Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2455: Play a meal and say it!

Chapter 2455 is a good fight!

Zilong’s fate is not beyond Yi Tianyun’s expectations. In general, this kind of old and undead monster, in addition to not wanting to die, is that life is almost unlimited. In particular, it is the same as the ancient star, it is about to break through to the nine-star supreme, such a beautiful future, how could it be willing to die?

Then there is a concern in the heart, whether it is a behemoth, a monster, or a practitioner, there must be an inner obsession. This purple dragon must have been obsessed, otherwise how can it endure this humiliation?

A million years is a long time, but for them, it is not very long. In particular, the breakthrough to the nine-star supreme level is basically the same life and longevity, and the life expectancy is so long, there is no need to worry about being killed.

One million years is still acceptable. What is unacceptable is that it has been driven by Yi Tianyun for so long. The pet that was originally Yi Tianyun was humiliating, and it will become a humiliation for a million years.

This state of mind is estimated to be almost the same as that of the ancient star, and it is very humiliating. However, the mood of the ancient star has changed, and naturally there is no humiliation.

Yi Tianyun helped it a lot, and there was still a little bit of humiliation, only grateful. Even if I can't go back to the eight-yuan world now, there is at least Zalina around.

"The purple family is long. I don't know if I can accept it. I won't let it do evil at will, and I won't let it do it for the Ziyan people." Yi Tianyun still has to ask Zijinlong.

If Zijinlong refuses, then he can only destroy the purple dragon.

"Of course, can do this better!" Zijinlong smiled, he did not worry at all that Zilong would retaliate against the Ziyan people.

This is a million years, and they don't know what happened. Moreover, according to the original plan, the ancient seal can only be sealed for a few thousand years, and it has to be re-reinforced once, and there is still a worry about whether there will be any accident on the way.

It’s different now, it’s just a million years! Who knows about the situation after one million years? When they say that they are not allowed to be purple, they become extremely powerful and stronger than Zilong. Who is worried about Zilong’s revenge?

Therefore, Zijinlong is very happy, just take the purple dragon away.

Yi Tianyun nodded. Since Zijinlong agreed, it would be much easier.

"I don't know how to accept it, can you complete the task?"

Yi Tianyun has some embarrassment in his heart. After all, the main task allows him to kill Zilong instead of accepting it. I don’t know if it can be done. If he can’t finish it, what should he do?

In a sense, he is a killer of the purple dragon, at least not for the Ziyan people.

When he signed a pet contract with Zilong, Zilong became his pet. At this moment, Yi Tianyun’s ear rang and started to hear.

“Hey, successfully completed the special main line task to help the Ziyan people fight against the purple dragon and destroy the purple dragon, get 50 billion points of star energy, 10,000 points of killing value, and open the 10,000 points of good and evil system lottery once. , the system evolution points five points!"

"Because of the service of the purple dragon, the task is overfulfilled, and an additional 10,000 points of good and bad system lottery is won!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, he thought that he could not complete the task, who knows that it is overfulfilling the task! This is simply making a big profit, not only without a mission failure, but also an extra reward.

In fact, this kind of over-fulfillment task reward has been there for a long time, but it is still very rare, and most of them are completed normally. After all, killing and receiving, this is two things.

Fortunately, it is still considered a mission success, and it is still overfulfilled.

"I don't know the special task, is there any chance of over-completion?" Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, maybe there is, I don't know what the trigger condition is.

Although it is an extra 10,000 points of good and bad system lottery, it is quite good. To know the chance of this lottery, you can only take one time! Without additional addition, there is no way to extract it.

Originally, he could only extract 100,000 points of good and evil values. After the pumping, he would become a million good and evil value. He simply did not get enough. So I thought about ways to get more chances for a lottery.

Compared to this excess reward, the rewards themselves are not bad, and the value of 50 billion points is a good reward. It’s just that the distance allows him to ascend to the nine-star supreme, and it’s still a lot of stars. If the span is too large, it’s not so good.

Immediately after the completion of the service, the ancient seal was broken and the purple dragon was released.

"You kid!" The purple dragon snarled and went down to Yi Tianyun's side, angry anger, let it lose its reason.

It may not be able to kill Yi Tianyun, but at least it can hurt Yi Tianyun.

But without waiting for it to come close, a burly figure, slammed into a fist, and gave the purple dragon a punch on the ground.


The purple dragon mourned and was unable to move by the ancient star.

"What do you want to do with the owner?" The ancient star glared at the purple dragon, and the huge palm put the purple dragon on the ground, letting the purple dragon twist, could not break free from its palm.

The ancient star special has the mark of the beasts of the beasts, but it is much stronger than the purple dragon, especially in terms of strength, it is the crushing purple dragon!

"Let me go, let me go!" Zilong writhed, roaring, trying to break free.

"You dare to do it to the owner, believe it or not, I killed you!" Gu Xing's palm power increased, and the purple dragon's neck was flattened into a line, but it didn't need to breathe, so don't worry that it would suffocate and die, just Under this power, the body is about to burst.

"You, you can't kill me." Zilong doesn't think that the ancient star can kill himself.

"I can't kill you, but with the golden water, killing you is still no problem!" Gu Xing said coldly.

The purple dragon suddenly smashed, and it began to wake up, and the anger brought by the original humiliation gradually subsided.

When Zijinlong saw this situation, they were suddenly scared. I didn't expect the behemoth pets that Yi Tianyun was carrying, so terrible, even more powerful than Zilong!

Even if you can't kill the purple dragon, at least the suppression is still no problem. If you change them, you can't do it so easily.

"Ancient Star, let it do it for me." Yi Tianyun indicated that the ancient star had loosened the purple dragon.

The ancient star did not hesitate, but slowly released his hand and stood on the side glaring at the purple dragon.

Zilong looked blank and didn't know what was going on.

"You don't want to hit me, you can do it to me now." Yi Tianyun reached out and gestured to come and beat himself. "If you beat me, I will give you freedom, beat me, you will be miserable." It!"

Yi Tianyun sneered, this guy is not convinced, then play a meal and say!

(End of this chapter)

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