Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2431: Easy to solve

After upgrading the package, the power is greatly improved. In fact, he can continue to upgrade the slaughter to the upgrade, but the required star value is even more terrible, up to 50 billion points of star value!

I have to say that the system upgrades this equipment, the requirements are really too high. The Tu Yu suit is only a star-class treasure, but it is worth 5 billion points.

As for the continued improvement, it was only a star rating, just matching Yi Tianyun. Only the price has increased tenfold, up to 50 billion points.

So many stars can value, let Yi Tianyun go where to earn now?

However, the value of this equipment is still quite worth buying, and the effect is quite amazing, which is also very satisfying to him. Can you have this effect if you change to other star-class treasures?

This is a set of attributes, it has a terrible effect, if it can be sold, it is definitely an amazing price. It’s just that he can’t sell it at all, he can only use it himself.

After wearing the Tu Yu suit, Yi Tianyun felt a bit of comfort. The body was wrapped in a thin armor, and the faint scarlet was like splashing blood on it.

The most important thing is the improvement of strength, not only the improvement of strength, but also the improvement of damage. It can be described as a double superposition! This will undoubtedly increase his combat power and reach a more anti-sky level.

This has just been put on, a horrible momentum rises to the sky, blood red momentum, like a sharp blade, slammed into the silver wolf beast.

The silver wolf beast's face changed suddenly, and the claws were swiftly slammed, and the **** momentum was scattered. This is not an accident. It was originally an imposing manner. It was not a real attack. It could not cause half damage to the silver wolf beast.

If it is repaired to a slightly lower level, it is just this momentum that is enough to stun them.

"Lord, master..."

The explosive increase of the momentum has shocked the ancient stars. It thinks that the power of Yi Tianyun is the limit, who knows that it can continue to improve. After changing the equipment, the power has greatly increased!

Yi Tianyun twisted his neck and walked over to the silver wolf beast. He said in a hurry: "What are you doing, not killing me, now you can come."

"call out!"

The silver wolf beast has no nonsense, turned into an extreme silver light, and rushing over here, the speed is too fast. Originally repaired is not low, plus as a silver wolf beast, the main attack is the speed!

Therefore, the amazing speed can be said to be invincible.

Just a cold light, Yi Tianyun's hand is a block, "When", hard and hard to block the first move. There was a faint trace on his arm, not too deep.

It is enough to see how terrible this defensive power is. The attack of the Silver Wolf Beast is just a trace of faintness.

Although this is not the strongest move of the Silver Wolf Beast, but at least it is part of the power, and it is still the attack of the Nine Stars, but it only gives him a little trace!

The ancient star specially took a sigh of coolness, and it would actually go back to this point.

"Let you be serious, but you are not serious, it seems that I am coming to attack!"

Yi Tianyun’s eyes were cold, and his fists danced wildly. He pointed at the silver wolf beast and slammed it in the air. He sang a cold voice: “Kowloon Supreme Fury!”


At the beginning, he exerted the strongest killings, and the nine dragons roared out from his fists. Each dragon was stronger than the previous one. Under the superposition of the damage of the slaughter suit, a very terrible value is reached.

But this is not over yet, Yi Tianyun blinks: "Bane"!

At this moment, he detonated the magical skills of the slaughter suit, that is, the killing! As for the effect of killing the enemy is doubled, this does not make sense. Only the silver wolf beast has an opponent, and it is impossible to improve.

It can be said that the Tu Yu suit is an extremely powerful suit for multiplayer battles. It’s impossible to play the most powerful effects.

But he wants this effect, but the damage is increased ten times again! The superposition of the two is 20 times the damage increase. Follow the crazy mode and add 50 times more damage!

That is up to 70 times the damage superimposed, plus a hundred star force damage bonus, so that his assembly damage, to achieve a very adverse effect.

"How can it be!?"

Looking at the nine dragons that roared, the silver wolf behemoth was terrified, and this power instantly surpassed himself and reached a stronger level. A star in the late stage of the repair, the attack, even reached the nine-star supreme level, but it is stronger than the pseudo-nine-star supreme, it must be a big cut!

It wants to dodge at its own speed, but this has long since lost its meaning. The nine dragons came from all sides, and after the exhibition, they had already sealed off all the retreats. They could not escape if they wanted to escape.

It means that when Yi Tianyun is shot, everything can be said to be over.


The silver wolf beast was bombarded by nine dragons, and the entire palace was swayed, but it did not suffer too much damage and did not collapse. This palace is quite sturdy, and the general nine-star supreme can't be destroyed.

After the explosion, the silver wolf beasts were blown into powder, and there was no residue left.

"Successfully kill the silver wolf beast (傀儡 statue), get 10 billion points of star value, 3,000 killing value. Get the silver wolf behemoth blood, silver wolf giant beast claws (day star), silver wolf giant The heart of the beast (rare)."

Killing this silver wolf beast, there are not many things to gain, especially the star value is much less, just like the level of the Star Supreme.

Mainly this is a glimpse of the mind, even if it reaches the nine-star supreme realm, in fact, it is not strong enough. Therefore, the rewards obtained are still relatively limited.

But better than not, this point still makes Yi Tianyun very satisfied.

"Solved." Yi Tianyun took back the momentum and easily solved the other party. This did not surprise him. He upgraded his equipment and his power increased dramatically.

He can have a lot of cards, and as long as he upgrades, everything is not a problem. It is only his priority to improve cultivation, and cultivation is the foundation of the foundation. Equipment is promoted on the basis of him. Without a strong foundation, how can it break out?

"The silver wolf ancestor was destroyed..." The ancient star was shocked. It didn't expect to be killed, and it was so easy. When it looked at Yi Tianyun, the heart trembled fiercely. I was really convinced when I was beaten quite unwilling to become a mount.

If Yi Tianyun broke out at that time, then it really has to be finished, what is the half-dead, in front of Yi Tianyun is a slag! Hint a few times, the **** is not left!

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