Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2496: Messy

Defeating these elders does not mean ending. After all, the beast **** trials are not finished, then it is not a beast, the gap is still quite large.

If you can't try it through the beast, you will face the siege of many behemoths. Especially those who are aggressors will never let Yi Tianyun sit in this position. Sitting on this position, it is equal to their completion.

Preparing for many years of planning, when Yi Tianyun sat on the position of the beast, it basically collapsed. After all, the power of the beast **** is too great, even if they want to plan like this, the beast does not agree, it is meaningless.

Therefore, they will send elders to come in and attack, in addition to the shame of the practitioners coming in, but then you can not let Yi Tianyun become the beast! Especially when I knew that Yi Tianyun was the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon, I could not let him come in to participate in the trial of the beast.

Of course, the elders who now know that he is the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon are the ones in front of him. Those who oppose him are dead, and the rest of them are outside.

There is no one to stop him from advancing, let him continue to participate in the trial of the beast.

After a little preparation, Yi Tianyun flew with the ancient stars and continued to search for Tianshasha. As for the other elders, they are ready to leave here.

They all lost, then they will not continue to participate in the trial of the beast god, let Yi Tianyun participate in the trial. Yi Tianyun can achieve, that is his ability, and vice versa, then kill himself.

Going out will be besieged by the invading behemoths, and they all feel hard. If Yi Tianyun does not become a beast, it is dangerous. Means either success or death!

There are only two options, there is no other choice.

This is their idea. Yi Tianyun does not worry about this at all. If he can't be a beast, he still has a lot of ability to escape. Isn't this a thing that transmits the **** stone? If you look at it, you can easily escape.

"Tianjinsha is in front, waiting for you to prepare for the sandworm." Yi Tianyun said to the ancient star next to it.

"Master, isn't this necessary? There are no other elders here, but also to kill those sand bugs?" The ancient star special smile with a bitter smile.

"Yes, either you are looking for Tianjinsha yourself, or you can kill those sandworms yourself, choose your own." Yi Tianyun's expression is light, there is no room for a little bit of return.

"Well, I chose to kill those sand bugs..." The ancient star recognized it, better than looking for Tianjinsha.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun stretched out his hand and fished it. It was also a golden sand that was pulled out and slowly floated in the air. At this time, the sand worms around, like crazy, rushed to Yi Tianyun.

When the ancient star screamed, they rushed to the sand worms and madly killed the sand worms. However, the more the number of kills, the more the ancient star is still working hard, as long as Yi Tianyun does not give orders, he can't escape.

When the ancient star was severely wounded and almost lost the power of resistance, Yi Tianyun took the ancient star special. After coming to a safe place, throw him directly on the ground and let him recover his injury.

After a while, the ancient stars will come over.

"Master, do you want to abuse me so much that I almost feel like I am going to die." Gu Xing was so sad.

"Do not abuse you, how do you break through to the nine-star supreme?" Yi Tianyun said: "This beast **** trial, you must in this process, give me a breakthrough to the nine-star supreme, or see I do not abuse you!"

He came in with the ancient star, in order to let the ancient star break through, or bring him in? To be powerless, it is a burden.

It is only that he wants to make the ancient star special repair for the promotion, and then he can sit on the position of the elders before he can help him manage this giant orc. How can other peace parties support themselves, but how can they be as trustworthy as oneself?

Therefore, he is going to constantly abuse the ancient star, let him break through to the nine-star supreme, otherwise the position of the elders, sitting up is really not very smooth.

"This is too strong for the beast?" Gu Xingte was crying and sullen: "Even if it is not so forced, I can slowly break through..."

"What I want is that through this trial, you have successfully broken through the nine-star supreme, instead of breaking through later, do you know?" Yi Tianyun glanced at him and said: "Go, continue to the next trial." !"

They got two gold sands, which represents the completion of this trial, and can continue to the next level. This takes a long time, or even a short one.

I have to change to other elders and I don’t know how long I have to look for.

At the same time, the elders of Tianhu have left the beasts to try out. When they go out, many giant beasts have come around and asked about the situation.

The elders of Tianhu said that they had truthfully said that many of the giant orcs had changed their faces one by one, and no one expected that they would be the victory of the Terran practitioners! The key is that they have two elders who have died inside, and they are greatly shocked.

In addition, there is even more news, that is, Yi Tianyun is the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon!

At one time, the mystery was revealed. Why Yi Tianyun was able to obtain the mark of the beast and participate in the trial of the beast god. It turned out that he was the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon! In this case, it is eligible to participate in the trial.

However, this is too sudden. The inheritors of the five-color emperor dragons came in halfway, and they also killed their two elders, and they were more angry.

Fortunately, the elders of Tianhu are telling the truth, and they have to explain the things of the eight-year-old ancestors to the elders of the tigers, and explain them to them. This anger quickly subsided...

If you simply kill, this will definitely cause anger. But now it is not a simple kill, but to punish them with eight yuan ancestors, that is another matter.

Therefore, the situation is that there is no turning to a particularly deteriorating state, and the anger of the beasts has not continued to rise for the time being. What followed was the feeling that after Yi Tianyun really became a beast, what would it evolve here?

"If he becomes a beast, do we have to obey his command?"

"As a beast, we really can only obey orders."

"Impossible, so many elders tried so many times that they couldn't pass the trial. Can he just?"

"Yeah, I think it's impossible, if he doesn't become a beast, he must die!"

There are many giant orc families here, among them there are aggressors, they are red eyes, and the depth of the eyes is full of killing. Once Yi Tianyun does not become a beast, then they will be madly besieged and destroy the evil side of Yi Tianyun, so as to avoid the trouble!

The elders of Tianhu saw a mess in this place, and they sighed deeply. He did not support Yi Tianyun, nor opposed it, and belonged to the neutral category.

However, he feels that he hopes that Yi Tianyun will become a beast god. The current eight-yuan world is really too chaotic...

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