Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2459: Future domain master

The domain of light.

Yi Tianyun generally knows what it is, and it is a very mysterious and difficult to find area. This is in line with the eight-yuan world, which requires special energy to be able to open the area, who knows that they can come in.

If they are discovered by the inhabitants of the Guangfan domain, they will definitely kill and surround them. After all, they belong to the invaders and are found to be attacked.

It would not be strange to come to such a special place. Originally such a thing is a magical treasure, it is impossible to take him to a very ordinary place, certainly some strange areas. So it’s not surprising to come to the domain of Guangfan.

"It's too late, I don't want to go, I have already found it." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly, but he wanted to see what the residents of this Guangfan domain were.

If he really wants to go, he can still go. Big deal is a matter of transmitting the **** stone.

When the voice just fell, there were dozens of light and shadows quickly surrounded, and the road appeared around Yi Tianyun and surrounded them.

The inhabitants are actually the form of the practitioners, but they seem to be a bit less like a practitioner. The body is somewhat dreamlike and light and shadowy. In fact, this is the fusion of light attributes in the physical body. It is a light attribute from head to toe. It looks like the sun walking.

The whole body is whitish, and there is a bit of transparency, which looks quite strange. Their cultivation is also not low, and the stars are surrounded by the supreme cultivation. These repairs are the fastest, especially the intruders, and it is impossible to send a weaker existence. Instead, they send one in one breath. The pile of stars is supreme.

This pile of stars is on the first floor, surrounded by the outer layer. When I saw them, I was even more shocked. These residents did not think that there would be outside practitioners in their field, and they were very sudden! It seems like it appears out of thin air.

"Hey, it’s the young purple, are you coming back? You are not saying that you will not come back in this life?" At this time, a light resident who was headed in surprise looked at the purple dragon on the side, and everyone else’s eyes were brushed. Looked over and brushed, all staring at the purple dragon.

"Zi Shaoye?" Yi Tianyun looked at Zilong with a meaningful look. It is no wonder that Zilong is so familiar with this place. I did not expect Zilong to know people here, and the status is not low?

However, from the other party's words can know a lot of information, this purple dragon is estimated to be in a mess with the domain of Guangfan, and also vowed that this life will not come back. Who knows that Yi Tianyun brought it back, which is not a violation of Zilong.

"This thing has nothing to do with me, we will leave now!" Zilong face ugly, do not make too much explanation, indicating that Yi Tianyun took them away.

"Since all are back, the purple master will not leave, we need you here!" The residents of the light-headed are persuaded to let Zilong not leave them.

"I said, open the channel, let us go!" Zilong was very angry and ignored them.

They looked at each other and immediately sighed deeply: "Since the young masters of purple have said this, open the passage and let them leave."

They are not difficult for Tianyun and others to look at the face of Zilong, and they will let them leave. It can be seen that Zilong’s position here is not low. I am afraid that it is the son of an elder. Otherwise, how can there be such a right to speak?

This is like the eight-element world. If it is a special star of the ancients, it will definitely be caught. But when Bard Cloud takes people in, it has different treatments.

Yi Tianyun looked at the purple dragon and didn't say anything. It seems that Zilong doesn't want to stay here, so let's leave. How to say that Zilong is also a pet of his own, here is a little related to Zilong, it is not easy to shoot.

When they were ready to go, suddenly a figure appeared on the side, and when they saw the purple dragon, they screamed: "Dragon scorpion, are you finally willing to come back?"

The figure that appeared was actually a beautiful woman. The light attribute made her look more dazzling. Compared with many women, she must be more beautiful. She looked at the tears in Zilong’s eyes and seemed to believe that Zilong was back.

"Mother, mother..." When Zilong saw this beautiful woman, she suddenly trembled and snorted her head.

"Mother?" Yi Tianyun stunned, did not expect that this beautiful woman is actually the mother of Zilong, Zilong is not a Yaozu, how can it be related to the people of Guangfan domain?

Not only Yi Tianyun, but even the ancient stars are dumbfounded, Zilong and practitioner blood? And it is still a super strong, look at this cultivation, at least there is a nine-star mid-term repair, it is quite powerful.

With this cultivation, in this field of light, there must be a low status. It is no wonder that it will be called a young master. It is impossible to be simple.

"I was not right at the beginning, but you can't say go and leave. There is no news. Over the years, have you known how hard I am looking for you?" The beautiful woman flew over and hugged the purple dragon.

Zilong didn't move there, but after a while, it was slowly recovering. Take a closer look, Yi Tianyun is even more eyeballs, it turned out to be a teenager!

In front of this purple boy is the purple dragon, completely unable to contact the past domineering purple dragon, once again shocked them.

Zilong didn't say anything, and didn't plan to say anything.

"They are your friends, come back this time, bring a friend back?" The beautiful woman was completely immersed in the joy, and did not care about the purple dragon not talking, looking at the eyes of Yi Tianyun, looking up and down.

Yi Tianyun thought, if she knew that she had left Zilong a half-dead and signed a two-million-year contract, I wonder if I would blow myself up.

"They are not my friends, and he is my master." Zilong paused and pointed to Yi Tianyun.

"Master? You, you made a contract with him?" The beautiful woman's eyes suddenly became cold, and Yi Tianyun felt that there was a ray of light. He pressed over from all directions and wanted to give himself a hole.

"Okay, these are my voluntary, I am willing to be with him!" Zilong's words, a little bit makes Yi Tianyun creepy, which is easy to misunderstand?

"That must also be quickly released from the contract!" The beautiful woman sighed: "Now give me a lift, what kind of contract, you are the domain of the future of the domain of Guangfan, what kind of contract is like this!"

"The domain of the future of Guangfan's domain..." Yi Tianyun stunned, this can be a big deal, I did not expect Zilong to have this identity.

If this beautiful woman knows the Ziyan people, and holds the Zilong for so long, will she bring a bunch of strong people to destroy the Ziyan people? Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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