi Tianyun will really be able to catch up with it. In the face of the sky-star treasures, everything will look very small.

"That's why it's going to be overwhelmed... He has arrogant capital, but that's it."

"Yeah, the star-rated treasure, among the hidden dragons, there are only a handful of them. Can you know that there are only two or three pieces at the moment?"

"Yes, and those who have not been known for many years have not appeared, afraid of being ruined, or being taken away from here."

They all shook their heads, and they can say that they know now, and in this world, there is only one piece of Jiuyun Supreme. It is enough to see how rare this is, the stronger the power, the rarer it is.

"Then give it to you, give me the next!"

Jiuyun Supreme mentality is good, they are all irritated by the words of Yi Tianyun, and the treasures are all sacrificed, so arrogant. At this meeting, he smashed the glass ring, and the small halo seemed so small, in this void is like a boat.

After being thrown out, it quickly turned into a huge aperture, and instantly shrouded the area where Yi Tianyun was located, followed by expansion at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, the small aura quickly expanded and became a cage, covering Yi Tianyun.

It didn't take long for this speed to hang over Yi Tianyun, and even the areas that escaped were gone. His all sides are trapped by this cage. If you want to rush out, you must break this cage.

In a moment of time, you can complete these cages and let many people take a sigh of relief. This speed is too fast, and even if there is no chance of reaction, it will trap people.

Perhaps the scope is a bit large, but at least it traps people.

"Give me down!"

Jiuyun Supreme seal, this cage quickly retracted, retracted back in a circle, continue to do so, must be trapped in a very small area.

At that time, Yi Tianyun is a cage bird, and he can't run away if he wants to run.

Yi Tianyun didn't move, or he couldn't move when he wanted to move. He was trapped all around.

After a while, the cage has shrunk the scope of Yi Tianyun's activities to only a few meters. Strong pressure, pressed from the side, continue to do so, can squash him.

It seems that this glazed **** ring is not only able to defend, but also to arrest people. With a little more effort, you can blow people up.

Yi Tianyun didn't sit still, and when the cage was about to completely retreat, he rushed to the ground and slammed it down. This power, though not as good as the previous Kowloon anger, had at least half of the power.

"Boom", this sturdy cage is just shaking, and it is not broken and indestructible. In particular, the glare of the glass bounced back and sent him out.

Because the range was too small, after the earthquake flew out, it hit the cage again, and with a burst of impact, it was blown out by the glare of the glass.

Two rounds back and forth, Yi Tianyun's body appeared several dents, the light is the power of the earthquake, it is enough to hurt him.


After seeing the people around, they were shocked. It is because of this treasure that they have been trapped by Yi Tianyun. It is very difficult to break through. In this case, the constant attack inside, at most, is dying and struggling.

This is the power of the glass ring! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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