Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2512: Inner circumference

After locking the target, Yi Tianyun went straight to the position of the nine-color giant elephant, and looked around to see if there were any foreign practitioners.

He came to the battlefield on the 10th this time, just want to see how the situation is here, and grab one or two foreign domain practitioners to check the situation.

In the process of flying, his gods were put to the maximum, and suddenly covered a large circle area, and every detail was mastered.

However, there are no foreign cultivators in this area, and some are just some practitioners, looking for treasures on the side. In fact, there are still some treasures here, at most some weeds, and perhaps some of the remaining elixir are not picked, but the basic level is also very poor.

The main area is the periphery, and the peripheral state is basically cleaned up. After all, it is also the safest. The real treasure is in the inner area, but there is a lot of danger there. It can be said that the danger is greatly improved.

However, there is no danger in seeking for wealth and danger. Where can I ask for wealth?

When other practitioners saw him running straight to the inner circumference, they all showed strange eyes. They have seen a lot of people going into the inner circumference, but rarely see a single person entering the inner circumference, especially the repair is not very high!

"Is that guy looking for death, a person going straight to the inner area?"

"There may be a girl who doesn't understand anything, and she rushes directly into the inner circumference."

"This kind of person is not enough to die. I don't bother to pay attention to him. We just turn around in the periphery and then slowly go deeper."


They chose a safer solution, first turning around in the periphery to see if there is any danger. If you are closer to the inner area, there is not much danger, and they will continue to go deeper.

After all, there is only one life, not careful, if you die, then nothing will happen.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun quickly rushed into the inner area. In fact, there is no difference between the inner and outer areas, but the divided areas.

For example, within a million miles, it belongs to the peripheral area. One million miles away is the inner circumference, and the danger of encountering is greatly improved.

Therefore, when Yi Tianyun rushed past, he did not immediately see any danger. A glance at the past, it is to see a forest inside, the nine-color giant elephant is there to face, it can be said that the forest is the site of the nine-color giant elephant!

Whoever is close will be attacked immediately, and it is not difficult to find it. It’s just that the nine-color giant elephant is too strong, not everyone wants to hunt.

Sometimes hunting a monster is not as good as killing a foreigner. Some foreign practitioners carry treasures, which is more profitable.

“Is the nine-color giant elephant in this forest...” Yi Tianyun’s eyes narrowed and stared at the forest in front of him. This forest is also weird. The trees are all colorful. In fact, the colors are different, but the internal attributes are not too Many changes, purely the color is not the same.

Not to say red trees, it is the flame attribute. Moreover, these trees are colorful, is there five or six colors?

This is of course impossible, so strange energy, ordinary trees can not achieve this effect.

Yi Tianyun did not hesitate to drill in, just deepened, suddenly a cold light penetrated from the side, the speed is quite horrible, almost instantaneous, came to the edge of his head!

He quickly reached out and took the cold light directly.


A white smoke rose from the palm of his hand, and when he fixed his eyes, he was holding a sharp arrow in his hand. There is no particularly violent power, nor a very gorgeous explosion, but all the power is concentrated in one point, that is, within this arrow!

This shot contains a blow that is enough to kill the mid-level of the Nine Stars. Especially in the absence of too much precaution, it is easy to be penetrated into the head, the soul is easily blown out!

The most terrible thing is that such a powerful blow is actually only issued by a nine-star supreme pre-existing period.

Yi Tianyun's eyes are condensed, and his feet have already moved quickly, as if they were turned into a string of arrows, the speed is a bit faster than the arrow that came from the shot.

Almost instantaneously, he killed the target area.

When flying over, it was the cultivator of the foreign domain, as seen in the previous image. There is a faint light pattern on the body, and there is not much difference from normal practitioners.

At this time, the foreign cultivator clasped the longbow in his hand and saw Yi Tianyun squatting in front of himself. He did not expect that the opponent directly seized his attack, and he could find his hiding position at a very fast speed!

In the next second, he responded quickly, and the longbow in his hand quickly turned into a machete, and he slammed down to Yi Tianyun. All the powers are gathered to one point and released to Yi Tianyun. The cohesiveness is too strong. Compared with the practitioners here, they must be strong!

Yi Tianyun’s eyes were a bit strange, but the speed of the hand was not slow. He grabbed the cultivator’s arm and let him move. Strong power, even this foreign domain practitioner can't resist.

Follow him to grab the head of the foreign domain practitioners and directly search for the soul! It takes so much effort to catch people, not for the soul. Nothing is more clear than the soul of the search!

After a brain search soul, he pinched the other's head and did not give the other person a chance to breathe.

For light-grain practitioners, there is no need to be merciful. I don’t know how much blood is in the other hand. Especially from the memory, I know that the other side of the killer is not knowing how many.

"Well, it turned out to be like this..." Yi Tianyun nodded, and he could master some of the other languages.

Under normal circumstances, they can't communicate with the language of the foreign domain practitioners, but they are also temporary. If you learn a little, you can master them, and it is not difficult. After all, it’s not a problem to learn a language.

Now Yi Tianyun has searched the soul for the past, and even the language has been learned, and it is easier.

After getting the memory, Yi Tianyun generally knows the scope of this film, and it is much faster than he is slowly exploring.

However, compared to this, Yi Tianyun is even more shocking to the strong state here. They are much more powerful in controlling the energy than the practitioners. It is not at all a level.

"It should be that the energy here is always in a state of chaos, so that they have a very high degree of control in controlling energy..." Yi Tianyun's eyes are condensed, and he can generally judge it.

It is no wonder that the war will be so big. Especially when going to the world of your own, it is even more crazy. Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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