Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2516: Being guarded

According to the transmission array, Yi Tianyun was quickly transferred to the Yanlong Hall. The halls here are all in all directions, and you can reach any other hall from any one of the halls.

This means that you can go to any hall in the shortest possible time! All of this is to quickly support the battlefield halls. If a battlefield hall is broken, it will quickly support.

At that time, regardless of any casualties, it is necessary to resist the level of invasion by foreign enemies, which means the highest level of war. Regardless of the loss, they must stop the other party, otherwise they will usher in the worst loss.

After all, the other side killed, it means a substantial increase in strength. Killing a nine-star Supreme late, you will be able to top seven or eight more nine-star supreme late strong, as well as the ten-star supreme.

If the Emperor of the Stars kills, or if the Emperor is killed, it will be even more horrible, and even can be said to be desperate!

When I came to the hall of Yanlong, I was quickly intercepted by the guard. After checking the token, I confirmed the identity before letting him in.

Although these halls can be transmitted at will, it does not mean that they can enter at will. There will still be guards outside the gate to check their identity at any time. Yi Tianyun's token is marked with a single star, and can meet in accordance with the standard.

After entering, it was scattered and scattered to see more than a dozen young practitioners, talking to each other in the hall, words, and even expressions, have their own arrogance.

Yi Tianyun’s eyes swept away. These younger generations are not young according to their age. However, according to the repairs, it is a very young generation.

And these dozens of practitioners are the owners of the unique star law, that is, the single star!

There are very few unique stars in the following. Yi Tianyun only saw two of them long ago, and one of them was killed by himself. The rest have not been seen before, enough to see how rare this is.

Nowadays, I have seen more than a dozen people here, and the number has rapidly increased. This is still new. If you count the older generation, you are afraid that you will have more owners of the unique stars.

In fact, this is not surprising. This is the upper bound of the rallies of all regional powerhouses. The situation is naturally different. Originally, there is a group of unique stars, and there is a large number of existences.

No one is sure about this number, but Yi Tianyun guesses that there will be at least a few hundred or more levels, even thousands. This seems to be a lot, and if it can be converted, it will be pitiful.

Among the trillions of cultivators and even hundreds of thousands of trillions of cultivators, there are only thousands of unique stars and law owners, and that is still quite a pity?

Fortunately, these single stars can be recreated, that is, after death, their star law will be re-owned by other practitioners, so as long as they meet the standards, they can have a unique star law.

This means that one person will not die, and this unique star law will no longer appear. If it really dies, it won’t happen again, it’s too bad.

It is precisely because of this that it will not be taken seriously when the repair is relatively low. Yi Tianyun is one of them, no exceptions.

The five-color emperor dragon is very powerful, but it is one of the unique stars, how can it give extra special care? Like the treatment of other unique stars, the Stars Supreme will be recruited.

Therefore, many of the geniuses here are cultivated as the Star Supreme level, and some are slightly more powerful is the late Star Supreme. And these late-level stars are supreme, which is not arrogant.

"Ning Yu Supreme, how can your cultivation have a late stage of the Star Supreme? In general, isn't it a breakthrough to the Star Supreme, will it be immediately recruited?"

The practitioners next to them are very curious about this. How do they compare so much between them?

"This is a long story. I will not know if I will come down to recruit. I went to a restricted area and learned to come back. I broke through. It’s also awkward, let the grownman wait for me for decades. ...... "Ning Yu's supreme face is full of color, but in fact the eyes are full of pride, the focus of the words, and soon people will hear it.

"Ning Yu Supreme, what do you mean by saying that after practicing for decades, from the early stage of the Star Supreme to the breakthrough to the late stage? This time is too short?"

Others have exclaimed, and in a few decades, they can leap from the early stage to the late stage. This is really not too small.

"Fortunately, there is a little chance in the restricted area, let me break through." Ning Yu is proud of his face, so that others are very envious.

Although it is an opportunity, it is also an opportunity that can be obtained. If they cultivate to this level, who does not know the opportunity is rare! Especially the restricted area, it doesn't sound simple.

"That is also the ability to be supreme!"

The people next to them praised each other and touted each other a few words. How do you say these are unique stars? It is still possible to exchange a few words with each other.

Of course, there are still more touts. They are all single stars, have their own arrogance, and more are full of fighting spirit! No one is convinced, even if it is a big lead, I still hope that I can surpass it!

Yi Tianyun faintly looked at this Ning Yu Supreme, but he liked the flattery of others, fearing that he did not get the flattery under his hand.

When he walked over at random, Ning Hao Supreme, they all looked over, looked up and down Yi Tianyun, did not say anything more, they did not think that Yi Tianyun was a single star, and thought that Yi Tianyun was the guard who came over. some type of.

After all, when they came in, they saw that many guards were nine-star supreme.

If Yi Tianyun is a single star, they simply don't believe it. If they break through to the Star Supreme, they will be recruited immediately. How can there be a nine-star supreme repair? Unless you have been stuck below.

Yi Tianyun did not say anything, just stood on the side, because it stood a little bit more, it looked like a guard.

"Guarding the big brother, I don't know if the temper of Long Yan Xing is good?" At this time, a girl asked Yi Tianyun, and really used Yi Tianyun as a guard.

Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "I don't know his temper well."

"Yes, that guards the big brother, are you familiar with the environment here, can you take me around at the time?" The girl asked very affectionately.

"Well, this... I am not too familiar with this." Yi Tianyun shrugged, and he was not really guarding. He was familiar with it.

"That way... that's embarrassing, it's me rude." The girl was very polite.

"Nothing." Yi Tianyun smiled and thought that this girl had no shelf, and no other independent star is so proud.

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