Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2408: Final trial

The trial ended soon, and basically the outcome was won by stepping peace. It can be said that the level they show is far beyond the other's level.

But correspondingly, they can have such a powerful ability, and it is not a small price. Even from the perspective of age, it is higher than the other party. It can be said that this is no way. The talent is too bad to be filled with time.

"These people are really too arrogant, don't give them a little lesson, don't know what they are doing wrong!" When Stepping Ping returned to Yi Tianyun, he was dissatisfied, and he still felt that he had not played enough.

"Your level is not bad. In the trial, how do you behave more generally?" Yi Tianyun looked at him and smiled.

"Low-key, if you expose your strength, how do you fight it? You just want to make a surprise, but now it can only be exposed. Who makes them so stinky?" Stepping Ping was extremely dissatisfied: "Don’t dare to say Tianyun The bad words of the empire question their rules. If I am a superior, I will definitely kick them out!"

"Well, I really have to kick it out." Yi Tianyun nodded. "But there is a set of rules that no one will choose. Even if you choose to go in, if you don't perform well in the future, you will still be kicked out." of."

"That must be, the Tianyun Empire is notoriously united. Only by unity can it be stronger! In the first battle, it was everyone who was shocked." Step Xinping was excited: "I can join the Tianyun Empire, but it is me." A big wish, I hope I can pass the final test."

The war he said was naturally the battle in front of the Zijin God Pavilion. When many forces were difficult to confront the enemy, the Tianyun Empire stood up. With the disciples who are not high, they show extremely amazing power. It can be said that they are quite united and shocking.

This war has made the Tianyun empire far-reaching, more representative of unity, and can produce extremely powerful forces.

"What is going on, this is all ready for trial, what are you still doing?"

At this time, a figure came down from the front and looked serious. The guard next to him hurriedly stood next to him and said respectfully: "Nine people..."

It was Yi Tianyun’s right-hand man who came down, Jiu Lingying. Jiu Lingyi has now become an extremely powerful sculptist. He has been trained as a strong star in the late stage. At that time, her mental strength was very strong. Now she is playing its special strength and reaching a higher level.

After Jiu Lingyi walked down, the trials all looked over. When they saw Jiu Ling, they all looked down and couldn’t look straight. Jiuling is really dazzling, especially in the cultivation of mental strength, it is difficult to look directly at its existence.

After nine glances glanced at it, when she saw Yi Tianyun, she was stunned. She did not expect Yi Tianyun to appear here.

"Tianyun Emperor, how did you appear here?" When Jiu Lingyi saw Yi Tianyun, he hurriedly came over.

This time, Yi Tianyun did not have a voice to let Jiu Ling pretend not to know himself, but everything is here.

"Tianyun Emperor?"

Everyone was taken aback and looked around. I don’t know when Tianyun Emperor came over. This is Tianyun Emperor! Step Pingping was equally shocked. I don’t know when Tianyun Emperor came here.

When Jiu Lingyu came to Yi Tianyun, the stepping heart next to him was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect to be with him all the time, and he called it "Little Brother", and it turned out to be Tianyun Emperor!

"Well, I came over to check the situation. The overall situation is still relatively good." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly. The selection here was carried out by Jiu Lingying, which was enough to see its importance. "This last trial was done by Let me supervise."

"Yes, Tianyun Emperor!" Jiu Lingyi did not have any doubts, and everything was dominated by Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun rushed to the stunned step and smiled, and walked with Jiu Lingying. The trials on the side doubted whether he was blind or not. He even saw Yi Tianyun with his own eyes!

Yi Tianyun soon came to the high platform on the side, and Jiu Lingyi stood side by side, which was enough to prove the authenticity of his identity.

"God, I called him a little brother for so long, who knows that it is Tianyun Emperor..." Stepping Ping felt that he was going to faint, but he felt that he was a little desperate, and he always called it, isn’t it big? Is it disrespectful?

This time, he felt that he was going to be cold and could not be successfully selected.

Other people’s desperation is not desperate, it is shocked, who can think of Yi Tianyun will come over? I am thinking about each other, how my performance was just now, perfection is not perfect. If you perform well, then you have a chance.

"First, let them go out first, never hire." Yi Tianyun pointed to the provocative trials on the side and sentenced him to death.

The group of people was pale, but there was nothing to say, and they did not expect to encounter this situation.

Soon they were cleared out, and this move was even more popular, and many people felt that their hearts were comfortable. If you really join forces with them and often meet, they will definitely feel sick.

At this point, Yi Tianyun swept the crowd and said: "Here, I emphasize fairness and emphasize hard work. Acquired efforts are very important. Only efforts can be made here to get more. Resources. Otherwise, even if you have a talent for the sky, it seems useless to me."

"I know that there are a lot of talents and I feel that I am in poor treatment. In fact, there is no need to think like this. Your original talent advantage is there. After joining in, you will also be promoted faster than others. The starting point is the same, how to Rushing up is purely on your own."

"Next, I personally presided over the final trial. I have never participated in this type of assessment, I participated once in the first time, and at the same time, the last one, as a supervision. "Yi Tianyun looked at them and smiled: "If the performance is excellent, I will give a little extra reward as a special reward for my supervision."

When everyone heard it, they immediately cheered up. Although they did not necessarily get it, Yi Tianyun’s shot must be extraordinary!

"Very good, then this time I will see the last trial." Yi Tianyun took the token. To be honest, he really didn't know what the rule was. After reading it, he smiled and said: "This rule It's peculiar. The last trial is relatively simple. It is to choose the team, and then to cultivate a collective array. The scores are matched by the degree of tacit cooperation. The score winners pass the trial, the non-standards are out, the scores are excellent, and there are extra. reward."

Yi Tianyun did not expect the final test of the first level, but it was a collective team type, that is, a practice of a large array. This test is the degree of tacit understanding, the higher the tacit understanding, the stronger the power!

It’s just that so many people are not familiar with each other and want to show excellent levels. It’s really difficult, just look at their communication.

(End of this chapter)

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