Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2488: Open

A group of giant orc elders, like the loss of reason, let the ancient star special bitter.

In addition to the giant elders, other giant beasts with the mark of the beasts are not so impulsive. These things let the elders do it, as long as they don't mix, it is enough to watch the movie outside.

If even the elders of the giant orc can't solve it, it doesn't make sense to blend in. Even if they are angry, they are quite strong, and they will not mix in at will.

Among them, Bader Cloud looked far away on the side, showing resentment and anger in his eyes. His situation is a little better now, and he has not fully recovered, but he can still look at it.

He saw so many elders participating in the trial of the beasts, and even the ancient stars were involved, they can foresee that the ancient stars will be blasted by the elders, and they feel very happy. Although he did not kill, but still feel a little happy.

"This time you see that you are still not dead, what half is not dead, still killed!" Badd cloud looked at the ancient star.

Gu Xingte also felt his resentful gaze, and turned his head to look at Bard Cloud. He flew directly to Bard Cloud in the next moment, scared Bard Cloud to rush back.

"What are you running, don't you want to kill me? Now I have the ability to kill me, oh!" Gu Xingte sneered at Bader.

Bader's face is ugly, he wants to shoot, but the shot is equal to finding death, he is not a fool, how can he shot. Can only say a word, angry look at the ancient star special.

He didn't want to talk, he was afraid that the anger couldn't stop.

"I still looked at me with such resentful eyes. I didn't even dare to shoot. It was a coward!" The ancient star took a sip.

"If you have rule protection, do you think I will be afraid of you?" Bard cloud couldn't bear it, and screamed at the ancient star.

"Oh, then you have the ability to participate in the trial of the beast! At that time, we will play another game to see who wins and who is negative?" Gu Xing special began to stir up the law, if they play another game, the ancient star will definitely win.

It’s not that the ancient stars have made some progress, but the damage of Bader’s cloud is not completely good. If you still play with the ancient stars, it’s a dead end.

"You!" Badd's face was ugly, facing the sneer of the ancient star, and immediately gnawed his teeth and said: "Good! I..."

"Stop!" This will make Bard Peak scream and interrupt the words of Bader Cloud. "You are going back to me now, don't stay here!"

Bader Peak is here to save Bader Cloud. Originally, Bard was full of grievances. If he didn't stop it, he really promised it.

When I came to participate in the trial of the beast god, in his case, I was afraid that I had not met the ancient star, and I was already dead on the road.

"Yes..." Bard cloud clenched his teeth and could only turn and flee.

"Woodman, garbage, cockroaches!" The ancient star hit the water dog with great pain, and screamed at the back.

After Budyun flew for a while, he slammed a spurt of blood and then fell straight. He was angry and hurt himself. Soon there were other guards, flying over and taking away the Bader cloud. I didn’t dare to be a little bit scornful. I was afraid that Badr’s cloud would be an anger, and it would be terrible to rush to the ancient star.

After Badd’s cloud was dragged away, the ancient star did not pursue the assault, not that he did not want to catch up, but continued to catch up, fearing that it would enter the scope of unprotected, then he would be miserable.

When I returned to Yi Tianyun, I was arrogant, and there was a sullen look before.

Yi Tianyun couldn't help but smile. This guy's courage is still quite fat, and he also understands the use of this mechanism.

"This time, when you really meet other elders, you will definitely be abused." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

It’s true that Badd’s face is awkward. His previous practice will only lead to more hatred.

"Forget it, anyway, they have already participated. What do they think is their thing. Master, I hope you must become a beast and lead you here!" Gu Xingte said with a serious face: "I feel that under your command, The giant orc family can thrive!"

"You are purely wanting to live by yourself?" Yi Tianyun blessed the ancient star, turned his eyes, it sounded very uncomfortable, and it was like the truth.

"This is a little bit..." Gu Xing specially laughed.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun was too lazy to pay attention to him, flying directly to the destination of the beast **** trial, and the other elders followed the piece to fly forward. After flying a distance, he soon came to the palace of the beast **** trial.

Here is the area that can lead to the trial of the beasts. When they have just fallen, there are a lot of guards looking straight away, but they can only watch, but can't stop.

For Yi Tianyun's move, it is really a bit of a tooth, but there is nothing to help.

When he came to the entrance, Yi Tianyun waved his hand and sent Zalina out and placed it in the area on the side.

When other giant beasts saw Zalina, it was not too unexpected. Zarina and the ancient stars have disappeared before, and Zalina is also listed as a traitor.

Think carefully, Zalina originally liked the ancient star, this is a well-known thing, will follow the ancient star to leave, not surprising.

But no one will do anything to her, mainly because it is not free to do it here, and the rules are here. Unless you are guilty of sinful crimes, you can't do it under the rules.

This is the rule that was set a long time ago, that is, the family of the tester cannot move. After all, the internal struggles of the giant orcs are sometimes very hot, and this rule is also formulated in order to be able to participate in trials with peace of mind.

This means that if it fails, the family can be said to have died.

Gu Xing looked at Zalina and looked firmly: "Zalina, waiting for me to come back!"

"I will." Zalina has a heavy head and is full of trust in the ancient star.

After the farewell, they went inside the passage, and the other elders also followed in a mighty way. It can be said that it is a piece of it, without knowing it, and thought that it would be able to send them in to participate in the trial.

Soon they arrived at the entrance to the front. The entrance was almost the same as the beast test, but the biggest difference was that there was only one entrance, and there would be different levels of choices like the Beast Trial.

There is only the most difficult level here, and there is no simple level. By being able to become a beast, it is enough to see how grand the trial is.

The key is that so many elders, none of them passed, can see how difficult it is.

Of course, this is also related to the hands and feet of the eight-yuan ancestors. He does not let any giant orcs pass, and it is meaningless how the elders work hard.

"Would you like to start..." Yi Tianyun looked at the passage and wondered what the trial would be like. Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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