Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2521: team

Yi Tianyun saw that only three people supported themselves and did not feel depressed. It would be better if only one person supported himself.

As for no one to support himself, it is not awkward, but he can't become a captain, but he has to act with a group of people, which is undoubtedly more troublesome.

Now that only three people support themselves, Yi Tianyun feels that he can accept it. If there are one or two fewer people, it would be better. Or it’s better to say that you are supreme and your own.

He is not very familiar with the Supreme Supreme, but according to the initial understanding, she feels that she is still credible. Before I knew it before, I was so respectful to a guard, and the character would definitely not go bad.

In this case, Supreme is still trustworthy.

Ning Yu Supreme is first and foremost surprised, and then reveals a proud expression, but also can not help but to Yi Tianyun smug to raise his head, as if to show off that there are so many people support. On the contrary, Yi Tianyun, the supporters are pitiful.

When Emperor Long Yanxing saw this situation, he shook his head and felt that it was Yi Tianyun’s own tricks. This has led to a significant drop in the support rate, and if it is not proposed, this will certainly not happen.

"I hope that he will be able to remember for a long time. It is always a way to act alone." Long Yanxing does not think that acting alone is good. Even if they are, they are all a large number of actions, which is good for themselves. .

Even if there is any danger, people can be evacuated and the situation here can be conveyed back instead of being helpless.

"Okay, this is your own choice. As the captain of the two of you, you are obliged to take them together, and you must unite, there must be no betrayal!" Long Yan Xing looked at them and said: " In those days, you first know each other and settle the situation of each other. After a few days, you will start to arrange tasks. This task is not simple, not only to annihilate foreign cultivators, but also to test your teamwork ability. !"

"If the ability is up to standard, then you can carry out the next big task. If both tasks are perfect, then you can use the points to redeem the number of days. First, I declare that it is perfect, not simple. Finish, if there is any situation with the teammates, or if you have a problem with your own judgment, then it will not be perfect!"

"So you want to choose to avoid the war, or if you leave here, you need to complete a large task. Otherwise you will have to go on until you complete a perfect mission! Of course, if you can't finish it all the time, we will still understand you. of."

"I will give you extra time off, but you can't go back to your power!"

The requirements put forward by Emperor Long Yan Xing are very demanding. It is no wonder that they will be able to come back for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. You need a perfect task to be able to rest.

They don't know how many of these single stars will go down to avoid the war, so they can only be mandatory. So how can the excellent combat power be wasted.

The stronger the power, the greater the responsibility! If they are not single stars, they will certainly not be so strict. I really can't stand it, I can abolish the law of the stars and become an ordinary person. It will definitely not be so severe at that time. It was only then that it was no longer a genius, and no one would go to worship.

This kind of gap must be no one can accept. But this is the reality, who makes them have a unique star law? There is no upper bound, they are really not even a chance to be born.

After the announcement of the Longyan Xingdi, he turned and left, without saying a word. But soon, they will meet again. According to the current situation, Long Yanxing must be their protector.

They are all entering the battlefield. It is impossible to protect them without strong protection. Therefore, Long Yan Xingdi is a protector and a guide.

"Thank you for choosing to support me. Since you choose to follow me, I will be responsible for you. The rest of the nonsense is not much to say. Generally speaking, eat spicy and spicy together! As long as you don't betray me, I will be responsible for the end. "Yi Tianyun usually seldom promises, since in this case, they all choose themselves, then he will be responsible.

"Spice and spicy?" 琯琯 Supreme couldn't help but laugh out loud. This is really popular enough. As a nine-star supreme, can this kind of joke be opened?

"Well, start to introduce yourself." Yi Tianyun told them to introduce themselves, so I can get to know each other.

"I am supreme, it is from the Star of the Stars, the previous situation is not much to say." 琯琯 Supreme simply introduce yourself.

"I am the Supreme Emperor, it is from the sky star." The silkworm supreme expression is relatively indifferent, it seems that it is not a good feeling for Yi Tianyun, afraid that it is the character.

"I am the Supreme God, it is from the dream flying star..." When I was introduced to the Supreme God, I was a bit embarrassed and estimated to be a bit embarrassed about my name.

Before he changed, he still had nothing. The main reason is that there are too few strong people. In this case, there is still no problem with this title. It is worthy of such a name.

I just didn’t say it before, but now the land is strong, it really makes him feel embarrassed.

The other two looked at him deeply and knew the reason.

Yi Tianyun smiled lightly: "Can you tell me why you chose me as the captain? You don't think that it is better to be supreme."

"I am closer to you, too lazy to choose something, anyway, it is not bad." Tianshen Supreme expression is indifferent, so faintly back.

Yi Tianyun was shocked, this reason is really powerful enough, that is, closer to Yi Tianyun, just standing next to it? Is this determined to be responsible for the behavior?

When you think about it carefully, the Sericulture Supreme is really standing not far away from you. Just like this, you will stand behind you.

"I think that even if you like to be alone, but there is strength, there is no problem. As for the supreme Supreme, I don't like his character." The God of Supreme explained.

"I think the captain you look more intimate, so I just came over..." 琯琯 Supreme is not very embarrassed to explain.

The reason for the three of them is really amazing. It sounds like it’s not responsible. Only the Supreme God of Supreme has a little bit of meaning, the reason for the other two is more general.

Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't matter: "Well, what reason is good. If you follow me, you will not treat you badly."

Yi Tianyun thinks that this can only be done. It is not bad to form a small team with the three of them...

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