Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2514: Mouth

"Hey, successfully kill the nine-color giant elephant, get 20 million points of star energy, 5,000 killings. Get the hair of the nine-color giant elephant (rare), the sacrum of the nine-color giant elephant (rare), the blood of the nine-color giant elephant ( rare)!"

The information that popped up made Yi Tianyun shine, and the things that this guy burst out were rare. These are more valuable things, but they can be used to create some good treasures.

In essence, there is a real difference between the extra ones, and that is the blood. The rest can be collected from this corpse, so there is no big difference.

"The nine-color giant elephant is really strong. If it is not a sneak attack, it is really impossible to kill it." Yi Tianyun has always liked quick fixes, especially in such strange areas, it is a quick fix. If you attract foreign cultivators, that is not a good thing.

After the settlement, when he had just planned to clean up the mess and put the body of the nine-color giant elephant back, he suddenly screamed behind him.

"The nine-color giant elephant is dead?"

Soon the three figures came out of the forest, and when they saw the bodies of the nine-color giant elephant, they were all stupid.

Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked at it. He found that Qin Hao and his companions had come over. It is obvious that this guy has long been eyeing the nine-color giant elephant, and knows where it is, so it is to find someone to come and deal with it.

"Looking for a new person?" Yi Tianyun squinted at the low-educated person on the side, and the repair was really not high. Only the nine-star supreme was repaired in the early stage.

In fact, this repair is really more general, there are so many nine-star supreme mid-terms, or late-level practitioners, strong not looking for, but to find a repair is low, there must be problems.

After he finished, he collected the bodies of the nine-color giant elephant and ignored them. He turned and left.

"What are you doing, put down the body of the nine-color giant elephant!" Qin Yujiu screamed and told Yi Tianyun to stop.

"Why are you releasing the body of the nine-color giant elephant?" Yi Tianyun glanced at him indifferently. "You want to grab my things?"

"What grabs your stuff, see you have a share!"

"Jokes, a good one has a share. This nine-color giant elephant but I killed, but also have a share, is this a joke? According to this truth, you do not look at the stars to kill the monster, Or after killing the strong, when you divide the treasure, go up and say a word to see someone who has a try?" Yi Tianyun expression is light.

"The nine-color giant elephant is what you killed?" Qin Yujiu suddenly laughed: "It's really a joke, and it's a bit tricky to lie. The nine-color giant elephant has a nine-star supreme late repair, you are just a pre-repair. Tell me to kill the nine-color giant elephant? And you are about the same time as we left, that is, in a short period of time, you killed the nine-color giant elephant? This is impossible!"

"It must be that the nine-color giant elephant provoked a strong man, and then was killed by the strong man, and the body was thrown here and you got a cheaper!"

The analysis of the Qin dynasty and the nine priests is well-founded. It is really a bit of a truth. The two companions next to them nod. They will believe that it is Yi Tianyun’s killing?

"It's a joke, you can't do it, it doesn't mean that no one else can do it." Yi Tianyun shook his head and said indifferently: "I am too lazy to talk to you about anything, love or not."

Throw a word, he went to the forest. But without a few steps, Qin Yujiu quickly flew over and intercepted him in front of him. He shouted: "Leave a nine-color giant elephant, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

Qin Yu Jiu Zun released the late nine-star supreme level, and wanted to use this momentum to scare Yi Tianyun.

Not only the Qin dynasty, but even the other two companions are surrounded. They didn't want to let go of Yi Tianyun, and finally came over, but they watched the nine-color giant elephant being taken away by Yi Tianyun. How can the heart be willing?

"I said last time, the nine-color giant elephant is what I killed. If you dare to stop me, you will want to **** my things. If you **** my things, don't blame me, you are welcome!" Yi Tianyun showed a few kills in his eyes. It is undeniable that the enemy should be united at the moment.

Can face this idiot, Yi Tianyun feels that it is necessary to clean up, especially dare to grab their own things?

"Jokes, I want to see, how can you take me!" Qin Yujiu did not believe, Yi Tianyun was able to kill the nine-color giant elephant.

After talking about the Qin dynasty, he is reaching out and grabbing it from Yi Tianyun. He wants to hold Yi Tianyun.

But this didn't catch it. Yi Tianyun's flying body was a heavy slap in the past. "Boom", Qin Yujiu was kicked out by a kick, and the body exploded directly into a **** fog, but Qin Yujiu Respect is not dead, but under this foot, it is seriously injured!

"what happened……"

The two companions who were next to each other shouted in horror, and one of them quickly ran over and helped the Qin dynasty. At this time, the body of Qin Yujiu’s body quickly recovered, but it was still weak.

If it weren’t for Yi Tianyun’s feet, the Qin dynasty would definitely die!

"I miss you in the same camp, forgive you a life. I hope that you will remember for a long time, don't judge your eyes with your eyes!" Yi Tianyun glanced at them coldly, and Qin Qin nine faces with horror and It was miserable. When I met Yi Tianyun’s gaze, I hurriedly bowed my head and didn’t dare to look at it.

When Yi Tianyun left, they no longer dared to stop. The body of the Qin Emperor, who was still shivering, still did not slow down from the fear. He had never been so close to death.

Although he was born and died many times before, he was never so scared. He died a little bit.

"He, how could he be so strong?" Qin Yujiu looked at the direction of Yi Tianyun's departure. He gnashed his teeth and said: "This is impossible. It is only the nine-star supreme pre-repair, why the power that broke out is later than the nine-star supreme Still horrible?"

"Big Brother, what do we do now?" asked the companion next to him.

"What can I do? This guy dares to hurt me. When he meets him next time, he must revenge!" Qin Yujiu’s eyes are full of grievances. He is not the kind of person who does not avenge himself.

"Yes, it must be revenge! Dare to provoke our two brothers, even if he is good, he can still slay him..."

The voice did not fall, and a figure of one foot stepped down. "Boom", this companion directly turned into a mud of mud, and he could not die any more.

"I hope that when you say this next time, please wait for me to stay away and say, okay?"

It’s not others, it’s Yi Tianyun who disappeared into the forest.

Qin Hao nine face a pumping, Yi Tianyun did not go far! ?

(End of this chapter)

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