Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2505: Foreign domain practitioner

The deacon of Wuhua renewed their cognition. Originally, they all felt that they could climb up by their own efforts. Now tell them that they are the object of protection? And it has always been the object of protection.

However, from the previous picture, I know a little bit, but I still don’t understand it. Is the other party so powerful?

The deacons of Wuhua saw their inner thoughts, and after glanced at them, they continued to say: "The light cultivators, we are generally referred to as foreign cultivators, they all have remarkable characteristics, that is, the light pattern on the body, the basic I won't admit my mistakes. So when you see them, it's right to kill them without mercy."

"You may be very confused. I feel that this battle is so difficult. I can't take advantage of them forever, isn't it?"

"The answer is this. It feels like two completely different worlds. The other party does not know what purpose it is, and it is insanely encroached. In this upper bound, there are dozens of battlefields, and there are exactly twenty. Five battlefields, and the number of battlefields is gradually increasing!"

"This so-called battlefield is actually the other side's territory. Every time they attack, they will open up a channel to kill, we will kill the past, stay on the other side of the channel, not let the other party come. So we belong to the defense The party has always resisted each other's attacks. Over the years, we have not known how many practitioners have died!"

"But we have to do this. The foreign domain practitioners are very crazy. They simply can't communicate. Basically, they see people killing. There was a battlefield that fell, which led to a group of foreign domain practitioners coming in, and then invaded a city... followed by all the killing! ”

When the deacon of Wuhua said this, his face was full of anger.

Everyone was shocked. In general, it is not uncommon to see such things as massacre. In this world below, there are things happening in the massacre. However, this is quite rare. This kind of thing is too angry and resentful. It is easy to cause some strong people to suppress, so fighting can be, but in general, they will not choose the massacre.

And these intruders are choosing the massacre, which represents the idea that there will be no rule, purely the massacre! Let all the practitioners here be wiped out!

"Wuhan deacons, why do we kill and succumb to the past, do not stay here? This time we will be a big squad, will undoubtedly be much better?" One of the practitioners raised their doubts.

Not only his doubts, but also the doubts of others. They all find it very strange. Why do they kill the past when they open up the battlefield? This is definitely not as good as staying here. It is no doubt that it will be much simpler to deal with all kinds of big battles here.

Especially when it is specially arranged outside the passage, it will be more relaxed. Whoever comes out, who will kill it!

Nowadays, it is rushing in, going to a strange world to guard, it takes more effort, and it is completely unrewarding.

Wu Hao’s deacon suddenly smiled and pointed at him and said: “It’s normal for you to have such an idea. Basically, all the practitioners who come up will feel very strange. Why do you do this. It’s obviously arranged here, compared to there. The layout is much better, after all, this is our home base, isn't it?"

"But do you think we are stupid, why do you do this kind of thankless thing? That is because when the foreign domain practitioners kill, the power will be greatly improved, at least three times more power! This is completely Depending on the situation of the other party, it is even more horrible to come over and absorb the kind of star power."

"I have seen the most horrible, at least the power of more than ten times! Ten times the power, this is still one person. If all kills, there is improvement, how much do you think our losses will be heavy?"

"In the battlefield of the other side, when you hit the normal level, the loss is very big. If they all come up, how much do you think we can resist?"

When the deaf deacons came out, everyone was shocked. This will finally know why they will stay there. If the foreign cultivators flock in, they will break through and improve, and their losses will undoubtedly be greater.

"It turned out to be..."

They will understand this, and the expression is a bit pale, no wonder it will lose so much. It can also be inferred from here that why the other party will madly come in, which has great benefits for them, can enhance their own so much strength, can you not invade and invade here?

"It can be said that we are the two world wars. The other side's combat power is continuous. Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as it is imagined. The other party is not completely united, but also has a civil war. Therefore, they have not joined each other to kill. If all Capture it, then we have already destroyed it..."

The deacon of Wuhua spoke of a heavy fact, and it was a heavy blow to their hearts.

This time they know why they will be sent up, in order to resist these foreign domain practitioners!

"Those foreign cultivators are so strong that they must be able to withstand the nine-star supreme?" Some of them were raised.

"No, the foreign domain practitioners are also weak, and there are some ordinary people. It seems that at present it can be resisted for the time being, so it is not necessary to be too low to repair it. However, it does not rule out that it is necessary to extend the lower repair later. So far, the minimum repair requires the Star Supreme level."

"If the day needs to be repaired lower, it means that the situation has become quite serious. Most of the time is still mandatory, and there will be very little willingness. Even if it is mandatory, after completing the task, it will be If you choose to go back, you don't want to face this endless battle."

The deacon of Wuhua shook his head and sighed.

"So, in the following predecessors, all come up, and then go on after completing the task?" Another cultivator raised doubts.

"It can be said that at least the nine-star supreme mid-level level will be mandatory. But if some talents are better, they will be informed in advance. If you can't get up, then look at your own ideas. Once you reach the mid-term of the Nine Stars, you must come up!"

"If you don't come up, that's death!"

When the deacon of Wuhuan talked about the back, the tone became extremely strict. This kind of extremely group thing, if you don't participate, it's better to kill it.

Everyone breathed a stagnation, but when they came up, they were all obligated. Because of the strength of the other side, even if they were their own forces, they chose the default. They could only come up.

Yi Tianyun listened to his chin on the side, and things were not so simple, and it can be said to be quite complicated! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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