Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2491: Arrow on the string

Gu Xing is very hard to slash the sand worms. Although it is not a good job to cut sand worms, it is better than looking for sands. It’s too hard to find Tianshasha. Even if he came for the first time, he could feel the despair of looking for Tianshasha.

However, elders who have been there several times may have some doorways to find out, but it does not mean that they can be quickly found. At least in his opinion, there is absolutely no faster than Yi Tianyun.

This is simply going straight to the destination, and then madly digging, he doubts whether it is the eight-year ancestor, secretly telling Yi Tianyun the location, otherwise how can it be so fast?

However, the eight-year-old ancestor told Yi Tianyun that Gu Xing felt that it was not possible. Although it meant to open the back door, it would not let it go to this level.

However, he did not ask much, anyway, no need to look for it, at least save a lot of time. He didn't want to look for Tiansha in person, it was quite troublesome.

Especially for so many worms, it is not a good thing to find a lot of sand worms when they are looking for them. The key will not find Tianjinsha, fearing that it will be consumed by these sand bugs.

It is different now, just need to kill the sand worms, you can earn Tiansha sand, it is a cost-effective business.

As the ancient stars continue to kill the sand worms, the number has increased, and more and more! The sand bugs here are not killing, the more they kill, the more they are.

It was only a few dozen sieges, and now there are hundreds of them! Such a storm, let the ancient stars complain, and feel that they are about to hang.

"Master, how much do I need to kill? I will kill it, I am afraid I can't stand it!" The ancient star shouted loudly. He didn't know how much injury he suffered. He was okay at first, and now he basically killed a sand worm. Then it was attacked by another sand bug.

Although he is a half-dead, he will still be killed, and nothing will happen in a short time.

"Give me a little more time." Yi Tianyun stayed on the side and looked at it. He didn't mean to help, but his eyes looked around.

After a while, a huge figure rushed to Yi Tianyun, like a huge tiger, wanting to throw the enemy to the ground!

However, it is not Yi Tianyun, but the Tianjinsha on the edge of Yi Tianyun!

Yi Tianyun did not put Tiansha sand away, but placed it floating outside. In this case, it can stimulate the sand worms to flutter.

Only Yi Tianyun did not intend to attract the sandworms, but to attract opponents!

At the moment when the figure flew up, he quickly put away the golden sands and let the opponents emptied. At this time, it is to see the other side's appearance like a tiger elder!

I didn't expect that this time I was attracted, it was still a big fat sheep! It’s just an enemy, it’s worth it.

"Go!" Yi Tianyun dragged the ancient star, and flew to the side.

"Want to go!?" The tiger hunter was very angry and felt that he was being played. He quickly turned around and went straight to Yi Tianyun. The sand worms intercepted on the way were smashed.

After chasing a distance in a row, the elders of the tigers quickly rotated, and they intercepted them in front of Yi Tianyun and stopped them.

"On this speed, it is still too bad!" Tiger Han Elder's face is gloomy. As a late nine-star supreme, intercepting Yi Tianyun is not difficult.

When the ancient star saw the tiger elders, his face suddenly became white. He did not expect to meet an elder so soon.

It is so vast here, if you want to meet it, the difficulty is still relatively large. In general, they will only come across after finding Tiansha. In general, it will not happen. After all, this kind of beast **** trial will not be a one-time entry to many elders, all coming in one by one.

Not all elders want to attack the position of the beast god. Some feel that they have no management ability, they are not involved in the trial of the beast god; some feel that they are not worthy, they will choose not to participate in the trial of the beast.

As time goes on, more and more elders can't pass this beast test, and the giant beasts can't always have no beasts, so there are other giant orc elders coming in to explore. Helping to explore the trial situation, some trial areas, some elders just quite proficient in similar trials, can help find out, and teach other elders how to get rid of elders.

Over time, the elders of the giant orc family know more, and they have been hand-footed by the eight-year-old ancestors, no matter how they explore, it is meaningless. Unless they are more than eight ancestors, it makes no sense.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will be no other trials. The status of the giant orc family is not strict, and it does not mean disunity. Unless there are great contradictions, they will not fight each other.

But the peace and the aggression, the relationship is really not very good. Both sides are striving to become beast gods. As long as they become beasts, the plans they advocate can be implemented.

The elders of the tigers are obviously aggressors, and even the gods of the eight-yuan ancestors dare to kill!

Nowadays, if you are able to defeat the elders of the tigers, then Yi Tianyun will be more stable in the position of the beast god. The less aggressors disappear, the less against him.

As for the giant beasts that are low, it is not within the scope. This is the situation with a strict status. As long as the above is done, the following giant beasts can only perform.

"Escape, we have no plans to escape." Yi Tianyun put the ancient star on the side, and smiled at the tiger and elders: "To tell the truth, I am waiting for you to come over. I thought it would attract other giants." The orc elders came over, but I didn’t expect you to come over, it really was in line with my heart."

Yi Tianyun fled with the ancient star, purely to escape the scope of the sand worm attack. Now that I have left the range, the sand bugs have disappeared and will not continue to pursue.

The sand worm will not always pursue the end, as long as it escapes to a certain extent, it will automatically disappear.

"So, you want to kill me?" The elders of Huhan looked at him coldly, and the depth of the eyes was full of disdain. A nine-star supreme practitioner talked to himself and determined that his head did not Was kicked?

"Yes, you will kill the **** of the eight-year ancestor, you will die. For other elders, I will not necessarily kill." Yi Tianyun thought of adding a sentence: "The premise is not to resist Too much, otherwise it will be destroyed by me."

"Hahaha, it’s a joke! I didn’t know who escaped so embarrassed last time. If this training is improved, I thought I was invincible?" The elder Tiger Huran sneered and said: "You guys are so arrogant, a little bit of skill I thought I was invincible."

"Is it not like this, will you know if you will?"

Yi Tianyun did not blame, the power of the body erupted instantly, and the unique star of the Chaos Emperor Dragon came out from behind him. The power of horror chaos suddenly enveloped this area.

"The inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon... no wonder." The tiger's elders' eyes have become even colder. This time he finally knows why it has evolved into this. "The eight-year ancestor, still not dying, wants to make us giant." It’s impossible for the orcs to live in harmony with the outside practitioners!"

In the next moment, the elders of the tigers also broke out with all their strength. The power of the late nine-star supreme pressure came out. There was no star law, but it was the power of an amazing behemoth!

The battle of one person and one beast, the arrow is on the string, have to send! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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